

Simon Klute

Age: 22

Degree: Biology B.Sc.

Biological interests: Gene Regulation in prokaryotes

Role in our team: Soon wetlab

Hobbys: Riding a race bike, playing guitar, listening to audiobooks

Fun fact: I'm a triplet

Favourite organism: Costasiella kuroshimae

Favourite equipment: Cleanbench

How many plants do I own ?: 5



Benjamin Harder

Age: 22

Degree: Biology B.Sc. 

Biological interests: Cell biology, Molecular biology and Neurobiology and blood cells

Role in our team: Sponsoring, Website

Fun fact: Most flexible thumb

Favourite organism: Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Favourite equipment: Lab coat and pipette

Why do I love biology?: To study the complexity of life seemed like the most exciting and fascinating subject i could ever imagine. It's amazing how many small things have a big impact on our well being.


Samuel Nestor Meckoni

Age: 23

Degree: Biology M.Sc.

Biological interests: Plants (because they are photoautotoph), moss (because they can filter the air)

Hobbys: Fisching, reading, playing board games, electrical handicrafts

Fun fact:  I tried to cultivate plants in hydroponics, but only algae grew.

Favourite equipment: Photometer

How many plants do I own?: Only 3 left, because the others died 

Pets: One small dog

Unknown fascination:

The Diversity of species found in the rain forest.

Why do I love biology?:  Natures way of creating the balance, that is needed to develop life.


Dorothee-Sophie Börstling

Age: 23

Degree: Biology B.Sc.

Role in our team: Social media, sponsoring

Favourite enzyme: EcoRI HF

Favourite organism: Cyanobacteria

Favourite laboratory equipment: Centrifuge

How many plants do I own?: 25

Hobbys: Headstands

Fun fact: I tend to ask people before I start thinking myself. (This fact, for example)

Pets: Dog, cat, turtle, chickens, geese and a horse



Sina Huxhagen

Age: 22

Degree: Biology B.Sc.

Biological interests: Neurobiology, Molecular biology, Genetics

Favorite organism: Danio rerio

Pets: Two Bunnys (Nacho & Nala)

Favourite equipment: Fluorescence microscope

Favourite protein: Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP)

Hobbys: Music (a little bit of piano and guitar, singing) and sports (dancing, fitness)

Why do I love biology?: Because it's so incredible. There is so much that you don't know yet, but at the same time there is so much that you can be fascinated by


Melina Nowak

Age: 21

Degree: Biology B.Sc.

Biological interests: Neurobiology, Animal cell biology

Role in our team: Website

Hobbys: Fitness, reading, going for a walk 

Favourite protein: Kinesin 

Why do I love biology?: It fascinates me how the smallest things can have the biggest impact


Frauke Drobek

Age: 21

Degree: Biology B.Sc.

Biological interests: Marine biology (animals and plants), Bioinfomatics

Favourite organism: Volvox

How many plants do I own?: 22

Why do I love biology?: I love biology because it provides insight into the diversity of life forms and a scientific understanding of how all living and non-living organisms interact with each other



Fabienne Spang

Age: 22

Degree: Biology B.Sc.

Biological interests: Infection Biology, Microbiology

Favourite organism: Volvox

How many plants do i own?: 6

Why do I love biology?: I find it fascinating how the smallest things have the biggest impact.

Team supervisor


Boas Pucker

Age: 33

Biological interests: Specialised metabolites in plants, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Synthetic biology

Favourite organism: croton variegatum

How many plants do I own?: 8 (in my home office)

Why do I love Biology?:  It  fascinates me how complex living organisms are and how they evolved and changed over time. The capability of plants to adjust to extreme temperatures and stress impresses me especially.


Former members

Anastasia Giese, Jonathan Heitmann, Carla Hübner, Maileen Weidner and Sadija Altmüller