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[J] S. Sharma, A. Gumaste, A.Jukan: "A Network Calculus Model for SFC Realization and Traffic Bounds Estimation in Data Centers," accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT).
[J] E. Rodriguez et al., "A Security Services Management Architecture Toward Resilient 6G Wireless and Computing Ecosystems," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 98046-98058, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3427661.
[C] E. Tohidi, M. Franke, C. V. Phung, N. Khan, A. Drummond, S. Schmid, A. Jukan, and S. Stanczak "Reliability Assurance in RIS-assisted 6G Campus Networks", International Conference On The Design Of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2024.
[C] C. V. Phung, A. Drummond, and A. Jukan, "Enhancing Path Selections with Interference Graphs in Multihop Relay Wireless Networks", IEEE GLOBECOM 2024 Workshop - Emerging Topics in 6G Communications, Cape Town, South Africa, 2024.
[C] F. Granelli, M. Qaisi, P. Kapsalis, P. Gkonis, N. Nomikos, I. Zacarias, A. Jukan, P. Trakadas, "AI/ML-Assisted Threat Detection and Mitigation in 6G Networks with Digital Twins: The HORSE Approach," IEEE 29th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Athens, Greece, 2024.
[C] Í. Brasileiro, I. Zacarias, A. Drummond, A. Napoli, A. Jukan, "Benchmarking the Performance of Mobile Mid-haul Networks with Multi-flow Optical Transponders," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Cape Town, South Africa, 2024.
[C] M. Michalke, C. Muonagor and A. Jukan, “Deploying AI-Based Applications with Serverless Computing in 6G Networks: An Experimental Study,” accepted for the VTC2024-Fall workshop, 2024.
[C] M. Grunewald, M. Bensalem, J. Dizdarević and A. Jukan, "Towards Smart Microfarming in an Urban Computing Continuum", In 2024 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Medellín, Colombia, 2024
[C] D. Blažević, J. Ranta, M. Grunewald, Y. Mizukawa, J. Dizdarević, R. Niiranen, P. Rasilo, and A. Jukan. "Experimentally optimized and field validated three-dimensional electromagnetic energy harvester for smart farming applications." In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XVIII, vol. 12946, pp. 141-158. SPIE, 2024,
[C] J. Dizdarević, D. Blažević, M. Grunewald and A. Jukan, "An Edge/Cloud Continuum with Wearable Kinetic Energy Harvesting IoT Devices in Remote Areas," ICC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Denver, CO, USA, 2024, pp. 879-884, doi: 10.1109/ICC51166.2024.10622285.
[C] C. Muonagor, M. Bensalem and A. Jukan, "Predictive Intent Maintenance with Intent Drift Detection in Next Generation Network", In 2024 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Medellín, Colombia, 2024 [arxiv]
[C] M. Bensalem and A. Jukan, "Outage Probability Analysis of Wireless Paths with Faulty Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces", In 2024 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Medellín, Colombia, 2024 [arxiv]
[C] M. Michalke, F. Gentzen, A. Jukan, K. Toledo, E. L. Ran, “An experimental study of the response time in an edge-cloud continuum with ClusterLink,” accepted for the IECCONT24 workshop, co-hosted with Euro-Par, 2024,
[C] Tohidi, E. ; Franke, M. ; Phung, C. V. ; Kaimkhani, N. A. K. ; Drummond, A. ; Schmid, S. ; Jukan, A. ; Stanczak, S. "Reliability Assurance in RIS-Assisted 6G Campus Networks," 2024 20th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2024, pp. 107-114, doi: 10.1109/DRCN60692.2024.10539144.
[C] J. Dizdarević, M. Michalke, A. Jukan, X. Masip and F. D'Andria, “Benchmarking Performance of MQTT Broker Implementations in Compute Continuum,” In Proceedings of 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID 2024).
[C] S.Tariq, E.Rodriguez, X.Masip-Bruin, P.Trakadas, A.Jukan, D.López, “Strategy for Modeling Threats in 5G and B5G Networks”, 5th Workshop on Secure IoT, Edge and Cloud systems (SIoTEC) 2024, CCGRID’2024, The 24th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, Philadelphia, May 6-9, 2024
[C] C. V. Phung, Z. Enncaceur, A. Drummond, A. Jukan, "On the Adaptive THz System for Mobile VR Users in Smart Factories", 47th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2024.
[C] C.V. Phung, A. Drummond, A. Jukan, "Maximizing Throughput with Routing Interference Avoidance in RIS-Assisted Relay Mesh Networks" 47th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2024.
[C] Z. Ennaceur, M. Bensalem, C. V. Phung, A. Drummond and A. Jukan,"Enabling 6G Campus Networks Intelligent Control with Digital Twin: A case study", IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/NOMS59830.2024.10575904.
[J] M. Hoffmann et al., "A Secure and Resilient 6G Architecture Vision of the German Flagship Project 6G-ANNA," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 102643-102660, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3313505.
[Book] A. Jukan, X. Masip-Bruin, J. Dizdarević, F. Carpio, "Network of Things Engineering (NoTE) Lab", Springer, 1st ed., 2023. ISBN 3-031-20634-7.
[C] M. Bensalem, E. Ipek and A. Jukan, "Scaling Serverless Functions in Edge Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach," GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 1777-1782, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437794.
[C] Í. B. Brasileiro, A. C. Drummond and A. Jukan, "Performance Analysis of Crosstalk-Aware Sparse Core-Switching Optical Networks," GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 1125-1130, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437905.
[C] Í. Brasileiro, A. Drummond and A. Jukan, "Sparse spatial lane change increases SDM network efficiency," 49th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2023), Hybrid Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2023, pp. 1374-1377, doi: 10.1049/icp.2023.2549.
[C] V. Gowtham, F. Schreiner, M. Corici, T. Magedanz, I. Zacarias, A. C. Drummond, A. Jukan, "Intent-based Networking for QoS-aware Cloud and Transport Network Management based on Graph Neural Networks, " IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, USA, 2023.
[C] M. Bensalem, A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Towards Optimal Path Allocation for Unreliable Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces," 2023 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/DRCN57075.2023.10108214.
[C] M. Bensalem, F. Carpio and A. Jukan, "Towards Optimal Serverless Function Scaling in Edge Computing Network," ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 828-833, doi: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279357.
[C] I. Zacarias, F. Carpio, A. C. Drummond and A. Jukan, "Optimum Network Slicing for Ultra-reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) Services in Campus Networks," 2023 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain, 2023, pp. 1-8, DOI: 10.1109/DRCN57075.2023.10108188.
[C] M. Bensalem, A. Engelmann, A. Jukan, "Towards Optimal Path Allocation for Unreliable Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces," 2023 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/DRCN57075.2023.10108214.
