» Courses
Winter Semester 2018/19:
- Seminar Aristotle's Physics at the Institute of Philosophy, TU Braunschweig.
- Seminar Formal Logic at the Institute of Philosophy, TU Braunschweig.
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Lecture and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin: Mathematics for Media Computer Scientists, contents: linear Algebra, Principal axis theorem, curves in the plane and in the space, arc length and surface, Numerical Mathematics, interpolation, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
- Lecture and exercise course at the TH Wildau: Informatics for Industrail Engineering, contents: Information Technology and Digital Technology, coding, OSI-Model, database (SQL), introduction to programming with VBA.
Summer Semester 2018:
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Lecture and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin: Mathematics for Media Computer Scientists, contents: linear Algebra, Principal axis theorem, curves in the plane and in the space, arc length and surface, Numerical Mathematics, interpolation, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
- Seminar Sustainability (Philosophy of Economics)
- Seminar Electric Power Markets
- Seminar Energy Informatics Computer Based Processing of Energy Data, programming course for energy data (R, GAMS, Matlab)
Winter Semester 2017/18:
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Lecture and Exercise Course at the HTW in Berlin: Mathematics for Media Computer Scientists, contents: linear Algebra, Principal axis theorem, curves in the plane and in the space, arc length and surface, Numerical Mathematics, interpolation, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
- Seminar Philosophy of Economics
- Seminar Electric Power Markets
Summer Semester 2017:
- Comptuer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Lecture and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin: Mathematics for Media Computer Scientists, contents: linear Algebra, Principal axis theorem, curves in the plane and in the space, arc length and surface, Numerical Mathematics, interpolation, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform.
- Tutorial for the lecture Network Based Energy, i.a. Operation Research and KKT for optimal dispatch and optimal flow, cost accounting.
- Seminar Energy Policy
Winter Semester 2016/17:
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Lecture and excercise cours at the HTW: Lineare Programming and Operation Research, contents: Convex polyhedra, Duality, Simplex Algorithm, Application.
- Seminar Energy Policy
Summer Semester 2016:
- Computer Course and Exercise Course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Lecture and Exercise Course at the HTW in Berlin: Mathematics for Media Computer Scientists, Contents: linear Algebra, Principal axis theorem, curves in the plane and in the space, arc length and surface, Numerical Mathematics, interpolation, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform..
- Tutorial for the lecture Network Based Energy, i.a. Operation Research and KKT for optimal dispatch and optimal flow, cost accounting.
- Seminar Energy Policy
Winter Semester 2015/16:
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Seminar Energy Policy
Summer Semester 2015:
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Seminar Energy Policy
Winter Semester 2014/15:
- Computer course and exercise course at the HTW in Berlin Statistics, Stochastics and Scientific Computing, Introduction to Octave.
- Tutorial for the lecture Network Based Energy, i.a. Operation Research and KKT for optimale Dispatch and optimal Flow, cost accounting.
- Seminar Energy Policy
08/2012 to 10/2014:
Teacher for Mathematics, Natural Science, Socical Science and Philosophy at the Lindenschule in Oranienburg, i.a. Class Teacher.
01/2011 to 07/2012:
Lecturer for Mathematics and Physics at SALO AG Beruf und Bildung, rehabilitaton measure for youth, autistics and illiterates.
Winter Semester 2010/11:
Introduction to Theory of Metaphor with Prof. Dr. Schwemmer, Humboldt University zu Berlin, Philosophy.