The basic lab in physical chemistry is designed for second year students of chemistry. We will teach the lab (6 credit points) and the corresponding lab seminar (1 credit point) in English upon request.
For further information please contact us via phys-chem-prak(at)
The advanced lab in physical chemistry (14 credit points) is designed for third year students of chemistry. It consists of
+ two lab experiments: »Dynamic electrochemistry« and »Spectroscopy« and
+ a two-week research project .
We will teach the lab in English upon request.
For further information please contact Christof Maul via electronic mail.
Upon completion of the research labs A and B you will be awarded 14 credit points each.
+ For specialization in "Biophysical Chemistry"
1) three state of the art lab experiments in modern physical chemistry and
2) participation in the scientific physical chemistry colloquia and
3a) three more state of the art lab experiments in modern physical chemistry or
3b) a three-week programming project (e.g. using Python or LabView) or
3c) a three-week lab project in one of our research groups,
1) a six-week research project in one of our research groups and
2) a presentation of the results in the research lab seminar.
To register contact Christof Maul via e-mail.
+ For specialization in "Chemistry of Energy Conversion" please consult the respective supervisor.
Research Groups
Bauerecker Group
Hohm Group
Jacob Group
Maul Group
Proppe Group
Tschierlei Group
Walla Group
Associated Groups
Muñoz Group (GRS)
Becker Group
Gericke Group
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Agnes Pockels lab
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