The ability to innovate is a key success factor for companies in all sectors. It is often unclear which factors determine the ability to innovate and which measures or methods can be used to promote innovation in business practice. This applies in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as personnel resources are very limited and know-how is often highly specialised. These limitations and the insufficient understanding of the levers for increasing innovation capability make it more difficult to identify and implement company-specific measures. On the one hand, digitization and global distribution of value-added processes increase the pressure to act and require new know-how within SMEs. On the other hand, digital tools make new forms of knowledge exchange and cooperation between companies possible. The InnoLink joint project takes up these opportunities and challenges in order to develop cooperative innovation management in the Braunschweig region. Companies and universities act as know-how carriers and provide their specific knowledge about innovation methods and processes or technologies, e.g. in the form of best practices. This is expected to provide significant impetus and a better company-specific awareness for concrete measures to increase innovation capability. Dabei verstärken Digitalisierung und globale Verteilung von Wertschöpfungsprozessen einerseits den Handlungsdruck und erfordern neues Know-how innerhalb der KMU. Andererseits machen digitale Hilfsmittel neue Formen des Wissensaustausches und der Kooperation zwischen Unternehmen möglich. Im Verbundprojekt InnoLink werden diese Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen aufgegriffen, um ein kooperatives Innovationsmanagement in der Region Braunschweig zu entwickeln. Unternehmen und Hochschulen treten hierin als Know-how-Träger auf und stellen ihr spezifisches Wissen über Innovationsmethoden und -prozesse oder Technologien z.B. in Form von Best-Practices bereit. Hierdurch sind wesentliche Impulse und ein besseres unternehmensspezifisches Bewusstsein für konkrete Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Innovationsfähigkeit zu erwarten.
The objective of the joint project between TU Braunschweig and Ostfalia HaW is to provide tools for cooperative innovation management in SMEs. On the one hand, tools are to be developed for the characterisation and assessment of the innovation capability of companies and company divisions. On the other hand, practically applicable measures and methods for the promotion of innovations are to be provided. On the basis of a needs analysis, an integrated innovation methodology will be developed which, as a toolbox, will include the following elements, among others:
The tools for increasing innovation are flanked by a mobile InnoLab. In this lab, regular innovation meetings are organised for the personal exchange of experience between entrepreneurs and employees. In addition, joint innovation workshops and theme-related coaching are offered. The development of the individual tools is based on the specific needs of SMEs from the Braunschweig region. Expert interviews and an online survey will be conducted as part of the needs analysis. The scientific partners will consider the perspectives and requirements of product development as well as organizational economics and business administration. The focus of the measures and methods in the area of product development is on strengthening customer orientation and internal communication within the company. The integration of Open Innovation and Design Thinking approaches into the development process will be investigated. Workshops and pilot projects with industry partners will be conducted for the introduction and practical application of the tools. On this basis, the tools will be evaluated, adapted and disseminated with the help of regional business development agencies.
If you are interested in the current project results, please contact us.
Entrepeneurship Center - Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften
Allianz für die Region GmbH
Braunschweig Zukunft GmbH
Handwerkskammer Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Stade
KIM Kooperationsinitiative Maschinenbau e.V.
Metropolregion Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg GmbH
PEINER SMAG Lifting Technologies GmbH