Within Mobilise, hybrid lightweight design, investigated at the Open Hybrid LabFactory e. V. (OHLF), is one of the focuses. The development of sophisticated simulation tools for the design and evaluation of manufacturing processes, process chains and factories is a key challenge for the production of functional multi-material components. Therefore, the junior research group "simulation methods for the manufacturing and process chain design of hybrid components" is located at the OHLF, linking the competences of the participating institutions.
The objective of the research group is the implementation of an innovative, multi-scale simulation environment that combines different individual models. This coupling enables an integrated product view by using process and process chain simulations to address technological, economic and ecological research questions.
Within the OHLF, mainly hybrid forming and injection moulding processes are investigated, where we evaluate process and machine data. In addition, state-of-the art simulation methods (e.g. by finite elements) are established for the manufacturing processes. The comparison of real and virtual components as well as the evaluation of process and machine data leads to an optimisation of simulation and process. This leads to an improved virtual and data based process validation.
For the virtual design of hybrid components it is mandatory, to take into account the microstructure due the manufacturing. Mapping the results of the process simulation onto the structural part leads to a detailed and accurate description for the stress analysis. Hence, the structural design of the component and the process design can be optimised iteratively.
In terms of a multi-scale approach, the process chain simulation follows the process simulation. The process chain model describes the interaction between different machines and corresponding processes. The process chain simulation aims the machine operation in order to determine its availability, its state variables and key performance indicators. Furthermore, it enables to capture the flow of product units and the evolution of product attributes as well as to investigate the influence of different types of products on e.g. the operation grade or the energy required.
In addition to the simulation method used for the process design, we carry out process data acquisition and data analytics to enable a transparent documentation of the correlations between process/machine data and the components performance. The integration into the Life Cycle Design & Engineering Lab provides also an interactive work environment for linking the results of the coupled process and structure simulation with real process data. Thus, we are able to optimise and adjust processes, process chains, machines and component properties in the overall factory context.
AiF-IGF: Integrierte Prozesssimulation von Thermoformen und Spritzguss, in cooperation with IFUM, LUH, running since 01.02.19.