The library of the Technical University of Braunschweig provides literature, media, and information for the university.
For access to the literature that is specific to the library of the institute, please contact M.Sc. Tim Luplow or M.Sc. Martin Bartelt.
Literature can only be read in the library as no lending is permitted.
In the following the publications of both chairs are listed
Herwig, A., Beyer, Y., Brack, T., Haupt, M., Heimbs, S., Steen, M. and Hecker, P.,. Design and Commissioning of a Scaled Aeroelastic Airplane Intended for Load Alleviation Demonstration, AIAA 2025-1438. AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Orlando, FL, January 2025.
Herwig, A.; Haupt, M.; Brack, T.; Bustamante, J.; Heimbs, S.: Gust load alleviation in a scaled UAV demonstrator, ICAS 2024 - 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Florence, Italy, September 9-13, 2024 [URL]
Stüven, Jan-Lukas, Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C.,. Effects of fibre misalignment on the stability of double-curved composites, 2023. Procedia CIRP 118, 839–844.
Stüven, J.-L., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C.,. Stability of double-curved composite structures comprising misaligned fibres, 2023. Presented at the 26th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS26), Porto, Portugal.
Mosca, V., Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Investigating potentials of active flow control via retrofit of commercial aircraft, 2023. Presented at the Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 (Joint 10th EUCASS & 9th CEAS Conference), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Maruyama, D.,. A Framework of Data-Assisted Efficient Global Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 2023. Presented at the Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023, Stuttgart, Germany.
Ma, Y., Abouhamzeh, M., Elham, A.,. Investigating Aileron Design for Ultra-High Aspect Ratio Wings, 2023a, in: AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Harbor, MD & Online.
Ma, Y., Abouhamzeh, M., Elham, A.,. Geometrically Nonlinear Coupled Adjoint Aerostructural Optimization of Natural-Laminar-Flow Strut-Braced Wing, 2023b. Journal of Aircraft 60, 935–954.
Ma, Y., Abouhamzeh, M., Elham, A.,. Aerostructural Optimization and Comparative Study of Strut-Braced-Wing and Twin-Fuselage Aircraft Configurations with Ultra-High Aspect Ratio Wings, 2023c, in: AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Harbor, MD & Online.
Ma, Y., Abouhamzeh, M., Da Ronch, A., Elham, A.,. Geometrically Nonlinear Coupled-Adjoint Aerostructural Optimization of Ultra-High Aspect Ratio Wings with Flutter Constraints, 2023d, in: AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Harbor, MD & Online.
Luplow, Tim, Protz, R., Littner, L., Drummer, J., Kunze, E., Heimbs, S., Horst, P., Gude, M., Kreutzbruck, M., Fiedler, B.,. Challenges of thick-walled fibre-reinforced thermosets in manufacturing, destructive and non-destructive testing – A review, 2023. Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik 1, 73–117.
Luplow, T., Bartelt, M., Heimbs, S., Horst, P.,. Investigation of thickness effects in bi-axially braided glass fibre laminates using a parametrised RVE model, 2023. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification (CompTest 2023), Girona, Spain.
Lobitz, L., Traub, H., Heimbs, S., Hühne, C., Horst, P.,. Implications of extended hybrid laminar flow control suction panels on structural wing design, 2023. Presented at the Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 (Joint 10th EUCASS & 9th CEAS Conference), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Assessment of Potential Commercial Success of Business Jets with Natural Laminar Flow, 2023. Journal of Aircraft 60, 310–330.
Hahn, D., Haupt, M., Lobitz, L., Heimbs, S.,. Analysis of the structural behavior of wings with nonlinear components for passive load reduction, 2023. Presented at the Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 (Joint 10th EUCASS & 9th CEAS Conference), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Friedel, A., Heimbs, S., Horst, P., Schmidt, C., Timmermann, M.,. Representative structural element approach for assessing the mechanical properties of automated fibre placement-induced defects, 2023. Composites Part C: Open Access 10, 100350.
Finder, J., Möller, H., Schmidt, C., Heimbs, S.,. Adapting concrete experimental measurements in a FEM simulation for the development of a novel orthopaedic shoe, 2023. Presented at the Composites 2023 - 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, Trapani, Sicily, Italy.
Chauhan, R., Maruyama, D.,. Generating New Aircraft Configurations by Generative Models Using Data, 2023. Presented at the Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023, Stuttgart, Germany.