[C] V. Gowtham, F. Schreiner, M. Corici, T. Magedanz, I. Zacarias, A. C. Drummond, A. Jukan,"Intent-based Networking for QoS-aware Cloud and Transport Network Management based on Graph Neural Networks," 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/FNWF58287.2023.10520590.
[J] F. Carpio, M. Michalke and A. Jukan, "BenchFaaS: Benchmarking Serverless Functions in an Edge Computing Network Testbed," in IEEE Network, DOI: 10.1109/MNET.125.2200294
[J] J. W. Z. Lu, M. Fu, J. Wang, K. Lu and A. Jukan, "Decode-and-Compare: An Efficient Verification Scheme for Coded Distributed Edge Computing," in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2022.3228243.
[C] C.V. Phung and A. Jukan, "Increasing Fault Tolerance and Throughput with Adaptive Control Plane in Smart Factories," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022. arXiv:2205.13057.
[C] M. Bensalem, J. Dizdarević and A. Jukan, "Benchmarking Various ML Solutions in Complex Intent-Based Network Management Systems," 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2022, pp. 476-481, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803584.
[C] M. Bensalem and A. Jukan, "Benchmarking Machine Learning Techniques for THz Channel Estimation Problems," 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2022, pp. 459-464, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803741.
[C] C.V. Phung, M. Bensalem and A. Jukan, "Benchmarking Buffer Size in IoT Devices Deploying REST HTTP," 2022 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2022. DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803729. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
[C] C.V. Phung, C. Herold, D. Humphreys, T. Kuerner and A. Jukan, "Performance Analysis of MDPC and RS codes in Two-channel THz Communication Systems", 2022 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2022. DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803675
[C] Z. Ennaceur, A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Engineering Edge-Cloud Offloading of Big Data for Channel Modelling in THz-range Communications," 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2022, pp. 488-493, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO55190.2022.9803375.
[C] D. Blažević , S. Philipp, J. Ruuskanen, J. Dizdarević, R. Niiranen, P. Rasilo, and A. Jukan, "A farm animal kinetic energy harvesting device for IoT applications," Energy Harvesting and Storage: Materials, Devices, and Applications XII (Vol. 12090, pp. 18-25). SPIE. 2022
[C] D. Blazevic, S. Philipp, J. Ruuskanen, J. Dizdarević, P. Rasilo, and A. Jukan, "Cow locomotion energy harvester for powering IoT wearables," European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming. 2022.
[J] F. Carpio, W. Bziuk, and A. Jukan, “Scaling migrations and replications of virtual network functions based on network traffic forecasting”, Computer Networks, p. 108 582, 2021, issn: 1389-1286. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2021.108582.
[J] Anna Engelmann and Admela Jukan. 2021. A Combinatorial Reliability Analysis of Generic Service Function Chains in Data Center Networks. ACM Trans. Model. Perform. Eval. Comput. Syst. 6, 3, Article 9 (September 2021), 24 pages.
[C] F. Carpio, M. Michalke and A. Jukan, "Engineering and Experimentally Benchmarking a Serverless Edge Computing System," 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9685235.
[C] M. Bensalem, J. Dizdarević, F. Carpio and A. Jukan, "The Role of Intent-Based Networking in ICT Supply Chains," 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2021, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/HPSR52026.2021.9481801.
[C] J. Dizdarević and A. Jukan, "Engineering an IoT-Edge-Cloud Computing System Architecture: Lessons Learnt from An Undergraduate Lab Course," 2021 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2021, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1109/ICCCN52240.2021.9522268.
[C] J. Dizdarević and A. Jukan, "Experimental Benchmarking of HTTP/QUIC Protocol in IoT Cloud/Edge Continuum," ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICC42927.2021.9500675.
[C] M. Bensalem, A. Jukan, "On the Effectiveness of Various Machine Learning Algorithms for THz Channel Estimation", arXiv preprint arXiv: 2104.08122 (2021).[arxiv]
[J] S. Sharma, A. Engelmann, A. Jukan and A. Gumaste, "VNF Availability and SFC Sizing Model for Service Provider Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 119768-119784, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3005287.
[J] Cao Chunming, Jin Wang, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Jingya Zhou, Admela Jukan and Wei Zhao, "Optimal Task Allocation and Coding Design for Secure Edge Computing With Heterogeneous Edge Devices" in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 10, no. 04, pp. 2817-2833, 2022.
doi: 10.1109/TCC.2021.3050012.
[J] A.Asensio, X.Masip-Bruin, R.Durán-Barroso, Miguel, G.J.Ren, S.Daijavad, A.Jukan, “Designing an Efficient Clustering Strategy for Combined Fog-to-Cloud Scenarios”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 109, , pp.392-406, August 2020
[C] M. Bensalem, Í. Brasileiro, A. Drummond and A. Jukan, "Embedding Jamming Attacks into Physical Layer Models in Optical Networks," 2020 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/ONDM48393.2020.9132999.
[C] A. Engelmann, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "Bounding Reliability in Service Function Chaining," 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2020, pp. 413-418, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245235.
[C] C. V. Phung, A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Error Correction with Systematic RLNC in Multi-Channel THz Communication Systems," 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2020, pp. 512-517, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245338.
[C] C. V. Phung, A. Engelmann, T. Kürner and A. Jukan, ”Improving THz Quality-of-Transmission with Systematic RLNC and Auxiliary Channels” accepted for publication at IEEE ICC'20 Workshop - TeraCom, 2020.
[C] M. Bensalem, J. Dizdarević, A. Jukan, "DNN Placement and Inference in Edge Computing", 43nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2020.
[C] X. Masip-Bruin, V. Barbosa-Souza, E. Marin-Tordera, G. J. Ren, A. Jukan, "A Multidimensional Control Architecture for Combined Fog-to-Cloud Systems," Proceedings of Future of Information and Communications Conference (FICC) 2020, March 2020, San Francisco
[C] C. V. Phung, J. Dizdarevic and A. Jukan, "An Experimental Study of Network Coded REST HTTP in Dynamic IoT Systems," ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9149026.
[C] F. Carpio, M. Delgado and A. Jukan, "Engineering and Experimentally Benchmarking a Container-based Edge Computing System," ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9148636.
[B] A. Jukan and A. Alexiou (2020). MAC Layer and Networking (Chapter), Springer Book on THz Communications, in preparation, 2020.
[B] M. Chamania and A. Jukan (2020). Dynamic Control of Optical Networks (Chapter), Springer Handbook of Optical Networks, 2020.
