Michael Herrmann - Publications

Recent Preprints

P. Sprenger, Ch. Chong, E. Okyere, M. Herrmann, P. G. Kevrekidis, M. A. Hoefer
Hydrodynamics of a Discrete Conservation Law
submitted, 2024

M. Herrmann, D. Janßen
Hysteretic dynamics of phase interfaces in bilinear forward-backward diffusion equations
submitted, 2024

M. Herrmann, P. Neumann, S. Schwarz, A. Sturm, M. Wardetzky
Sub-Riemannian Random Walks: From Connections to Retractions
submitted, 2023 

C. Geldhauser, M. Herrmann, D. Janßen
Traveling phase interfaces in viscous forward-backward diffusion equations
submitted, 2023 

Refereed Articles in Journals

S. Schwarz, M. Herrmann, A. Sturm, M. Wardetzky
Efficient Random Walks on Riemannian Manifolds
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2023
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M. Herrmann, K. Kleine
Korteweg-de Vries waves in peridynamical media
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2023
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer
Instability of hysteretic phase interfaces in a mean-field model with inhomogeneities
SIAM Journal Appplied Mathematics, 2023
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Ch. Chong, M. Herrmann, P. G. Kevrekidis
Dispersive Shock Waves in Lattices: A Dimension Reduction Approach
Physica D, 2022
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M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
A uniqueness result for a simple superlinear eigenvalue problem
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2021 
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer
Mass transport in Fokker-Planck equations with tilted periodic potential
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2020
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M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
Nonlinear and nonlocal eigenvalue problems
Nonlinearity, 2020
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M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
Stability of high-energy solitary waves in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chains
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2019
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M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
Solitary waves in atomic chains and peridynamical media
Mathematics in Engineering, 2019
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M. Helmers, M. Herrmann
Hysteresis and phase transitions in a lattice regularization of an ill-posed forward-backward diffusion equation
Archive of Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2018
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F. Chen, M. Herrmann
KdV-like solitary waves in two-dimensional FPU-lattices
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 2018
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M. Herrmann
High-energy waves in superpolynomial FPU-type chains
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2017
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer, J.J.L. Velázquez
Instabilities and oscillations in coagulation equations with kernels of homogeneity one
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2017
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M. Herrmann, A. Mikikits-Leitner
KdV waves in atomic chains with nonlocal interactions
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 2016
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M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
Asymptotic formulas for solitary waves in the high-energy limit of FPU-type chains
Nonlinearity, 2015
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer, J.J.L. Velázquez
Rate-independent dynamics and Kramers-type phase transitions in nonlocal Fokker-Planck equations with dynamical control
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2014
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M. Helmers, M. Herrmann
Interface dynamics in discrete forward-backward diffusion equations
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 2013
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M. Herrmann, K. Matthies, H. Schwetlick, J. Zimmer
Subsonic phase transition waves in bistable lattice models with small spinodal region
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2013
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M. Herrmann
Ground waves in atomic chains with bi-monomial double-well potential
Nonlinear Analysis Series A, 2013
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer, J.J.L. Velázquez
Kramers and non-Kramers phase transitions in many-particle systems with dynamical constraint
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 2012
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M. Herrmann, Ph. Laurençot, B. Niethammer
Self-similar solutions to a kinetic model for grain growth
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2012
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M. Herrmann
Oscillatory waves in discrete scalar conservation laws
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS), 2012
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M. Herrmann, H. Schwetlick, J. Zimmer
On selection criteria for problems with moving inhomogeneities
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2012
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M. Herrmann
Homoclinic standing waves in focusing DNLS equations
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A (DCDS-A), 2011
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W. Dreyer, Cl. Guhlke, M. Herrmann
Hysteresis and phase transition in many-particle storage systems
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2011
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O. Budac, M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer, A. Spielmann
On a model for mass aggregation with maximal size
Kinetic and Related Models, 2011
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M. Herrmann
Action minimizing fronts in general FPU-type chains
Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2011
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer
Kramers' formula for chemical reactions in the context of Wasserstein gradient flows
Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2011
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M. Herrmann
Heteroclinic standing waves in defocussing DNLS equations
Applicable Analysis, 2010
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M. Herrmann
Unimodal wave trains and solitons in convex FPU chains
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Section A - Mathematics), 2010
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M. Herrmann, J. Rademacher
Heteroclinic travelling waves in convex FPU-type chains
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2010
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M. Herrmann, J. Rademacher
Riemann solvers and undercompressive shocks of convex FPU chains
Nonlinearity, 2010
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M. Herrmann, A. Segatti
Infinite harmonic chain with heavy mass
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (CPAA), 2010
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M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer, J.J.L. Velázquez
Self-similar solutions to the LSW model with encounters
Journal of Differential Equations, 2009
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M. Herrmann
Periodic travelling waves in convex Klein-Gordon chains
Nonlinear Analysis, 2009
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M. Herrmann, Ph. Laurençot, B. Niethammer
Self-similar solutions with fat tails for a coagulation equation with nonlocal drift
Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 2009
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R. Henseler, M. Herrmann, B. Niethammer,  J.J.L. Velázquez
A kinetic model for grain growth
Kinetic and Related Models, 2008
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J. Giannoulis, M. Herrmann, A. Mielke
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian two-scale reduction
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2008
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W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann
Numerical experiments on the modulation theory for the nonlinear atomic chain
Physica D, 2008
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M. Herrmann, M. Naldzhieva, B. Niethammer
On a thermodynamically consistent modification of the Becker-Döring equations
Physica D, 2006
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W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann, A.Mielke
Micromacro transition in the atomic chain via Whitham's modulation equation
Nonlinearity, 2006
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W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann, M. Kunik
Kinetic solutions of the Boltzmann-Peierls-Equation and its moment systems
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2004
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W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann, M. Kunik
Kinetic schemes and initial and boundary value problems for the Euler system
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 2002
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Weitere Preprints