Bustamante, J., Hahn, D., Haupt, M., Heimbs, S.,. Enhancing Load Alleviation in Aircraft Wings through Nonlinear Aeroelastic Tailoring, 2023. Presented at the 8th Aircraft Structural Design Conference, London, UK.
Bogenschütz, M., Möllers, H., Stüven, J.-L., Schmidt, C.,. Automatisierte Preform-Fertigung, 2023. VDI-Z 165, 51–53.
Bock, N., Maruyama, D.,. Learning to simulate fluid flow around airfoils using graph neural networks, 2023. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2023), Athens, Greece.
Bartelt, M., Luplow, T., Horst, P., Heimbs, S.,. Influence of the layer thickness on the very high cycle fatigue behaviour of composite materials, 2023a. Presented at the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity (ICAF), Delft, The Netherlands.
Bartelt, M., Horst, P., Heimbs, S.,. Effects of an enhanced fibre–matrix adhesion on the fatigue behaviour of composite materials under very high cycle fatigue, 2023b. CEAS Aeronaut J 14, 753–763.
Wiedemann, M., Badrya, C., Prasannakumar, A., Lobitz, L., Traub, H., Heimbs, S., Hühne, C., Saemann, P., Buelow, C., Scheffler, S., Brod, M., Tariq, M.,. The Suction Panel - xHLFC and Structural Solution for Energy Efficient Aviation, 2022, in: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, San Diego, CA & Virtual.
Thel, S., Hahn, D., Haupt, M., Heimbs, S.,. A passive load alleviation aircraft wing: topology optimization for maximizing nonlinear bending–torsion coupling, 2022. Struct Multidisc Optim 65, 155.
Stüven, J.-L., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C.,. Effects of fibre misalignment on the stability of double-curved composites., 2022. Presented at the 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ’22), Gulf of Naples, Italy.
Runge, F., Starke, S., Markgraf, L., Bartelt, M., Horst, P., Heimbs, S.,. Event Recognition for Realistic Load Spectra and their Impact on Inspection Intervals in Damage Tolerant Design, 2022, in: Deutscher Luft-Und Raumfahrtkongress. Dresden.
Rohdenburg, M., Runge, F., Haupt, M., Markgraf, L., Horst, P., Heimbs, S.,. Holistic Low-Effort Model for Damage Tolerance Analysis in Preliminary Design, 2022. Transactions on Aerospace Research 22, 1–20.
Reichert, L., Tiemann, T., Schmidt, C., Heimbs, S., Horst, P.,. Investigation of novel FE-based modelling approaches for stiffened CFRP aircraft structures, 2022. Presented at the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM20), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Mosca, V., Elham, A.,. Investigations on the Potentials of Novel Technologies for Aircraft Fuel Burn Reduction through Aerostructural Optimisation, 2022. Aerospace 9, 744.
Mosca, V., Karpuk, S., Sudhi, A., Badrya, C., Elham, A.,. Multidisciplinary design optimisation of a fully electric regional aircraft wing with active flow control technology, 2022. Aeronaut. j. 126, 730–754.
Ma, Y., Zhang, W., Elham, A.,. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Twin-Fuselage Aircraft with Boundary-Layer-Ingesting Distributed Propulsion, 2022a. Journal of Aircraft 59, 1588–1602.
Ma, Y., Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Conceptual design and comparative study of strut-braced wing and twin-fuselage aircraft configurations with ultra-high aspect ratio wings, 2022b. Aerospace Science and Technology 121, 107395.
Luplow, T., Heimbs, S.,. Experimental investigation of the size effect on the mechanical properties of bi-axially braided glass fibre-polyurethane composites under tensile, compressive and flexural loading, 2022, in: 23. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe Und Werkstoffverbunde. Leoben, Austria.
Koord, J., Stüven, J.-L., Völkerink, O., Petersen, E., Hühne, C.,. Investigation of exact analytical solutions for composite laminates under pin-bearing loading, 2022. Composite Structures 292, 115605.
Karpuk, S., Radespiel, R., Elham, A.,. Assessment of Future Airframe and Propulsion Technologies on Sustainability of Next-Generation Mid-Range Aircraft, 2022a. Aerospace 9, 279.
Karpuk, S., Mosca, V., Liu, C., Elham, A.,. Development of a Multi-fidelity Design, Analysis, and Optimization Environment for Future Transport Aircraft, 2022b, in: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, San Diego, CA & Virtual.
