The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft granted a research group about the cosmic debris disc under the leadership of the University Jena (Prof. Alexander…
Read ESA's Rosetta blog here.
Saturday the 27th of June another Tu-Night-Event took place. A Jury judged the displayed experiments and exhibits to find the best expermient oft the…
The geophysicists from Braunschweig present their newest results in the journal “Science” as well as at the European Geosciences Union General…
The 26th Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium for electromagnetic deep sounding takes plase from 21th to 25th of September 2015 in CVJM-Haus Solling in…
The German Geophysical Society awards the Günter-Bock- Award to young Geophysicists for outstanding scientifical publications. Matthias Bücker has…
Hayabusa-II, an asteroid explorer developed under Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), has been successfully launched from Tanegashima Space…
Member of the institute and co-principal investigator of the ROMAP-instrument Uli Auster witnessed Philae's separation, descent and touchdowns in…
On Wednesday afternoon we recieved first data from the RPC-Mag on board the Rosetta orbiter. The measured jump in the magnetic field confirms the…
On the 12th of November it's going to be exciting! The orbiter unit of the space mission Rosetta will deliver the lander to fulfil the first landing…
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