[J] A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Toward All-Optical Layered Encryption: A Feasibility Analysis of Optical Stream Cipher," in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 2689-2704, Oct. 2019.
doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2019.2904793
[J] A. Jukan, F. Carpio, X. Masip, A. J. Ferrer, N. Kemper and B. U. Stetina, "Fog-to-Cloud Computing for Farming: Low-Cost Technologies, Data Exchange, and Animal Welfare," in Computer, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 41-51, Oct. 2019.
doi: 10.1109/MC.2019.2906837
[J] Jasenka Dizdarević, Francisco Carpio, Admela Jukan, and Xavi Masip-Bruin. 2019. A Survey of Communication Protocols for Internet of Things and Related Challenges of Fog and Cloud Computing Integration. ACM Comput. Surv. 51, 6, Article 116 (January 2019), 29 pages. DOI:
[C] F. Carpio, A. Jukan, R. Sosa and A. J. Ferrer, "Engineering a QoS Provider Mechanism for Edge Computing with Deep Reinforcement Learning," 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013946
[C] C. V. Phung, J. Dizdarevic, F. Carpio and A. Jukan, "Enhancing REST HTTP with Random Linear Network Coding in Dynamic Edge Computing Environments," 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2019, pp. 435-440. DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8756782
[C] A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Defying Censorship with Multi-Circuit Tor and Linear Network Coding" 2019 12th CMI Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy (CMI) , Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2019. DOI: 10.1109/CMI48017.2019.8962147
[C] A. Engelmann, A. Jukan and R. Pries, "On Coding for Reliable VNF Chaining in DCNs", IEEE DRCN 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, March 2019. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713668
[C] M. Bensalem, S. K. Singh, A. Jukan,, "On Detecting and Preventing Jamming Attacks with Machine Learning in Optical Networks", 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, USA, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013238. [arxiv]
[C] Dizdarević J., Carpio F., Bensalem M., Jukan A. (2019) Enhancing Service Management Systems with Machine Learning in Fog-to-Cloud Networks. In: Mencagli G. et al. (eds) Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11339. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10549-5_23
[C] C. V. Phung, J. Dizdarevic, F. Carpio and A. Jukan, "Enhancing REST HTTP with Random Linear Network Coding in Dynamic Edge Computing Environments", 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2019. DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO.2019.8756782
[C] X.Masip-Bruin, S.Sánchez-López, A.Jurnet, E.Marín-Tordera, A.Jukan, G.J.Ren, Towards a Resilient Control Architecture for Combined Fog-to-Cloud Systems, IEEE CloudNet 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2019
[C] S. K. Singh and A. Jukan, "Computing Blocking Probabilities in Elastic Optical Networks with Spectrum Defragmentation," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.
[C] S. Sharma, A. Kushwaha, A. Gumaste, and A. Jukan, "VNF Availability Model for Service Provider Networks". In 2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.
[J] A. Engelmann, W. Bziuk, A. Jukan and M. Médard, "Exploiting Parallelism With Random Linear Network Coding in High-Speed Ethernet Systems", in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 2829-2842, Dec. 2018.
[J] V.Barbosa, X.Masip-Bruin, E.Marín-Tordera, S.Sánchez-López, J.Garcia, G.J.Ren, A.Jukan, A.Juan, “Towards a Proper service Placement in Combined Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) Architectures”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 87, October 2018.
[J] X.Masip-Bruin, E.Marín-Tordera, A.Jukan, G.J.Ren, “Managing Resources Continuity from the Edge to the Cloud: Architecture and Performance”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 37, February 2018.
[J] S. K. Singh, F. B. Carpio and A. Jukan, "Improving Animal-Human Cohabitation with Machine Learning in Fiber-Wireless Networks," MDPI Journal Of Sensor and Actuator Networks, Speical Issue on Optical Technologies for IoT, Smart Industry and Smart Transportation, 2018. Open Access:
[J] S. K. Singh and Admela Jukan, "Machine Learning-based Prediction for Resource (Re)allocation in Optical Data Center Networks," IIEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking ( Volume: 10 , Issue: 10 , Oct. 2018 ) . DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.10.000D12
[J] X. Masip, V. Barbosa Souza, E. M. Tordera, J. Garcia, G.-J. Ren, A. Jukan, A. Juan, "Towards a Proper Service Placement in Combined Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) Architectures," Future Generation Computer Systems. 2018 Oct 1;87:1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2018.04.042
[J] J. Mata, I. De Miguel, R. J. Durán, N. Merayo, S. K. Singh, A. Jukan and M. Chamania, "Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey," Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networking, 2018. OpenAccess.
[B] Mohit Chamania and Admela Jukan, "Dynamic Control of Optical Networks," Springer Handbook of Optical Networks, in preparation, 2018.
[C] J. Mata, I. De Miguel, R. J. Durán, N. Merayo, S. K. Singh, A. Jukan, M. Chamania, "Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Optical Networks," IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), Hawaii, USA, July 2018.
[C] W. Bziuk, C. V. Phung, J. Dizdarević and A. Jukan, "On HTTP performance in IoT applications: An analysis of latency and throughput," 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2018, pp. 0350-0355.
[C] A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "A Reliability Study of Parallelized VNF Chaining," in IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas City, US, May 2018.
[C] F. Carpio, A. Jukan and R. Pries, "Balancing the migration of virtual network functions with replications in data centers," NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Taipei, 2018, pp. 1-8.doi: 10.1109/NOMS.2018.8406275.
[C] A. Gumaste, K. Aniruddha and A. Jukan, "On the Benefits of Programmable Optics for Post-Failure VM Migrations in Data-Centers ," Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
[C] Dizdarević J., Carpio F., Bensalem M., Jukan A. (2019) Enhancing Service Management Systems with Machine Learning in Fog-to-Cloud Networks. In: Mencagli G. et al. (eds) Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11339. Springer, Cham.
[J] Admela Jukan, Xavi Masip-Bruin, and Nina Amla. 2017. Smart Computing and Sensing Technologies for Animal Welfare: A Systematic Review. ACM Comput. Surv. 50, 1, Article 10 (April 2017), 27 pages. DOI:
[J] W.Ramírez, X.Masip-Bruin, E.MArín-Tordera, V.Barbosa, A.Jukan, G.J.Ren, O.González de Dios, “Evaluating the Benefits of Combined and Continuous Fog-to-Cloud Architectures”, Computer Communications, Vol.113, pp.43-52, November 2017.
[J] Eva Marín-Tordera, Xavi Masip-Bruin, Jordi Garcia, Admela Jukan, Guang-Jie Ren and Jiafeng Zhu. Do we all know what a fog node is? Current trends towards an open definition. Computer Communications, Vol. 109:117-130, September 2017. ISSN: 0140-3664.