Hon, K.S., Karpuk, S., Yang, D., Elham, A.,. Development of a Flight Simulator for Conceptual Aircraft Design and Sizing, 2022. Transactions on Aerospace Research 2022, 31–61.
Heimbs, Sebastian, May, M., Woidt, M., Hansen, J., Jung, M., Pfaff, J., Calomfirescu, M.,. Physics-based drone impact analysis of composite aerostructures, 2022. Presented at the 2nd European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures ECCCS-2, Toulouse (France).
Heimbs, S., Hansen, J., Woidt, M.,. Comparison of drone collision and bird strike on aircraft radome using experimental and simulation methods, 2022. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM 2022), Trondheim, Norway.
Hahn, Daniel, Khalil, K., Haupt, M., Bauknecht, A., Heimbs, S.,. Exploration of the synergies between fluidic flow control and nonlinear structural behavior for gust load alleviation, 2022a, in: Deutscher Luft-Und Raumfahrtkongress. Presented at the September 27-29, 2022, Dresden.
Hahn, Daniel, Haupt, M., Heimbs, S.,. Passive Load Alleviation by Nonlinear Stiffness of Airfoil Structures, 2022b, in: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, San Diego, CA & Virtual.
Hahn, D., Haupt, M.,. Exploration of the effect of wing component post-buckling on bending-twist coupling for nonlinear wing twist, 2022. CEAS Aeronaut J.
Hahn, D., Haupt, M., Heimbs, S.,. Load alleviation capabilities of wings with nonlinear structural behavior in stationary and dynamic load cases, 2022. Presented at the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Madrid, Spain.
Ghasemi, A., Elham, A.,. Efficient multi-stage aerodynamic topology optimization using an operator-based analytical differentiation, 2022. Struct Multidisc Optim 65, 130.
Friedel, A., Heimbs, S., Horst, P., Schmidt, C., Timmermann, M.,. Impact of defects during automated fibre placement on the compression behaviour of cured CFRP structures, 2022. Presented at the SAMPE Europe Conference 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
Denkena, B., Horst, P., Heimbs, S., Schmidt, C., Tiemann, T., Reichert, L.,. Automated fiber placement: the impact of manufacturing constraints on achieving structural property targets for CFRP-stiffeners, 2022. Presented at the 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ’22), Gulf of Naples, Italy.
Bramsiepe, K.R., Gröhlich, M., Dähne, S., Hahn, D.,. Structural Concepts for Passive Load Alleviation, 2022, in: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, San Diego, CA & Virtual.
Bartelt, M., Horst, P., Heimbs, S.,. Influence of an increased fibre-matrix adhesion on the very high cycle fatigue behaviour of composite materials, 2022. Presented at the Deutscher Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, Dresden.
Abouhamzeh, M., Ma, Y., Elham, A.,. A Geometrically Nonlinear Structural Model For Aerostructural Optimization of Ultra-High Aspect Ratio Composite Wings, 2022, in: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. Presented at the AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, San Diego, CA & Virtual.
Vasista, S., Riemenschneider, J., Monner, H.P., Keimer, R., Nolte, F., Horst, P.,. Large-Displacement Morphing Wing Leading Edge Droop Nose: Optimization, Manufacture and Instrumentation, 2021, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft: Contributions to the Final Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 880, December 17-18, 2019, Braunschweig, Germany. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 153–164.
Talele, Mohit, Haupt, M., Tooren, M. van, Elham, A.,. Concurrent stringer topology and skin steered fiber pattern optimization for grid stiffened composite shell structures, 2021. Composite Structures 266, 113804.
Talele, M., van Tooren, M., Elham, A.,. A super-convergent thin-walled 3D beam element for analysis of laminated composite structures with arbitrary cross-section, 2021. The Aeronautical Journal 125, 1792–1814.
Runge, F., Sommerwerk, K., Rohdenburg, M., Haupt, M.C.,. Design of Active High Lift Wing Configurations Via Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation, 2021, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 197–211.
Rohdenburg, M., Runge, F., Haupt, M., Markgraf, L., Horst, P., Heimbs, S.,. Holistic Low-Effort Model for Damage Tolerance Analysis in Preliminary Design, 2021. Presented at the CEAS Aerospace Europe Conference 2021, Warsaw, Poland.
Nolte, F., Hannig, A., Horst, P., Vasista, S., Monner, H.P.,. Large-Displacement Morphing Wing Leading Edge Droop Nose: Structural Concept, Testing and Systems Integration, 2021, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft: Contributions to the Final Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 880, December 17-18, 2019, Braunschweig, Germany. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 165–180.