P. Albers, G.D. Banhatti, M. Herrmann
Numerical simulations of magnetic billiards in a convex domain

Articles in Books

M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
Uniqueness of solitary waves in the high-energy limit of FPU-type chains
in: Patterns of Dynamics, Springer Cham, 2017
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W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann, J. Rademacher
Wave trains, solitons and modulation theory in FPU chains
in: A. Mielke (Editor), Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation of Multiscale Problems
Springer Berlin, 2006
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J. Giannoulis, M. Herrmann, A.Mielke
Continuum descriptions for the dynamics in discrete lattices: derivation and justification
in: A. Mielke (Editor), Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation of Multiscale Problems
Springer Berlin, 2006
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W. Dreyer, M. Herrmann, M. Kunik, S. Qamar
Kinetic schemes for selected initial and boundary value problems
in: Gerald Warnecke (Editor), Analysis and Numerics for Conservation Laws
Springer Berlin, 2005
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Conference Proceedings

M. Herrmann, K. Matthies
Asymptotic properties of high-speed waves in atomic chains
GAMM annual meeting 2018, section Applied Analysis
to appear in Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM)

M. Herrmann
A toy model for hysteretic phase transitions
MFO workshop Variational Models for Evolution, OWR, 11-4 (2014)
[ report ]

M. Herrmann
Interface dynamics in discrete forward-backward diffusion equations
MFO workshop Lattice Differential Equations, OWR, 10-3 (2013)
[ report ]

M. Herrmann
Kramers and non-Kramers phase transitions in many-particle systems with dynamical constraint
MFO workshop Variational Methods for Evolution, OWR, 8-4 (2011)
[ report ]

M. Herrmann, J. Rademacher
Riemann problems in FPU chains
Proceedings of ICIAM-07, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2008
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J. Giannoulis, M. Herrmann, A. Mielke
Effective Lagrangian and Hamiltonian structures for interacting pulses in nonlinear lattices
to appear in Proceedings of EQUADIFF-07, 2007


Doctoral Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2005:
Ein Mikro-Makro Übergang für die nichtlineare atomare Kette mit Temperatur

Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1999:
Turbulente Strömungen in porösen Medien


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