[J] X. Chen, A. Engelmann, A. Jukan and M. Medard, "Linear network coding and parallel transmission increase fault tolerance and optical reach," in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 244-256, April 2017. doi: 10.1364/JOCN.9.000244
[J] S. K. Singh et al., "Efficient spectrum defragmentation with holding-time awareness in elastic optical networks," in IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. B78-B89, March 2017.
doi: 10.1364/JOCN.9.000B78
[J] S. K. Singh, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "Analytical Performance Modeling of Spectrum Defragmentation in Elastic Optical Link Networks," Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2016.11.001.
Conference Proceedings
[C] Francisco Carpio, Admela Jukan, Ana Isabel Martín Sanchez, Nina Amla, and Nicole Kemper. 2017. Beyond Production Indicators: A Novel Smart Farming Application and System for Animal Welfare. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI2017). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 11 pages. DOI:
[C] A.Bartoli, F.Hernández, L.Val, J.Gorchs, X.Masip, E.Marín, J.Garcia, A.Juan, A.Jukan, “Benefits of a Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud Resources Management Strategy on a Smart City Scenario”, F2C-DP Workshop, Euro-Par 2017, LNCS 10659, pp. 1-9, Santiago de Compostela, September 2017
[C] A. Jukan and M. Chamania, "Evolution towards Smart Optical Networking: Where Artificial Intelligence (AI) meets the World of Photonics," OSA Advanced Photonic Congress, July 2017.
[C] S. K. Singh, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "A Combined Optical Spectrum Scrambling and Defragmentation in Multi-Core Fiber Networks," IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, France, May 2017.
[C] F. Carpio, S. Dhahri and A. Jukan, "VNF placement with replication for Loac balancing in NFV networks," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, 2017, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICC.2017.7996515.
[C] A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Practical Privacy in WDM Networks with All-Optical Layered Encryption," IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, France, May 2017.
[C] Caria, Marcel & Schudrowitz, Jasmin & Jukan, Admela & Kemper, Nicole. (2017). Smart farm computing systems for animal welfare monitoring. 152-157. 10.23919/MIPRO.2017.7973408.
[C] F. Carpio, W. Bziuk, A. Jukan, "Replication of Virtual Network Functions: Optimizing Link Utilization and Resource Costs", 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, 2017. (Best Paper Award).
[C] S. K. Singh and A. Jukan, "Holding-Time Information (HTI): When to Use it?, " Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) conference, 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA, March 2017.
[C] A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Optical Onion Routing," 2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC): Optical and Grid Computing, January 2017.
[J] M. Caria, A. Jukan, M. Hoffmann, "SDN Partitioning: A Centralized Control Plane for Distributed Routing Protocol,"IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13, no. 3 (2016): 381-393. DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2016.2585759
[J] Xavi Masip-Bruin, Eva Marín-Tordera, Ghazal Tashakor, Admela Jukan, and Guang-Jie Ren. 2016. Foggy clouds and cloudy fogs: a real need for coordinated management of fog-to-cloud computing systems. Wireless Commun. 23, 5 (October 2016), 120-128. DOI:
[C] M. Caria and A. Jukan, "Link Capacity Planning for Fault Tolerant Operation in Hybrid SDN/OSPF Networks," in proc. IEEE Globecom 2016, Washington DC, Dec 2016.
[C] F. Carpio, A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "DiffFlow: Differentiating Short and Long Flows for Load Balancing in Data Center Networks," in proc. IEEE Globecom 2016, Washington DC, Dec 2016.
[C] S. K. Singh, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "Balancing Data Security and Blocking Performance with Spectrum Randomization in Optical Networks," in proc. IEEE Globecom 2016, Washington DC, Dec 2016.
[C] A. Engelmann and A. Jukan, "Balancing the Demands of Reliability and Security with Linear Network Coding in Optical Networks," IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
[C] S. K. Singh and A. Jukan, "Non-Disruptive Spectrum Defragmentation with Holding-Time Awareness in Optical Networks," in proc. Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Spain, May 2016.
[C] S. K. Singh, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "Balancing Security and Blocking Performance with Reconfiguration of the Elastic Optical Spectrum," in proc. MIPRO 2016, Croatia, May 2016 (Outstanding Papar Award).
[C] S. K. Singh, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "Defragmentation-as-a-Service (DaaS): How beneficial is it?," Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2016, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 2016.
Journal Papers
[J] S. Singh, T. Das, A. Jukan, "A Survey on Internet Multipath Routing and Provisioning," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. VOL. 17, NO. 4, FOURTH QUARTER 2015
Conference Proceedings
[C] A. Engelmann, S. Zhao, A. Jukan, "Improving Security in Optical Networks with Random Forwarding and Multipath Routing'," in the Proceedings of IEEE Globecom'2015, San Diego, CA, US, Dec 2015.
[C] M. Caria, A. Jukan, "The Perfect Match: Optical Bypass and SDN Partitioning," IEEE 16th International Conference on High
Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), Budapest, Hungary, July 1-4, 2015.
[C] A. Engelmann, A. Jukan, "Serial, Parallel or Hybrid: Towards a Highly Reliable Transmission in RF/FSO Network Systems," IEEE ICC 2015, London, UK, June 2015.
[C] T. Das, M. Caria, A. Jukan, M. Hoffmann "Insights on SDN Migration Trajectory," IEEE ICC 2015, London, UK, June 2015.
[C] BEST PAPER AWARD X. Chen, A. Jukan, M. Medard, "Linear Network Coding and Parallel Transmission Increase Fault Tolerance and Optical Reach," IEEE ICC 2015, London, UK, June 2015.
[C] M. Caria, A. Jukan, "DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Partitioning OSPF networks with SDN," IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM 2015), Ottawa, Canada, May 2015.
[C] A. Engelmann, A. Jukan, "Away from Optimal: Performance Analysis of Multilane Ethernet Transmission with Random Path Selection in Optical Networks," IFIP/IEEE 19th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2015), Pisa Italy, May 2015.
[C] M. Chamania, F. Carpio, A. Jukan, "Engineering the first open source implementation of the multi-layer network topology databases," Optical Communication (ECOC), 2015 European Conference, Valencia, 2015.
Journal Papers
[J] T. Das, M. Drogon, A. Jukan and M. Hoffmann, "Study of Network Migration to New Technologies using Agent-based Modeling Techniques", Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management, September 2014.
