Consultation Services
Based on our cutting-edge research experience, we offer expert consultation service to industry in diverse fields closely linked to our focus areas. Examples are the selection and layout of grinding or dispersing machines, or the development of workflows for optimized project and claim management.
At iPAT, the properties of particles (particle size, mechanical properties, rheology) are characterized down to the nanometer scale utilizing a variety of analytical techniques. Based on our extensive experience in this field, service measurements are routinely carried out for industrial and academic users, with a focus on the analysis of particle sizes, nanomechanical properties of particles and coatings as well as rheological properties.
Research and Development
The Institute for Particle Technology has long experience on applied research projects with and for partners in industry. On the one hand, on a routine basis smaller R&D projects involving some weeks of research work are accomplished for industrial partners. On the other hand, also long-term R&D projects can be offered. Especially for small and medium-sized businesses, a variety of additional funding options are offered by the German federal government as well as the European Union. Based on our expertise with numerous granted projects in that field, the funding options can be fully exploited for mutual benefit.
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