Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig


Profilbild Bettina Wahrig

Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig studied medicine and philosophy in Marburg. She worked as a freelance researcher in Florence and as a research assistant and assistant lecturer in the Institute of the History of Medicine and Science in Lübeck. Since 1997 she is the professor of the history of pharmacy and science in the Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Guest researcher in the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and the university of Strasbourg.

Research Focus:

  • Scientific and cultural history of poison
  • History of toxicology, history of healthcare
  • Metaphorology and history of science
  • Medicines and gender from a historical perspective

Current research projects:

  • Materialities of knowledge in/between Europe and East Asia (cooperatively funded by MOST and DFG) (concluded)
  • Precarious Identities: Poison and Poisoning in Science and Film in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Heike Klippel, HBK (funded by the DFG) (concluded)
