
In order to realise the project, the team needs various resources and materials. They have created a project on betterplace for this purpose. Have a look for more details:

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Besuch bei der Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig

Ronja and Boas, the supervisors of the Synbio team in 2024, went to visit the Braunschweiger Bürgerstiftung together with Julia, a member of the team. There, Ronja presented last year's "Li+onSwitch" project and reported on her team's successes. Boas also explained why the team is not taking part in the iGEM competition this year and instead presented alternative plans for the Synbio project. In particular, they talked about the Synbio team's plans for science communication with schools. The Braunschweiger Bürgerstiftung has already supported the teams from 2022 and 2023. This year's Synbio Team 2024 is therefore very excited to have the support of the Braunschweiger Bürgerstiftung as well! 


kleinere Arabidopsis thaliana Pflanzen, welche Anthocyane aufweisen

Here you can see red/purple spots on the leaves of individual plants. These are most likely stress-induced anthocyanins, which were probably caused by too much direct light.


Arabidopsis thaliana nach 1 Monat Wachstum

In the meantime, after about 1 month, the plants have grown quite a bit. As you can see, they have different sizes and characteristics, this is due to the seeds themselves and their genetic make-up, but also to the initial conditions under which they were kept. 


Arabidopsis thaliana nach 1 Woche

To get off to a good start, the team needs different plants.


Arabidopsis thaliana seeds have already been sown and after a few days are already showing a few beautiful leaves.

Bild der Kornblume

After long nights researching different paper and methods our Synbio-Team 2024 has found a project ! 

In their project, the students are working on the blue colour complex of the cornflower. They want to research the genes that are responsible for the blue colouring and then transfer these to other plants. 

Gruppenbild von Chiara Dassow, Julia Lüpkes und Vladislav Berg

Here they are, our dedicated SynBio-Team 2024 !