Nicolay, S., Karpuk, S., Liu, Y., Elham, A.,. Conceptual design and optimization of a general aviation aircraft with fuel cells and hydrogen, 2021. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46, 32676–32694.
Nagel, L., Herwig, A., Schmidt, C., Horst, P.,. Numerical Investigation of Residual Stresses in Welded Thermoplastic CFRP Structures, 2021. Journal of Composites Science 5, 45.
Mosca, A., V.,. Elham,. Wing aerostructural optimization with Hybrid laminar flow control and active load alleviation, 2021, in: AeroBest 2021 Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
Maruyama, D., Schültke, F., Stumpf, E., Elham, A.,. EFFICIENT GLOBAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN OPTIMIZATION TO SUPPORT AIRCRAFT CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, 2021, in: AeroBest 2021 Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
Ma, Yiyuan, Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Conceptual design and comparative study of strut-braced wing and twin-fuselage aircraft configurations with ultra-high aspect ratio wings, 2021, in: AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM.
Ma, Y., Elham, A.,. Twin-fuselage configuration for improving fuel efficiency of passenger aircraft, 2021. Aerospace Science and Technology 118, 107000.
Lobitz, L.V.,. Integration von xHLFC-Absaugpanels in Flügelstrukturen, 2021, in: DLRK 2021. Presented at the DLRK 2021, Bremen.
Karpuk, Stanislav, Elham, A.,. Influence of Novel Airframe Technologies on the Feasibility of Fully-Electric Regional Aviation, 2021a. Aerospace 8.
Karpuk, Stanislav, Elham, A.,. Conceptual Design Trade Study for an Energy-Efficient Mid-Range Aircraft with Novel Technologies, 2021b, in: AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum.
Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Assessment of potential commercial success of business jets with natural laminar flow technology, 2021. Presented at the CEAS Aerospace Europe Conference 2021, Warsaw, Poland.
Herwig, A., Schmidt, C., Horst, P.,. Investigation of asymmetrical fiber metal hybrids used as load introduction element for thin-walled CFRP structures, 2021. Procedia CIRP 99, 443–447.
Hahn, D., Haupt, M.,. Passive Load Alleviation by Nonlinear Mounting of Airfoils in 2-DOF Models, 2021 9 pages.
Ghasemi, A., Elham, A.,. Multi-objective topology optimization of pin-fin heat exchangers using spectral and finite-element methods, 2021. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 64, 2075–2095.
Fiedler, T., Rösler, J., Bäker, M., Hötte, F., von Sethe, C., Daub, D., Haupt, M., Haidn, O.J., Esser, B., Gülhan, A.,. Mechanical Integrity of Thermal Barrier Coatings: Coating Development and Micromechanics, 2021, in: Future Space-Transport-System Components under High Thermal and Mechanical Loads. Springer, pp. 295–307.
Elham, A., van Tooren, M.,. Discrete adjoint aerodynamic shape optimization using symbolic analysis with OpenFEMflow, 2021. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63, 2531–2551.
Barfusz, O., Hötte, F., Reese, S., Haupt, M.,. Pseudo-transient 3D Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation and Lifetime Prediction of a Rocket Combustion Chamber, 2021, in: Future Space-Transport-System Components under High Thermal and Mechanical Loads. Springer, pp. 265–278.
Weykenat, J., Herwig, A., Serna, J., Schmidt, C.,. Local Fiber-Metal-Laminate used as Load Introduction element for Thin-Walled CFRP Structures, 2020, in: 4th Internation Conference Hybrid 2020 Materials and Structures, Karlsruhe, Deutschland.
Wagner, T., Heimbs, S., Burger, U.,. A simplified and semi-analytical bolted joint model for crash and impact simulations of composite structures, 2020. Composite Structures 233, 111628.
Talele, M., Elham, A.,. Strategies for the Composite stiffened Panel Topology Optimization for Minimum Weight, 2020, in: SAWE Tech Fair 2020.
Sommerwerk, H., Luplow, T., Horst, P.,. Numerical simulation and validation of electro-impulse de-icing on a leading edge structure, 2020. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 105, 102392.
Reichert, L., Schmidt, C., Horst, P.,. A Methodology for Strategic Individualization of Stiffened CFRP Structures, 2020, in: 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. CIRP ICME ´20 - 14th CIRP Conference on IN℡LIGENT COMPUTATION IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, Gulf of Naples, Italy.
