“Introduction to Car Body Development” will give a general insight into vehicle development and a special insight into the development of vehicle bodies as well as their superstructure and manufacturing. The goal is to convey an overview of the coherences between design, material selection, safety, ergonomics, manufacturing, costs, etc.
In addition to a pure lecture, the knowledge is conveyed using concrete examples or objects of study. In addition, lectures from industry and current research are interspersed on individual topics.
The students are given a general insight into vehicle development and a special insight into the development of vehicle bodies. The students will gain the ability to define, develop and evaluate a vehicle body concept corresponding with given requirements.
More information for the procedure can be found on the StudIP event website.
Start time: 2 o'clock pm
Location: Room Volkswagen 1 and 2, Hermann-Blenk-Str. 42
The teaching event takes place in the summer semester.
Fridays from 15.45 until 18.15
The lecture will convey the basic content und coherences in the form of slide presentation and individual objects of study.
In the tutorial - accompanying the lecture – the content from the lecture is illustrated using concrete examples. This is done with form of individual lectures to specific topics, through a review of a body-in-white and through the exercise or demonstration on the topic of crash structure and FEM.
If not discussed differently in the lecture, all documents will be provided for download on StudIP. The video recordings for the lecture (and tutorial) will be provided on StudIP, if available.
Please discuss regular office hours with your supervisor directly.
With the examination performance the content of the lecture and exercise are checked in form of question and simple arithmetic problems.
Type: exam
Time: 90 min
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Information for Freshman
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0