[J] X. Chen, A. Jukan, A. Gumaste, "Optimized Parallel Transmission in Elastic Optical Networks to Support High-Speed Ethernet," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Jan 2014. PDF
[J] X. Chen, A. Engelmann, A. Jukan, M. Medard, "Linear Network Coding Reduces Buffering in High-Speed Ethernet Parallel Transmission Systems," IEEE Communication Letters, to appear in 2014. PDF
Conference Proceedings
[C] M. Caria, A. Jukan, M. Hoffmann, "Migration to Energy Efficient Routers: Where to Start?," in the Proceedings of IEEE ICC'2014, Sydney, AU, June 2014. PDF
Journal Papers
[J] M. Chamania, A. Jukan, "A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Dynamic Optical Circuit Provisioning on IP Routing", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2013. PDF
[J] O. Gonzalez de Dios, V. Lopez, M. Cauresma, M. Chamania, A. Jukan, "Coordinated Computation and Setup of Multi-layer Paths via Inter-layer PCE Communication: Standards, Interoperability and Deployment", IEEE Communication Magazine, Dec 2013. PDF
Conference Proceedings
[C] M. Caria, A. Jukan, M. Hoffmann, "A Performance Study of Network Migration to SDN-enabled Traffic Engineering," in the Proceedings of IEEE Globecom'2013, Atlanta, GA, US, Dec 2013. PDF
[C] X. Chen, A. Jukan, M. Medard, "A Novel Network Coded Parallel Transmission Framework for High-Speed Ethernet,"in the Proceedings of IEEE Globecom'2013, Atlanta, GA, US, Dec 2013. PDF See also:
[C] BEST PAPER AWARD M. Caria, A. Jukan, "A Novel Approach to Accurately Compute an IP Traffic Matrix Using Optical Bypass," In 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), pp. 1135-1141. IEEE, 2013. PDF
[C] T. Das, M. Drogon, A. Jukan, M. Hoffmann, "An Agent-based Modeling Approach of Network Migration to New Technologies," in the Proceedings of IEEE ICC'2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. PDF
[C] X. Chen, Y. Zhong, A. Jukan, "Multipath Routing in Path Computation Element (PCE): Protocol Extensions and Implementation",In Proceedings of the 2013 18th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications & 2013 8th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure (NOC-OC&I) (pp. 75-82). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/NOC-OCI.2013.6582871. PDF
[C] X. Chen, Y. Zhong, A. Jukan, "Multipath Routing in Elastic Optical Networks with Distance-adaptive Modulation Formats," in the Proceedings of IEEE ICC'2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. PDF
[C] X. Chen, A. Jukan, A. Gumaste, " Multipath De-fragmentation: Achieving Better Spectral Efficiency in Elastic Optical Path Networks," Mini Conference IEEE INFOCOM 2013, in Torino, Italy, April 2013. PDF
[C] S. Martinez, V. Lopez, M. Chamania, O. Gonzalez de Dios, A. Jukan, J. Pedro Fernandez Palacios, "Assessing the Performance of Multi-Layer Path Computation Algorithms for different PCE Architectures," Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2013 (OSA/OFC 2013), Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, March 2013. PDF
Journal Papers
[J] A. Jukan, J. Mambretti, "Evolution of Optical Networking Towards Rich Digital Media Services," In IEEE Proceedings Journal, Centennial Year Special Issue "Frontiers of Audiovisual Communications: New Convergences of Broadband Communications, Computing and Rich Media", Vol. 100, Issue:3, 2012 (INVITED PAPER). PDF
[J] X. Chen, A. Jukan, "Optimized Parallel Transmission in OTN/WDM Networks to Support High-Speed Ethernet with Multiple Lane Distribution (MLD)", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), VOL. 4, NO. 3/MARCH 2012. PDF
[J] M. Caria, M. Chamania, A. Jukan, "A Comparative Performance Study of Load Adaptive Energy Saving Schemes for IP-over-WDM Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 4(3), pp.152-164, 2012. DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.4.000152. PDF
[J] X. Chen, A. Drummond, N. L. S. da Fonseca, A. Jukan, "Multipath Routing with Topology Aggregation for Scalable Inter-domain Service Provisioning in Optical Networks", Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networking (OSN), 2012. PDF
[C] M. Caria, A. Engelmann, B. Konrad, A. Jukan: "How to Slice the Day: Optimal Time Quantization for Energy Saving in the Internet Backbone Networks", IEEE Globecom 2012, Anaheim, CA. PDF
[C] X. Chen, M. Chamania, A. Jukan: "On the Effectiveness of Optical Parallel Transmission in IP Offloading", NOC/OC&I 2012, Barcelona, Spain, June 2012. PDF.
[C] M. Yannuzzi, A. Jukan, X. Masip-Bruin, M. Chamania, R. Serral-Gracia`, V. Lopez-Alvarez, O. Gonzalez de Dios, A. Azanon, M. Maciejewski, C. Brunn, M. Roth and J. Altmann: "The Internet and Transport Network Management Ecosystems: A Roadmap Toward Convergence," 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2012), Essex, UK, Apr 2012 (INVITED PAPER), PDF.
[C] X. Chen, A. Jukan, A. Gumaste: "On the Usage of FDLs in Optical Parallel Transmission to Support High Speed Ethernet," 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2012), Essex, UK, Apr 2012, PDF.
[C] M. Chamania, E. Demirbilek, A. Jukan, X. Masip-Bruin, M. Yanuzzi: "Using BPEL Workflow Processing for Cross-Layer Orchestrations in IP-over-Optical Networks: A Proof of Concept", 4th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Management of the Future Internet (ManFI 2012, held as part of IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2012), Maui, HI, April 2012. PDF
[C] O. Gonzalez de Dios, V. Lopez, M. Cuaresma, M. Chamania, A. Jukan, M. Drogon, X. Masip-Bruin, M. Yannuzzi, "Coordinated Computation of Multi-layer Paths via Inter-layer PCE Communication: Standards, Interoperability and Deployment", Workshop on Telecommunications: From Research to Standards, IEEE International Conference on Communication (IEEE ICC 2012), June 2012, PDF.