Nicolay, S., Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Conceptual design and optimization of a general aviation aircraft with fuel cells and hydrogen as propulsion system, 2020, in: Aerospace Europe Conference 2020.
Liu, Y., Swamy, A.P.M., Elham, A.,. Multi-fidelity Design Optimization of a Long Range Blended Wing Body Aircraft with New Airframe Technologies, 2020, in: AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum.
Kleemann, N., Karpuk, S., Elham, A.,. Conceptual Design and Optimization of a Solar-Electric Blended Wing Body Aircraft for General Aviation, 2020, in: AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum.
Karpuk, S., Liu, Y., Elham, A.,. Multi-Fidelity Design Optimization of a Long-Range Blended Wing Body Aircraft with New Airframe Technologies, 2020. Aerospace 7.
Hötte, F., Sethe, C., Fiedler, T., Haupt, M., Haidn, O.J., Rohdenburg, M.,. Experimental Lifetime Study of Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Chamber Walls, 2020a. International Journal of Fatigue 105649.
Hötte, F., Haupt, M.,. Transient 3D conjugate heat transfer simulation of a rectangular GOX–GCH4 rocket combustion chamber and validation, 2020. Aerospace Science and Technology 105, 106043.
Hötte, F., Günther, O., von Sethe, C., Haupt, M., Scholz, P., Rohdenburg, M.,. Lifetime Experiments of Regeneratively Cooled Rocket Combustion Chambers and PIV Measurements in a High Aspect Ratio Cooling Duct, 2020b, in: Future Space-Transport-System Components under High Thermal and Mechanical Loads. Springer, pp. 279–293.
Horst, P., Elham, A., Radespiel, R.,. Reduction of Aircraft Drag, Loads and Mass for Energy Transition in Aeronautics, 2020, in: DLRK 2020.
Herwig, A., Schmidt, C., Horst, P.,. Investigation of Asymmetrical Fiber Metal Hybrids Used as Load Introduction Element for Thin-Walled CFRP Structures Vortrag, 2020a. Presented at the 16th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ’22), Gulf of Naples, Italy.
Herwig, A., Schmidt, C., Heimbs, S., Horst, P.,. Investigating the load bearing capabilities of layered local fiber metal hybrids, 2020b, in: 14th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. CIRP ICME ´20 - 14th CIRP Conference on IN℡LIGENT COMPUTATION IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, Gulf of Naples, Italy.
Hennemann, S., Hohm, V., Horst, P., Twardy, L., Zimmermann, P.,. Numerical Investigation of Tri-Axial Braid Composite Structures as Crush Specimens Using the VPS-Solver, 2020, in: Gunkelmann, N., Baum, M. (Eds.), Simulation Science. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 168–178.
Hennemann, S.,. Crashverhalten von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden in Kombination mit metallischen Strukturen (Dissertation), 2020. NFL.
Hahn, D., Haupt, M.,. Potential of the nonlinear structural behavior of wing design components for passive load alleviation, 2020, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, DLRK. Online Event.
Ghasemi, A., Elham, A.,. A Novel Topology Optimization Approach for Flow Power Loss Minimization Across Fin Arrays, 2020. Energies 13.
Fleischer, J., Herwig, A., P, H.,. Grundlagen der Fertigung, Charakterisierung und Auslegung, 2020, in: Intrinsische Hybridverbunde Für Leichtbautragstrukturen. Springer.
Elham, A., Talele, M., Van tooren, M.,. A Super Convergent Thin Walled 3D Beam Element for Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures, 2020, in: RAeS 7th Aircraft Structural Design Conference.
Vasista, S., Riemenschneider, J., Monner, H.P., Nolte, F., Horst, P.,. Manufacture and testing of a large-displacement droop-nose morphing wing leading edge, 2019, in: AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum. p. 1858.
Müller, M., Woidt, M., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Challenges of fully-coupled high-fidelity ditching simulations, 2019. Aerospace 6, 10.
Maillard, E., Gonze, A.P., Al-Khalil, M., Heimbs, S., Rigby, R.,. Use of Abaqus/Explicit for Damage and Failure Prediction of Composite Panels Subjected to Bird Impact, 2019. Presented at the 4th Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference.
Krieglsteiner, J., Horst, P., Schmidt, C.,. Definition and representation of stiffened shell structures in the context of an integrated development process, 2019a. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology.
