All information can be found on the respective Stud.IP webpage. Please register there!
Programming Langauge
- The programming language will be Python.
- Lecture: thursdays, 1:15pm - 2:45pm, Room UP 2.513 (Forumsgebäude, Universitätsplatz 2). Courses start on Thursday, 04.11.2021.
- Exercises / Mentoring: mondays 9:45am - 11:15am and tuesdays 9:45am - 11:15am, Room UP 2.617 (CIP Pool, Forumsgebäude, Universitätsplatz 2).
Classroom Courses
- As long as possible, the course will be given on-site (not online!)
- Attendance is only possible by a proof of your 3G status (vaccinated, recovered, or negatively tested). General information can be found here.
- To prove your 3G status, the web application Intake is being used. It is necessary to register and obtain a QR code, as well as to verify your status at a check-in terminal. For further information, please visit this site. Please read the information on this site carefully and follow the instructions!
Exercise Sheets
- You can find the exercise sheets in Stud.IP.
Course Certificate ("Scheinkriterien")
- Successful completion of all (!) programming tasks.
- Successful presentation of the developed code.