[C] J. Santi. A. Drummond, N. Fonseca, X. Chen, A. Jukan: "Leveraging Multipath Routing and Traffic Grooming for an Efficient Load Balancing in Optical Networks," In the Proceedings of the IEEE ICC'2012, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012. PDF
[C] A. Pontes. A. Drummond, N. Fonseca, A. Jukan: "PCE-based Inter-Domain Lightpath Provisioning," In the Proceedings of the IEEE ICC'2012, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012. PDF
Journal Papers
[J] M. Chamania, M. Drogon, A. Jukan, "An Open-Source Path Computation Element (PCE) Emulator: Design, Implementation and Performance," Journal of lightwave technology 30, no. 4: 414-426, 2011. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2011.2170402. PDF
[J] S. Greco-Polito, M. Chamania, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan, "Inter-domain Path Provisioning with Security Features: Architecture and Signaling Performance," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 8. Issue 3, Sept 2011, pp. 219-233, PDF
[C] POST-DEADLINE PAPER M. Chamania, M. Drogon, A. Jukan: "Lessons Learned From Implementing a Path Computation Element (PCE) Emulator,"; Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2011 (OSA/OFC 2011), Los Angeles, CA, March 2011. PDF
[C] M. Caria, M. Chamania, A. Jukan: "Trading IP Routing Stability for Energy Efficiency: A Case for Traffic Offloading with Optical Bypass," 15th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2011), Italy, Feb 2011. PDF
[C] M. Chamania, M. Caria, A. Jukan: " Comparative Performance Analysis of IP Traffic Offloading Schemes over Dynamic Circuits", Mini Conference IEEE INFOCOM 2011, in Shanghai, China, April 2011. PDF
[C] X. Chen, M.Chamania, A. Jukan, "An Evolutionary Framework to Facilitate the Inter-domain Multipath Routing in Carrier Networks", IEEE Infocom workshop HSN2011. PDF
[C] M. Caria, M. Chamania, A Jukan: "To Switch On or Off: A Simple Case Study on Energy Efficiency in IP-over-WDM Networks", IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Cartagena, Spain, June 2011. PDF
Journal Papers
[J] B. P. Rimal, A. Jukan, D. Katsaros and Y. Goeleven: "Architectural Requirements for Cloud Computing Systems: An Enterprise Cloud Approach,"Journal of Grid Computing 9, no. 1 (2011): 3-26, 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s10723-010-9171-yPDF
[J] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan, "Optimal Accounting Policies for Reliability and Capacity of AAA Systems in Mobile Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 9, No. 10, June 2010. PDF
[J] M. Chamania, M. Caria, A. Jukan, "Effective Usage of Dynamic Circuits for IP Routing," In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2010. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2010.5501805. PDF
[J] O. Tipmongolsilp, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "The Evolution of Cellular Backhaul Technologies: Current Issues and Future Trends," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, first quarterly Issue in 2010. PDF
[J] G.Karmous-Edwards, S.Greco Polito, A.Jukan, G.Rouskas: A New Framework for GLIF Interdomain Resource Reservation Architecture (GIRRA), Springer Annals of Telecommunications, Volume 65, Numbers 11-12, 723-737, Dec 2010. PDF
[J] J. Mambretti, et al (TUBS: Bziuk, Jukan): "High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): An Advanced International Research Initiative and Global Experimental Testbed", (invited paper) to appear in Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Elsevier Journal, 2010.
[C] M. Chamania, M. Drogon, A. Jukan: "Reflections on the Experience of Developing and Implementing a Path Computation Element (PCE) Emulator", In the Proceedings of IEEE ANTS2010, Bombay, India, December 14-16, 2010.[POSTER] TBD
[C] O. Tipmongolsilp, M. Chamania, A. Jukan: "Network-centric Media Composition under Extreme Bandwidth Requirements for High Quality Video Streaming," ACM Supercomputing, New Orleans, Nov 2010. [POSTER]
[C] J. Santi, A. Drummond, N. Fonseca, A. Jukan: "Load Balancing for Holding-Time-Aware Dynamic Traffic Grooming," IEEE Globecom 2010 (GC'2010), Miami, Florida, Dec 2010. PDF
[C] W. Bziuk, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "A Novel Framework for Handoff Analysis Under Generalized Session and Mobility Statistics," 13th ACM International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Bodrum, Turkey, Oct 2010. PDF
[C] M. Chamania, M. Caria, A. Jukan: "Effective Usage of Dynamic Circuits for IP Routing," In the Proceedings of the IEEE ICC'2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. PDF
[C] S. Greco-Polito, D. Gebbers, M. Chamania, A. Jukan: " New NSIS Application for LSP Setup with Security Features," In the Proceedings of the IEEE ICC'2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. PDF
Journal Papers
[J] M. Chamania, X. Chen, A. Jukan, F. Rambach, M. Hoffmanm, "An Adaptive Inter-domain PCE Framework to Improve Resource Utilization and Reduce Inter-domain Signaling," Optical Switching and Networking 6, no. 4 (2009): 259-267. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2009.08.007. PDF
[J] M. Chamania, A. Jukan: "A Survey of Inter-Domain Peering and Provisioning Solutions for the Next Generation Optical Networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, VOL. 11, NO. 1, FIRST QUARTER 2009 in 2009. PDF
[J] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "Signaling Rate and Performance for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) Systems in all-IP Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2009. PDF
[J] W. Bziuk, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "A New Framework for Characterizing the Number of Handoffs in Cellular Networks," European Transactions on Telecommunications, Jan 2009. PDF
[C] M. Chamania, M. Caria, A. Jukan: "Achieving IP Routing Stability with Optical Bypass", In the Proceedings of IEEE ANTS2009, New Delhi, India, December 14-16, 2009. PDF
[C] X. Chen, A. Jukan, A. C. Drummond, N. L. S. da Fonseca: "A Multipath Routing Mechanism in Optical Networks with Extremely High Bandwidth Requests," IEEE Globecom 2009 Optical Networks and Systems Symposium (GC'09 ONS), Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 2009. PDF
[C] S. Zaghloul, W. Bziuk, A. Jukan, "A Novel Analytical Framework for Mobility Modeling in All-IP Wireless Systems," In the 21st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 21) Proceedings, Paris 2009. PDF
[C] P. Pereira, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan, S. Glaeser, "Towards Innovative Vehicle to Application Server Communications: An IMS Centric Approach," In the Proceedings of the ACM MobiArch'09.
[C] W. Bziuk, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "The Spatial Effect of Mobility on the Mean Number of Handoffs: A New Theoretical Result," IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany, June 2009. PDF
[C] S. Greco-Polito, M. Chamania, A. Jukan: "Extending the PCE Framework for Authentication and Authorization in Multi-domain GMPLS Networks," IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany, June 2009. PDF
[C] A. Gumaste, M. Chamania, A. Jukan: "An End-to-End Addressing and Routing Scheme in all-Ethernet Wide-Area Networks," IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany, June 2009. PDF
[C] S. Zaghloul, J. Aznar, A. Jukan: "Application Layer Signaling for Proactive Handoff Management in all-IP Wireless Networks," IEEE ICC'09, Dresden, Germany, June 2009. PDF
[C] X. Chen, M. Chamania, A. Jukan, A. C. Drummond, N. L. S. da Fonseca: "On the Benefits of Multipath Routing for Distributed Data-intensive Applications with High Bandwidth Requirements and Multidomain Reach," In the Proceeding o CNSR 2009, The Seventh Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research, Mocton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 2009. PDF
[C] X. Chen, M. Chamania, A. Jukan, A. C. Drummond, N. L. S. da Fonseca: "QoS-Constrained Multi-path Routing for High-End Network Applications," IEEE High-Speed Networks Workshop (HSN 2009), Rio de Janiero, Brazil, April 2009. PDF
[C] M. Chamania, X. Chen, A. Jukan, F. Rambach, C. Gruber, M. Hoffmann: "Embedding Optical Ethernet Services within the Path Computation Element Framework: The 100GET Approach,"; Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2009 (OSA/OFC 2009), San Diego, CA, March 2009. PDF
Articles and Book Chapters
[J] A. Jukan, M. Hasan: "Advances in IP-Optical Networking for IP Quad-play Traffic and Services," (Editorial) ELSEVIER Journal on Optical Switching and Networking, May 2008.
