Collection of historical drugs

Collection of historical drugs

Bild aus der Sammlung Schneider

Wolfgang Schneider (1912-2007) founded the seminar in the history of pharmacy, which became the current Department of the History of Science and Pharmacy of the TU Braunschweig. He also created a unique collection on the history of pharmaceuticals. Schneider was less interested in storage vessels, which are normally the focus of this kind of collection, but in their contents. His research projects focused on the production of pharmaceuticals during the early modern period and the 19th century. His collection includes more than 900 inventoried specimen jars and many pharmaceutical preparations, which originate from 19th century pharmacognostic collections. It also contains some preparations or vessels with the first synthetic pharmaceuticals of the 20th century. Together with the historical and reconstructed devices, a herbarium from the 20th century and a pharmacognostic collection of the "Drogistenakademie", the "Schneider collection" offers an insight into four centuries of pharmaceutical history.


Bild aus der Sammlung Schneider

Wolfgang Schneider (1912-2007) founded the seminar in the history of pharmacy, which became the current Department of the History of Science and Pharmacy of the TU Braunschweig. He also created a unique collection on the history of pharmaceuticals. Schneider was less interested in storage vessels, which are normally the focus of this kind of collection, but in their contents. His research projects focused on the production of pharmaceuticals during the early modern period and the 19th century. His collection includes more than 900 inventoried specimen jars and many pharmaceutical preparations, which originate from 19th century pharmacognostic collections. It also contains some preparations or vessels with the first synthetic pharmaceuticals of the 20th century. Together with the historical and reconstructed devices, a herbarium from the 20th century and a pharmacognostic collection of the "Drogistenakademie", the "Schneider collection" offers an insight into four centuries of pharmaceutical history.

A small selection of objects is exhibited in the "Alchemie-Labor" (alchemy laboratory) of the department. It is used for teaching and is open to visits from the interested public upon request.

The "Schneider Collection" is catalogued by the Hermann von Helmholtz-Centre for Cultural Techniques and is supported by the German Research Foundation.

The collection displays can be visited after an appointment.