Till Branß, M.Sc.

Till Branß, M.Sc.

Research Associate

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0288-9611

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources
Division of Hydraulic Engineering and River Morphology

Beethovenstraße 51a
38106 Braunschweig
Room 608

+49 (0) 531 391 3973

Activities and Research interests

  • Management of the LWI-laboratory
  • Physical modelling
  • Instrumentation
  • Fluvial morphodynamics
    • Floodplain - main channel interaction
    • Fluvial levees
    • Dunes
    • Alternate bars



  • Branß, T.;Aberle,J. (2023) "Alternierende Bänke im Bereich der Elbe-Reststrecke." Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft (16) 9, 594-599.

  • Branß, T.; Aberle, J.; Hentschel, B. (2023) "Impacts on alternate bar geometry and dynamics in a trained sand bed river." Frontiers in Water 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2022.1091872

  • Innocenti, L.; Branß, T.; Zaid, B.; Aberle, J.; Solari, L. (2022) "Characterization of trajectories and drag coefficients of large wood in sharp river bends from flume experiments." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5516

  • Branß, T.; Núñez González, F.; Aberle, J. (2022) " Fluvial levees in compound channels – A review on formation processes and the impact of bedforms and vegetation." Environmental Fluid Mechanics 22, 559–585. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-022-09850-9

  • Branß, T.; Aberle, J. (2022) "Combined effect of mobile bed and floodplain edge vegetation on compound channel conveyance." Journal of Hydraulic Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2022.2041498

  • Aberle, J.; Branß, T.; Eikenberg, R.; Henry, P.-Y.; Olsen, N.R.B. (2022) Directional dependency of flow resistance in an unlined rock blasted hydropower tunnel. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 60(3), 504-513.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2021.2001596

  • Aberle, J.; Eikenberg, R.; Branß, T.; Perre-Yves, H. (2021) On the Production and Accuracy of CNC-Manufactured Hydraulic Scale Models. Water 13(7), 916; doi.org/10.3390/w13070916

  • Stamm, J.; Dittrich, A.; Spänhoff, B.; Berendonk, T. Bilinski, W.; Branß, T.; Ettmer, B.; Haase, U.; Hirschfeld, J.; Lindow, M.; Mietz, S.; Müller, N.; Orlik, S.; Richter, L.; Sagebiel, J.; Stengert, M.; Stratmann, L.; Seidel, M.; Worischka, S.; Lüderitz, V. (2017) Lösungen für ein regionales ökologisches Hochwasserrisikomanagement und eine naturnahe Gewässerentwicklung. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 4:229-237. doi.org/10.3243/kwe2017.04.006

Conference Proceedings

  • Aberle, J.; Eikenberg, R.; Branß, T.; Navaratnam, C.U.; Henry, P.; Olsen, N. (2022) Hydraulic resistance of unlined rock blasted tunnels – insights from scale model
    studies. Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress https://doi.org/10.3850/IAHR-39WC252171192022854
  • Branß,T., Aberle,J. (2022) Free alternate bars in a German sand bed river, RiverFlow 2022
  • Kopmann, R.; Sokol, N.; Branß, T.; Aberle, J. (2020) Simulation of natural levee laboratory experiments with TELEMAC-2D/SISYPHE. Online proceedings of the papers submitted to the 2020 TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference October 2020.
  • Branß,T., Aberle, J., Núñez González, F. (2020) Influence of bed forms on stage discharge relations in compound channels , RiverFlow 2020
  • Branß, T., Núñez González, A., Aberle, J. (2019) Estimation of bedload by tracking supply-limited bedforms, MARID VI 2019, ISBN: 978-2-11-139488-9
  • Branß, T., Núñez González, F., Dittrich, A., Aberle, J. (2018) A flume study to investigate the contribution of main-channel bedforms on levee formation, RiverFlow 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20184002018
  • Branß, T., Dittrich, A., Núñez González, F. (2016). Reproducing natural levee formation in an experimental flume, RiverFlow 2016, DOI:10.1201/9781315644479-178
  • Branß, T., Dittrich, A. (2016) Erzeugung von Rehnen: Eine experimentelle Studie, 39. Dresdener Wasserbaukolloquium


since 2023 Lab engineer of the LWI-Laboratory
2015 - 2023 Research associate at Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau, Div. Hydraulic Engineering and River Morphology
2013 - 2015 Student assistant at Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau, Div. Hydraulic Engineering and River Morphology
2009 - 2015 B.Sc. and M.Sc. in environmental engineering at TU Braunschweig