Gender and diversity in steel construction: design, planning and communication
supervised by Frau Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bath (Technische Universität Braunschweig) and Herrn Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Klaus Thiele (Technische Universität Braunschweig).
The subject of this research is the planning process of projects in construction engineering, especially in steel construction. In particular, the methods applied will aim to investigate more precisely gender roles in a rather male-dominated field. The three disciplines of planning processes, gender studies, and engineering will, therefore, be put into context, so that points of contact between them can be identified. From these, corresponding conclusions should be drawn, so that, finally, problem solutions can be developed. Methodologically, the project is characterised by a participatory approach to all interdisciplinary aspects of the planning process.
This work belongs both to the field of Design and Communication Strategy and to that of construction engineering. In order to answer its research questions, it draws upon design studies, gender studies, science and technology studies, as well as the philosophy of science. The point of departure is that in an interconnected, interdisciplinary, strongly collaborative planning process in construction projects, some points still need to be clarified due to increasing technical and organizational complexity. In the first phase of this dissertation project, the planning process in steel construction will be described in as much detail as possible. The next step will be to identify the participating actors, human-machine interfaces, interaction artefacts, and possible risks.
Research questions:
a) How do existing planning strategies represent the issues particular to steel construction (prefabricated elements, pre-planning, the central role of scheduling) and what are the risks?
b) How do you develop intuitive face-to-face communication into interdisciplinary models of cooperation, including time and production structures of the planning process and those involved in the project?
c) What influence does gender have on the development of cooperation models and what impact do these gendered aspects have on the acceptance and use of innovative planning methods?