[J] S. Zaghloul, W. Bziuk and A. Jukan, "Signaling and Handoff Rates at the Policy Control Function (PCF) in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 526-528, July 2008, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2008.072033.
[B] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan, (book chapter), Architecture and Protocols for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) in the Future Wireless Communications Networks, "Handbook of Research on Wireless Security", Auerbach Publications, Taylor&Francis Group, 2008.
[B] J. -C. Gregoire, A. Jukan, (book chapter), On the Support of Media Functions within the IMS On the Media Function in IMS, in "IMS Handbook: IP Multimedia Subsystem", Taylor&Francis Group, 2008.
[J] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan, W. Alanqar: "Extending QoS from Radio Access to all-IP Core in 3G Networks - An Operator's Perspective," IEEE Communications Magazine, Sept 2007.
[J] A. Jukan, G. Karmous-Edwards: "Optical Control Plane for the Grid Community," IEEE Surveys and Tutorials, published in the third quarter of 2007,
[J] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "Performance Analysis of Infrastructure Service Provision with GMPLS-based Traffic Engineering," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, June 2007.
[J] M. Melnyk, A. Jukan, C. Polychrononpoulos: "Cross-Layer Analysis of Session Setup Time in Internet Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) with EV-DO Wireless Transmission," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 9, No. 4. June 2007.
[J] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "Relating the AAA and the Radio Access Rates in 3G Cellular Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 2007.
[J] V. Prevelakis, A. Jukan: "How to buy a Network: Trading of Resources in the Physical Layer," IEEE Communications Magazine, December 2006.
[J] A. Jukan, G. Karmous-Edwards: "Optical Control Plane for the Grid Community: Opportunities, Issues and Vision," IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2006.
[B] G. Karmous-Edwards, A. Jukan, et. al. (book chapter), Grid Networks and Layer 1 Services, "Grid Networks: Enabling Grids with Advanced Communication Technology", John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
[J] A. Jukan, G. Franzl: "Path selection methods with multiple constraints in service-guaranteed WDM networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 59-72, February 2004.
[J] W. Alanqar, A. Jukan: "Extending End-to-End Service Provisioning and Restoration in Carrier Networks: Opportunities, Issues, and Challenges," IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 52-60, January 2004.
[J] L. Cheng, J. Ellson, A. Jukan, P. Lamy, E. Varma: "Network Engineering-Control of Dynamic Link Topology in User Networks," Bell Labs Technical Journal (BLTJ), Vol. 8, No 1, pp. 207-218, July 2004.
[B] S. Tomic, A. Jukan (book chapter), GMPLS-based Exchange Points: Architecture and Functionality, in book "Emerging Optical Network Technologies, Architecture, Protocols and Performance", Springer, August 2004.
[J] A. Jukan, G. Franzl: "Distributed provisioning of wavelength channels in WDM networks with selective electronic regeneration," IEEE Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 43-55, January 2002.
[B] A. Jukan (Editor), Towards an Optical Internet. New Visions in Optical Network Design and Modelling; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, ISBN 0-7923-7541-6; 398 pages.
[J] A. Jukan, H.R. van As: "Service-Specific Resource Allocation in WDM Networks with Quality Constraints," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 2051-2061, October 2000.
[B] H. R. van-As, A. Jukan (Editors), Optical Network Design and Modelling; Chapman & Hall, London, 1998, ISBN 0-412-84260-2; 162 pages.
[C] W. Bziuk, S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "A New Framework for Characterizing the Number of Handoffs in Cellular Networks," PGTS 2008, The Fifth Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, Berlin, Germany, October 2008.
[C] X. Chen, A. Jukan, T. Fisher: "End-to-End Service Provisioning in Carrier-Grade Ethernet Networks: The 100 GET-E3 Approach", (invited) IFIP/IEEE Optical Network Design and Modelling, ONDM 2008, Barcelona, March 2008.
[C] S. Zaghloul, W. Bziuk, A. Jukan: "A Scalable Billing Architecture for Future Wireless Mesh Backhauls," IEEE ICC'08, Bejing, China, June 2008.
[C] A. Gumaste, A. Lodha, X. Chen, A. Jukan and N. Ghani: "A Novel Node Architecture for Light-trail Provisioning in Mesh WDM Metro Networks," Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2008 (OSA/OFC 2008), San Diego, CA, February 2008.
[C] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "A Simple Signaling Mechanism for Seamless Inter-operator Mobility in All-IP Networks," IEEE CCNC'08, Las Vegas, Jan. 2008.
[C] A. Jukan, V. Prevelakis, J. Altmann: "How to buy and build a Network: Towards an Economically Sustainable Interconnection of Optical Networks," Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS 2007, at IIT Bombay (Mumbai), India, December 2007.
[C] S. Kim, A. Jukan, S. Lumetta: "Coordinated Resource Scheduling in High-Performance Optical Grids," IEEE/OSA Optical Network Conference (OFC), March 2007.
[C] S. Zaghloul, A. Jukan: "On the Performance of the AAA Systems in 3G Wireless Networks," IEEE ICC'07, Next Generation Mobile Networks, Glasgow, UK, June 2007
[C] F. Breg, A. Jukan, C. D. Polychronopoulos: "Proxy Host Federation Brokers: Federating Noncomputational Resources in the Computational Federation Architecture," IEEE Network Operation and Mangement Conference (NOMS), Vancouver, CA, May 2006.
[C] M. Melnyk, A. Jukan: "On Signaling Efficiency for Call Setup in all-IP Wireless Networks," IEEE ICC'06 Next Generation Mobile Networks, Istambul, Turkey, June 2006.
[C] M. Melnyk, A. Jukan: "An Analysis of Session Setup Time in Internet Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) with EV-DO (Rev. A) Wireless Links," IEEE CCNC 2006, Las Vegas, NV, Janaury 2006
[C] F. Breg, A. Jukan, C. D. Polychronopoulos: "Computational Federation Service: Dynamic Resource Virtualization for Extensible Grid Service Design," IEEE ACNM 2005, San Jose, CA, October 2005.
[C] F. Breg, A. Jukan, C. D. Polychronopoulos: "Federated Computational Resources: A Web Services based Approach for Empowering Thin Clients and Instruments," IEEE/IFIP AGNM'05, Tahiti, October 2005.
