Harmann, D., Trick, J. S., Bienzeisler, L., & Friedrich, B. (2025). Moving beyond assumptions: stop times and key determinants for pick-ups and drop-offs in ridepooling systems. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-20.
Harmann, D., Scharfe, R., Trick, J. S., & Friedrich, B. (2024). Empirical Investigation of Dwell Times in Ridepooling Systems. Transportation Research Procedia, 78, 119-126.
Harmann, D., Yilmaz-Niewerth, S., Häbel & Friedrich, B., 2023."Service Efficiency of Ridepooling Systems for Different Relations of Demand and Fleet Size. 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), Nice, France, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/MT-ITS56129.2023.10241748.
Harmann, D., Yilmaz-Niewerth, S., Häbel, R., Vinke, V., Kögler, S., & Friedrich, B. (2023, February). Development of an Evaluation System for Virtual Ridepooling Stops: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: Mobility Innovations for Growing Megacities (pp. 245-262). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Harmann, D., Yilmaz-Niewerth, S., & Jacob, C. (2022). Methodological Distribution of Virtual Stops for Ridepooling. Transportation Research Procedia, 62, 442-449.
Touko Tcheumadjeu, L. C., Stuerz-Mutalibow, K., Hoeing, J., Harmann, D., Glaab, J., & Kaul, R. (2021). New Concepts to improve Mobility by Digitization and Virtualization: An Analysis and Evaluation of the Technical Feasibility. EAI INTSYS 2021 Proceedings.