11 Golden Rules of Information Security

11 Golden Rules of Information Security


Update, Update, Update

Always keep your software, your Anti Virus programme and especially your operating system up to date on all your devices.


If possible and sensible, use different user names (e-mail addresses) for different pages.



Use a different password for each of your accounts (E-Mail,Bank ...) secure password!
With our passwordgenerator ,you can easily generate a secure passwordist 



Never click on "OK", "Next", "Yes", "Agree" or "Accept" etc. without having read and thought about it first.



"Free" is often expensive: you pay with your data!
Therefore, distribute your data wisely: It is not always necessary to fill in every  field of an online form.



An e-mail is like a postcard, not a letter!



Pay attention to the links and attachments in every e-mail and on every website: don't just click, look first!
Phishing and blackmail Trojans are all the rage!
The more vigilant we are, the more sophisticated the tricks. Inform yourself!



Do not work as an "administrator", but as a normal user (Windows: standard user).
Deactivate or delete all applications and services that you do not need.
What is not there cannot be attacked.



"Automatic" is not automatically good!
Switch off the automatic connection to "known" WLANs - see
Lecture WLAN-Security



Backup! Backup! Backup!

Back up your data often and regularly to a secure location - it's your only insurance against ransomware and hardware failure.