[C] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "Extensible Service Provision in Grid Networks: A Case For Resource Visibility and Inter-Domain Exchange," Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Networks for Grid Applications (GridNets 2004), San Jose, CA, October 2005.
[C] S. Tomic, H. Hadzic, A. Jukan: "Performance Study of Organization and Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the Third Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2004), Bodrum, Turkey, pp. 168-174, June 2005.
[C] Y. Zhu, W. Alanqar, A. Jukan, M. Ammar: "End-to-End Service Provisioning in Multi-granularity Multi-domain Optical Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), Paris, France, pp. 1579-1583, June 2004.
[C] S. Tomic, H. Hadzic, A. Jukan: "Clustering for Data Aggregation in Large Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2004), Berlin, Germany, January 2004.
[C] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "GMPLS-based Exchange Points: Architecture and Functionality," Proceedings of the Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing 2003 (HPSR 2003), Torino, Italy, June 2003.
[C] Y. Zhu, A. Jukan, M. Ammar: "Multi-Segment Wavelength Routing in Large-Scale Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2003), Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003.
[C] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "Dynamic Provisioning over Multi-provider Interconnected GMPLS-enabled Networks," Proceedings of the 7th IFIP Working-Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2003), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 365-383, February 2003.
[C] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "MPFI: The Multi-provider Network Federation Interface for Interconnected Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2002), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2365-2369, November 2002.
[C] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "Optical Virtual Private Network Services in the Multi-Provider Network Environment," Proceedings of the "IP over WDM" international conference (IPoW '02), Paris, France, pp. 1-19, June 2002.
[C] Y. Zhu, A. Jukan and M. Ammar: "Performance analysis of multi-segment wavelength routing," Proceedings of the IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings 2002, Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, June 2002.
[C] A. Jukan, G. Franzl: "Constraint-based path selection methods for on-demand provisioning in WDM networks," Proceedings of the 21st Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (IEEE INFOCOM 2002), New York, NY, pp. 827-836, June 2002.
[C] S. Tomic, A. Jukan: "Policy-based Lightpath Provisioning Over Federated WDM Network Domains," Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2002 (OFC 2002), Anaheim, CA, pp. 499-501, March 2002.
[C] G. Franzl, A. Jukan: "On the Impact of Electronic Regeneration on Dynamic Wavelength Routing in Selectively Transparent or Opaque WDM Networks," Proceedings of the 6th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2002), Torino, Italy, pp. 1-12, February 2002.
[C] A. Jukan, G. Franzl: "Distributed provisioning with QoS in WDM networks with selective electronic regeneration," Proceedings of 27th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2001), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 262-263, September 2001.
[C] A. Jukan, G. Franzl: "Distributed provisioning of wavelength channels in multi-service WDM networks," Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2001), Anaheim, CA, pp. 1-3, March 2001.
[C] G. Franzl, A. Jukan: "Distributed Discovery of Wavelength Paths in Multi-Service WDM Networks," Proceedings of the 5th IFIP Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM 2001), Wien, Austria, pp. 385-396, February 2001.
[C] N.H. Nguyen, A. Jukan: "An Approach to QoS-based Routing for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks," Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2000), San Francisco, CA, pp. 1114-1118, November 2000.
[C] A. Jukan, N.H. Nguyen, G. Franzl: "QoS-based Routing Methods for Multi-hop LEO Satellite Networks," IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2000), Singapore, pp. 399-405, September 2000.
[C] A. Jukan, N.H. Nguyen, H.R. van As: "An approach to QoS-based routing for LEO Satellite Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2000), Bejing, China, pp. 922-929, August 2000.
[C] A. Jukan: "Service-specific resource allocation in WDM networks with quality constraints,"
Proceedings of Optical Networks Workshop, Richardson, Texas, pp. 1-12, January 2000.
[C] A. Monitzer, A. Jukan: "WDM backup networks for self-healing SDH rings," Proceedings of 25th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC´99), Nice, France, pp. 448-449, September 1999.
[C] A. Jukan, H.R. van As: "Resource allocation strategies with QoS-routing in optical networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC´99), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 2048-2054, June 1999.
[C] A. Jukan, A. Monitzer, H.R. van As: "Service-specific recovery of wavelength connections in WDM networks," Technical Digest of Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC´99), San Diego, CA, pp. 164-166, February 1999.
[C] A. Jukan, H.R. van As: "Service-specific wavelength allocation in QoS-routed optical networks," Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 98), Sydney, Australia, pp. 2270-2275, November 1998.
[C] A. Jukan, A. Monitzer, H.R. van As: "QoS-restorability in optical networks," Proceedings of 24th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC´98), Madrid, Spain, pp. 711-712, September 1998.
[C] A. Jukan: "Design techniques for resource allocation in multi-service optical networks," Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC´98), Manchester, UK, pp. 209-215, June 1998.
[C] A. Jukan, A. Monitzer: "Service restoration methods based on QoS-routing in optical networks," Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications 1998 (NOC´98), Manchester, UK, pp. 180-185, June 1998.
[C] A. Jukan, A. Monitzer: "Restoration strategies with QoS-guarantee for optical network services," Proceedings of Broadband European Networks and Multimedia Services (Syben´98), Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 228-234, May 1998.
[C] A. Jukan, A. Monitzer, H.R. van As: "Multi-criteria routing for optical networks," Proceedings of Workshop on All-optical Networks (WAON´98), Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 129-134, May 1998.
[C] A. Jukan: "Resource management for service accommodation in optical networks," Proceedings of Broadband Communications 1998, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 274-285, April 1998.
[C] A. Jukan, A. Monitzer: "Restoration methods for multi-service optical networks," Proceedings of the 2nd Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM´98), Rome, Italy, pp. 3-12, February 1998.
[C] B. Skjoldstrup, J. Spaeth, A. Jukan: "Transparency in high-capacity networks based on an optical layer," COST 240 Workshop on SOA-based Components for Optical Networks, Prague, Check Republic, October 1997.
[C] A. Jukan, H.R. van As: "Quality-of-Service routing in optical networks," Proceedings of 23rd European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC´97), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 160-163, September 1997.
[C] A. Jukan, H.R. van As: "Networking based on Quality-of-optical-network-Service (QoonS),"
Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications 1997 (NOC´97), Antwerp, Belgium, pp. 18-24, June 1997.
[C] A. Jukan, B. Stilling: "Optical Nodes in PHOTON Field Trial," Proceeding of Conference on Advanced Imaging and Network Technologies, Berlin, Germany, October 1996.
[C] A. Jukan, B. Stilling: "Optical Nodes in PHOTON Field Trial," Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Optical Networking, Oslo, Norway, September 1996.
[C] A. Jukan: "PHOTON - A Progressive Step towards Optical Transport Networks in Europe," Proceedings of European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC'96), Heidelberg, Germany, June 1996.