Stellenticket and Jobicco

Job and internship offers from non-university employers


Short-term and temporary jobs from external job providers


Trainee, internship, graduate, doctoral positions, as well as working student positions

Stellenticket GmbH

Stellenticket TU Braunschweig is the portal for all offers with academic requirements. Here you will find internships, theses, positions for working students, positions for graduates, doctoral positions, career events, scholarship programs and profiles of employers. The target group are students, graduates and alumni of the TU Braunschweig. In the Stellenticket TU Braunschweig you will find regional, national and international offers.

Jobicco supports students in earning money alongside their studies without academic requirements. In addition to these short-term and long-term temporary jobs, Jobicco also offers qualified short-term jobs lasting up to 7 days and private inquiries for tutoring (trade fairs, service, sales, logistics, etc.). All offers come from the Braunschweig region. The job advertisements that can be published via Jobicco are free of charge.

Employers do the following:

job ticket

1. Register at
2. An e-mail with access data and the customer number is automatically sent to the specified e-mail address.
3. Log in and go to "Ticketshop" in your account. Information on the categories and prices can be found here.
4. Go to "Editing : New Draft" in your account to create and publish your job offer.


1. On the start page, click on the green button "Place a job".
2. Read the information and fill out the form.
3. Check your email account.
4. Stellenticket GmbH checks your job advertisement and publishes it free of charge.