Institute of Transportation and Urban Engineering

[Translate to English:]


Cornelia Gailus

Phone: +49 531 391 66800

Hermann-Blenk-Straße 42
Room 284, 2nd Floor
38108 Braunschweig

Internship Office Traffic Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Stephan Hoffmann

Postal Adress:
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Praktikantenamt Studiengang Verkehrsingenieurwesen
c/o Institut für Verkehr und Stadtbauwesen
38092 Braunschweig


Survey regarding sustainable urban logistics

The research project USEfUL conducts a survey from private individuals regarding sustainable urban logistics in Germany.

The questionnaire is available for you via this link until 09/15/2020.

The focus of the survey is the analysis of the logistics triggering behaviour of private individuals. The goal is to obtain a better understanding of the acceptance of new delivery concepts as well as the implementation of e.g. supply shopping.

Filling out the questionnaire takes no longer than 5 minutes. All data is evaluated strictly confidential and anonymous. At the end of the survey, you can participate in a giveaway for a chance to win one of four BestChoice vouchers worth 25 euros each. The results will be published in the 4. A quarter of this year via .

We thank you beforehand for your support and are glad if you share this survey with others.

Teaching at IVS

Student Works

Overview of topics for student works.