Discover… the National Metrology Institute

29 January 2025, 09:45 - 13:10 [Aktuelles, Austauschstudierende, Incoming Students, Aktuelles]

Did you know that the clocks in Braunschweig are exceptionally precise? The National Metrology Institute is responsible for this. Join us on a tour!

The National Metrology Institute of Germany, known as the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), is responsible for providing the accurate time throughout the country. During the guided tour, we will learn how the atomic clocks at the PTB work, in what cases even a nanometer can be too long, and what the physicists at the PTB can do with light.

  • Please note: Registration via Stud.IP is required. The link to register will be provided approximately three weeks before the event.
  • Language: English