since 2008: Researcher and professor (project manager and project-coordinator) at the Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering (LWI), Dept. Hydrology, Water Management and Water Protection.
since 2006: Honorary professor Leuphana University Lüneburg.
Member of German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA).
Member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (iah-aih).
Menber of the professorate the Departemts Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences.
since 2001: Adjunct professor (venia legendi: Geoecology/Hydrology).
Consulting Hydrology and Water engineering (HMS Engineering Office).
1985-2008: Research assistant, Institute of Geoecology.
Regional Groundwater Modeling (Feflow, d3f++), e.g. calculation of multispecies contaminant transport (GRK 802; PhD-public: e.g. Rossi, Helmholz, Fatichi; Central Mexico, DAAD), PhD-Student Pina Nicoletta De Cicco - Univ. Degli Studi Firenze (Insights into the process of wood accumulation at bridge piers).
Research focus: hydrological and hydraulic boundaries of sedimentology aquifers, numerical modelling of density-driven flow.
Academic advisor of PhD-Student: M.Sc. Malte Eley (Anpassungsstrategien für bewirtschaftete Küstenaquifere im klimatischen und sozioökonomischen Wandel), Giulio Calvani (On the interactions between vegetation and river morphodynamics - Experimental and field investigations on uprooting of riparian vegetation).
Central Mexico, FFM-DAAD, partners in San Luis Potosí (sustainable urban water management): UNAM, Cotas Acuifero del Valle de San Luis Potosi, VW de Mexico Puebla (Industrial Water Management, DAAD), 2006 - 2008.
Field laboratory (e.g. Schöniger, H.M. (2013-2019): Grundwasserhydrologische Untersuchungen (Teil 2) im Betontechnologisch-grundwasserhydrologischen Gutachten zur Trasse Leerrohrbauwerk, Norderney, unveröffentlicht; Groundwater hydrological research (part 2) in concrete technology - groundwater hydrological study of power line Leerrohrbauwerk, Norderney, Technical Report unpublished (Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung (HGÜ), HVDC connection - offshore wind farm).
The object of this report (part 2) is to present a recent study about aspects of leaching from a water saturated fresh lean concrete structure of an underground high‐voltage cable tray towards soil and groundwater. The spreading of the environmentally relevant substance in the underground of the nature reserve (Proposed Sites of Community Interest = FFH‐area) was modeled with a numerical groundwater model. The substance emission are suspected of destroying the dunes vegetation and hence the ecosystem service. Abstract submitted by 11th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering (ICHE), Title: "Hydro‐Engineering for Environmental Challenges" 2014 Calculation of emissions and transport of elements from lean concrete around underground highvoltage power line routes.Calculation of emissions and transport of elements from lean concrete around underground high-voltage power line routes (numerical modeling, field monitoring, employer Tennet TSO, since 2012).
Coastal Hydro(geo)logy and Water Management / Climate Change, BMBF NAWAK-Project, 2012-2017, TP2 Hydrologie und Klima.
Coastal Hydro(geo)logy in urban regions of north east Brazil, BMBF BRAMAR-Project: "Strategien und Technologien zur Verminderung der Wasserknappheit in Nordost-Brasilien: Wasserwiedernutzung, kontrollierte Grundwasseranreicherung und integriertes Wasserressourcenmanagement" [Strategies and Technologies for Water Scarcity Mitigation in Northeast of BRAzil: Water Reuse, Managed Aquifer Recharge and Integrated Water Resources Management], project duration: 2014-2017, TP3 Hydro(geo)logische Modellrechnungen und Folgeabschätzung für die MAR- und IWRM-Implementierung.
Member of the EXCEED Network (project duration: 2015-2019).
BMBF-GRoW-project (Global Ressource Wasser) go-CAM "Implementing strategic development goals in coastal aquifer management", [Implementierung strategischer Entwicklungsziele im Küstenmanagement], project duration: 06.2017 - 07.2020.
PhD-GRK 802, Numerical Groundwater Modeling (Master), Hydrogeology (Bachelor), Hydrometry and Hydrography (Bachelor), Corpo Docente da PUC-RIO (Hydrology, Forests and Natural Resources, Master),
Distance Learning Master Course ProWater
DWA-Seminar "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Grundwasserleitern und Oberflächengewässern", 2014 in Erfurt und 11.09.2015 in Siegburg, 2018 in Lüneburg: "Ermittlung der Grundwasserabflusskomponente mittels Umweltisotopen und Grundwasserstandsbeobachtung"/"Quantifying groundwater discharge via environmental isotopes and groundwater levels".
Supervision of B.Sc.-/M. Sc. and PhD-thesis Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Intern. PhD Program Università degli Studi di Firenze - UniFIFl / Techn. Univ. Braunschweig - TUBS.