Seminar: Grinding and Dispersing with Stirred Media Mills
29th September – 1st October (English)
Grinding and dispersing with stirred media mills represent important process steps in many branches of industry. The knowledge of the physical phenomena inside the mill and the industrial applications have increased significantly in the last 15 years. The course gives an overview about today‘s mill designs available on the market and about the physical phenomena of grinding and dispersing in stirred media mills. Within the workshop you will be trained how this knowledge can be used for the design and optimization of grinding and dispersing processes. Furthermore, process models to describe the grinding process in stirred media mills are presented and their application to the practice is demonstrated.
Moreover, the effect of important operating parameters on the grinding and dispersing result as well as the transport behaviour and operating modes of stirred media mills are presented. Last but not least, design aspects of stirred media mills as well as questions of scale-up are addressed. The seminar includes lectures, discussion, experimental demonstration and calculation examples for design and operation of stirred media mills. It adresses the basic theory of grinding and dispersing in stirred media mills, as well as models and methods for process design and optimization. Theory is lectured and the practical application is taught by an integrated workshop. During the workshop participants are guided through calculation examples in order to apply and practice models for process design and scale-up. Individual questions are welcome. Overall, the content of the seminar and the workshop is:
Operation of stirred media mills: