Large-scale, discrete optimization problems are in several cases key to sustainable and energy efficient solutions, in particular, on a larger system level. On the other hand, many relevant problems are of high complexity. Thus, large-scale instances cannot be solved with off-the-shelf methods and solvers. This often leads to the use of heuristics, thereby jeopardizing quality of the solution and control over this quality. In contrast, large-scale exact methods like Benders decomposition and column generation allow to preserve a rigid orientation towards an optimum, offer control of the quality of the solution and regularly lead to superior results. On the down side, it is demanding to apply these general ideas to specific problems and implement the tailored methods. This workshop is aimed to disseminate progress made within SE2A for such methods and facilitate an interdisciplinary exchange of problems and methods to ensure leading methodology is developed and used for sustainability and energy efficiency in aviation.
10:00 J.-C. Resch Benders Decomposition for Fleet Planning
10:35 T. Niemann Column Generation for Large Scale Planning Problems
11:10 C. Hansknecht Column Generation @Work - A Hands-on Example
12:00 -- Lunch Break --
14:00 J. Broihan Ein Branch-and-Price Algorithmus zur Planung dynamisch induktiver Ladeinfrastrukturen auf Flughafenvorfeldern
14:35 I. Nozinski Ein Branch-and-Benders-Cut Algorithmus zur Planung dynamisch induktiver Ladeinfrastrukturen auf Flughafenvorfeldern
If you are interested in the slides of the talks, please contact Sebastian Stiller.