Developed Icing Code based on Eulerian Particle Solver

DICEPS (Developed Icing Code based on Eulerian Particle Solver) is a code for the numerical simulation of in-flight ice accretion over aircraft components. The code encompasses several routines for the calculation of the different processes involved on ice accretion. The software Ansys is used for the discretization procedure (meshing), as well as for the calculation of the aerodynamics of a body via Ansys FLUENT. A Eulerian particle solver is used for the calculation of the particle trajectories and impact locations, while an ice accretion solver is used for the calculation of the ice growth rate.

The code currently has 2D and 3D capabilities and is constantly being upgraded by the addition of modern physical models for the simulation of different complex phenomena present in ice accretion such as droplet splashing and effects of ice roughness on heat transfer.

For more information about DICEPS, contact Denis Sotomayor-Zakharov.

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