Krieglsteiner, J., Horst, P., Schmidt, C.,. An Integrated Development Process for Stiffened Shell Lightweight Structures, 2019b, in: Research into Design for a Connected World. Springer, pp. 835–844.
Hötte, F., Günther, O., Rohdenburg, M., Haupt, M.C., Scholz, P.,. Roughness and Crack Investigations of Rocket Combustion Chambers and pressure loss measurements in a high aspect ratio cooling duct, 2019a. SFB TRR 40.
Hötte, F., Fiedler, T., Haupt, M., Lungu, P., Sethe, C.V., Haidn, O.J.,. Experimental Investigations of Thermomechanical Fluid–Structure Interaction in Rocket Combustion Chambers, 2019b. Journal of Propulsion and Power 35, 906–916.
Herwig, A.,. Konzepte zur Lasteinleitung in Faserverbundstrukturen für Hochleistungsanwendungen, 2019, in: 23. Internationales Dresdner Leichtbausymposium, Dresden.
Hennemann, S., Hohm, V., Horst, P., Honnakkalavar, H.,. Numerical treatment of fiber reinforced plastic crushing mechanism in virtual performance solution: Possibilities and limitations, 2019. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications.
Heimbs, S., Wagner, T., Viana Lozoya, J.T., Hoenisch, B., Franke, F.,. Comparison of impact behaviour of glass, carbon and Dyneema composites, 2019a. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 233, 951–966.
Heimbs, S., Meister, H., Brand, C., M., Calomfirescu, Rothenhaeusler, M., Schlick, M., Karch, C., Wagner, T.,. Nachweis der technologischen Reife von SatCom Radomen für MALE Flugzeuge, 2019b. Presented at the Deutscher Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress.
Ghasemi, Ali, Elham, A.,. Flow topology optimization in periodic domains with application to micro heat exchanger optimization, 2019, in: ECCOMAS COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
Fernández, D., Begemann, B., Middendorf, P., Horst, P.,. Investigation of the buckling and load-bearing behaviour of selectively stitched stiffened CFRP panels under multiaxial loading, 2019. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 1–15.
Denkena, B., Schmidt, C., Groß, L., Horst, P., Herwig, A., Meiners, D., Gonzalez, J.S.,. Krafteinleitungselement: Patent, 2019. DE102017119940A1.
Degenhardt, D., Langer, J., Greve, L., Eller, T.K., Andres, M., Horst, P.,. Validation of a temperature-dependent elasto-viscoplastic material model for a talcum-filled polypropylene/polyethylene co-polymer using glove box flap component tests, 2019a. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.10348.
Degenhardt, D., Greve, L., Andres, M., Eller, T.K., Copik, J., Horst, P.,. Simplified temperature-dependent elasto-viscoplastic deformation and fracture modeling of a talcum-filled PP/PE co-polymer, 2019b. International Journal of Plasticity 119, 291–312.
Bertsch, L., Wolters, F., Heinze, W., Pott-Pollenske, M., Blinstrub, J.,. System noise assessment of a tube-and-wing aircraft with geared turbofan engines, 2019a. Journal of Aircraft 56, 1577–1596.
Bertsch, L., Heinze, W., Guérin, S., Lummer, M., Delfs, J.,. 10 years of joint research at DLR and TU Braunschweig toward low-noise aircraft design–what did we achieve?, 2019b. Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal.
Begemann, B., Horst, P.,. Investigation on the Crack Evolution in Glass-Fiber Laminates Depending on the Stacking Sequence, 2019, in: 22nd Symposium on Composites, Key Engineering Materials. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, pp. 29–34.
Barfusz, O., Hötte, F., Reese, S., Haupt, M.,. Lifetime analysis of a virtual thrust chamber demonstrator and 11-domain conjugate heat transfer simulation of a rocket combustion chamber, 2019. SFB TRR 40.
Wagner, T., Heimbs, S., Franke, F., Burger, U., Middendorf, P.,. Experimental and numerical assessment of aerospace grade composites based on high-velocity impact experiments, 2018. Composite Structures 204, 142–152.
Wagner, T., Heimbs, S.,. Peridynamic Simulations of Carbon Fibre Composites Based on High-Velocity Impact Experiments, 2018. Presented at the 28th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Glasgow, UK.
Vasista, S., Nolte, F., Monner, H.P., Horst, P., Burnazzi, M.,. Three-dimensional design of a large-displacement morphing wing droop nose device, 2018. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures.
van den Kieboom, K., Elham, A.,. Concurrent wing and high-lift system aerostructural optimization, 2018. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 57.
