Projektarbeit Entwicklung einer automatischen Regenwasserableitung für eine Grunschule in Uganda
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Müller
Projektarbeit Entwicklung eines mechanischen Hebesystems für barrierefreien Zugang
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Müller
Projektarbeit Planung und Bau eines Handpumpenmodells
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Müller
Projektarbeit Sicherheitskonzept Hochleistungstribometer
Supervisor: Kassandra Kampen, M.Sc. & Kiro Scholtes, M.Sc.
Projektarbeit Kreativprojekt Dynamik
Supervisor: Kassandra Kampen, M.Sc.
The project thesis (PA) is an examination with a scope of 6 credit points (LP); this corresponds to a workload of 180 hours. The PA is offered on a semester basis and is to be completed by the students within their field of competence. According to §11 of the Special Part of the Examination Regulations, the PA is to promote the ability to develop, enforce and present concepts.
The Institute of Acoustics and Dynamics (InAD) offers topics from the field of system dynamics and acoustics corresponding to the two current examination regulations. Since these are assigned to the individual examiners, you will find an overview of this assignment below.
In accordance with the examination regulations, registration deadlines for examination performances apply. The registration for the PA takes place in two stages.
1st stage:
Students register informally for a PA topic. This registration is done via Stud.IP. and serves the organization. A detailed description of the topics can be found further down this page.
2nd stage:
The binding registration for the PA takes place in person and in writing at the preliminary meeting.
Subsequently, the final formulated topic will be handed out. A deregistration is possible within a period of 14 days after the issue date of the topic (also in person and in writing).
The binding registration as well as the possible deregistration must be made in person and in writing, since the project work is an examination performance.
The PA begins following the 2nd stage of registration with a central, approx. 30 minute preliminary meeting for all PAs conducted at InAD. Details on the process and organization will be provided during the preliminary meeting. The processing time is within the semester and is approximately 3 months.
Within the framework of the PA, students are to learn how to work on an engineering task in a group using a concrete example. For this purpose, the InAD provides for the competence fields of general mechanical engineering and mechatronics so-called soft skills at the beginning on the topics of
using concrete examples. Location and dates of these events will be announced at the preliminary meeting.
The content-related work on the PA takes place in groups of ideally 4 students, starts after the initial meeting and is accompanied by the respective supervisors.
At the end of the project work (at the end of the semester) the examination will be taken. The examination consists of a written report and an oral presentation.