Tooren, M.J.V., Lucas, D., Bahamonde, L.G., Jahangir, I., Barazanchy, D., Elham, A.,. Rapid Quantification of Gaps and Overlaps for Fiber Steering Design Optimization, 2018, in: 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference.
Talele, M., Elham, A., Haupt, M., Van tooren, M.,. Concurrent optimization of stringers topology and skin fiber pattern in grid stiffened composite structures, 2018.
Sommerwerk, K., Michels, B., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Influence of engine modeling on structural sizing and approach aerodynamics of a circulation controlled wing, 2018. CEAS Aeronaut J 9, 219–233.
Sommerwerk, H.,. Versagensmodellierung bei der mechanischen Enteisung von Flugzeugstukturen (Dissertation), 2018. NFL.
Schmidt, C., Behr, M., Serna, J., Herwig, A., Denkena, B., Horst, P., Meiners, D.,. Dreidimensionale Faserverstärkung in additiv gefertigten Kunststoffbauteilen, 2018. VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion 06–2018.
Rohdenburg, M., Günther, O., Rochlitz, H., Haupt, M.C., Scholz, P.,. Experimental investigations on rocket combustion chambers, cooling channel structure lifetime and flow characterization, 2018. SFB TRR 40.
Reichert, L., Krieglsteiner, J., Schmidt, C., Horst, P.,. Simplified Representation of Complex Structural Components for Finite-Element-Analysis, 2018, in: 18th European Conference on Composite Materials.
Pietrek, M., Horst, P.,. Determination of the fracture toughness of debonded asymmetric sandwich beams with a thin-walled skin considering plastic deformation, 2018a. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 188, 217–231.
Pietrek, M., Horst, P.,. Analysis and numerical prediction of the delamination behavior of debonded asymmetric sandwich shells with a thin-walled skin considering plastic deformation, 2018b. Composite Structures.
Nolte, F., Hannig, A., Horst, P.,. Investigation of Integral Composite T-Joints under Mixed Mode Loading, 2018. Key Engineering Materials 774, 197–202.
Müller, M., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Socket-Based Coupling of OpenFOAM and Abaqus to Simulate Vertical Water Entry of Rigid and Deformable Structures, 2018, in: 6th ESI OpenFOAM User Conference, Hamburg.
Müller, M.,. Partitioned methods for full-scale aircraft ditching simulation, 2018, in: Airbus PhD Day 2018, Hamburg.
Mahulja, S., Larsen, G., Elham, A.,. Engineering an optimal wind farm using surrogate models, 2018. Wind Energy 21.
Liu, Yaolong, Elham, A., Horst, P., Hepperle, M.,. Exploring Vehicle Level Benefits of Revolutionary Technology Progress via Aircraft Design and Optimization, 2018. Energies 11.
Liu, Y., Elham, A., Horst, P., Hepperle, M.,. Exploring Vehicle Level Benefits of Revolutionary Technology Progress via Aircraft Design and Optimization, 2018. Energies 11, 166.
Hötte, F., Lungu, P., Haupt, M., Haidn, O.J.,. Experimental and numerical investigations of thermo-mechanical fluid-structure interaction in cooled rocket combustion chambers, 2018, in: 2018 Joint Propulsion Conference.
Horst, P., Adam, T.J., Lewandrowski, M., Begemann, B., Nolte, F.,. Very High Cycle Fatigue-Testing Methods, 2018, in: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing.
Hoelzen, J., Liu, Y., Bensmann, B., Winnefeld, C., Elham, A., Friedrichs, J., Hanke-Rauschenbach, R.,. Conceptual Design of Operation Strategies for Hybrid Electric Aircraft, 2018. Energies 11.
Herwig, Alexander, Schmidt, C., Horst, P.,. Numerical Investigation of a Layered Hybrid Load Introduction Element for Thin-Walled CFRP Structures, 2018, in: 18th European conference on composite materials, A. (Ed.), .
Herwig, A., Horst, P., Schmidt, C., Pottmeyer, F., Weidenmann, K.A.,. Design and mechanical characterisation of a layer wise build AFP insert in comparison to a conventional solution, 2018. Production Engineering 12, 121–130.
Heimbs, S., Wagner, T., Meister, H., Brand, C., Calomfirescu, M.,. Bird strike on aircraft radome: Dynamic characterisation of quartz fibre composite sandwich for accurate, predictive impact simulations, 2018. EPJ Web Conf. 183, 01007.
Haupt, M.C., Lindhorst, K., Horst, P.,. Interfacing MSC Nastran to the CFD-Solver DLR-Tau for Unsteady FSI Analyses with Nonlinear Aircraft Structures, 2018, in: Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. Springer.
Hannig, A.,. Static and fatigue transverse crack initiation in thin-ply fibre-reinforced composites (Dissertation), 2018. NFL.
Groß, L., Herwig, A., Berg, D.C., Schmidt, C., Denkena, B., Horst, P., Meiners, D.,. Production-based design of a hybrid load introduction element for thin-walled CFRP Structures, 2018. Production Engineering 12, 113–120.
Giesecke, D., Lehmler, M., Friedrichs, J., Blinstrub, J., Bertsch, L., Heinze, W.,. Evaluation of ultra-high bypass ratio engines for an over-wing aircraft configuration, 2018. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 2, 493–515.
Engel, K.M.,. Berücksichtigung prozessinduzierter Effekte in der Auslegung von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden (Dissertation), 2018. NFL.
Deniz, O.,. Multi-Criteria Methodology for the Production-Oriented Optimisation of Composite Aircraft Structures (Dissertation), 2018. NFL.
Boozer, C., Elham, A.,. Coupled-adjoint aerostructural optimization framework for aircraft preliminary design, 2018.
Blinstrub, J., Bertsch, L., Heinze, W.,. Assessment of the Noise Immission along Approach and Departure Flightpaths for Different SFB 880 Vehicle Concepts, 2018, in: 2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
Bishara, M., Horst, P., Madhusoodanan, H., Brod, M., Daum, B., Rolfes, R.,. A Structural Design Concept for a Multi-Shell Blended Wing Body with Laminar Flow Control, 2018. Energies 11.
Bertsch, L., Wolters, F., Heinze, W., Pott-Pollenske, M., Blinstrub, J.,. System noise assessment of a tube-and-wing aircraft with geared turbofan engines, 2018. Kissimmee (USA).
Begemann, B., Horst, P.,. Investigation of the Stacking Sequence on Crack Evolution in Cross-Ply Glass-Fiber Laminates Under Fatigue Loading, 2018, in: 7th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC 7). ICFC 7 - 7th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites, Vicenza, Italy.
Barfusz, O., Hötte, F., Reese, S., Haupt, M.C.,. Constitutive modeling with finite element technology for anisotropic nozzle extensions along with conjugate heat transfer in a rocket combustion chamber, 2018. SFB TRR 40.
Bahamonde Jacome, L., Elham, A.,. Wing aerostructural optimization with an analytical fuel consumption sensitivity model, 2018. CEAS Aeronautical Journal.
Alba, C., Elham, A., German, B.J., Veldhuis, L.L.L.M.,. A surrogate-based multi-disciplinary design optimization framework modeling wing-propeller interaction, 2018. Aerospace Science and Technology 78, 721–733.
Adam, T.J., Nolte, F., Begemann, B., Horst, P.,. Selective laser illumination method for enhanced damage monitoring of micro cracking and delamination in GFRP laminates, 2018. Polymer Testing 65, 125–133.
Woidt, M., Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Topology optimization of incompatible isogeometric stiffened structures using evolutionary algorithms, 2017, in: 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation. Braunschweig (Germany).
Wittel, H., Jannasch, D., Voßiek, J., Spura, C.,. Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente, 23rd ed, 2017. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden.
Weiss, T., Heinze, W.,. Integration of a subsonic panel method into an aircraft design framework, 2017. SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft 176–186.
Wagner, T., Heimbs, S., Franke, F., Burger, U.,. Advanced impact simulations of aerospace grade composites based on high-velocity impact experiments, 2017. Presented at the MECHCOMP3 - 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Bologna, Italy.
Wagner, T., Heimbs, S.,. Numerical Risk Assessment of High-Velocity Impact on a Composite Aircraft Structure, 2017. Presented at the German SIMULIA Conference.
Sommerwerk, K., Woidt, M., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Reissner-Mindlin shell implementation and energy conserving isogeometric multi-patch coupling, 2017a. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 109, 982–1012.
Sommerwerk, K., Krukow, I., Haupt, M.C., Dinkler, D.,. Strukturentwurf und Aeroelastik von Flügeln mit aktiver Zirkulationskontrolle, 2017b. Ingenieurspiegel 10, 3–5.
Sommerwerk, K.,. Isogeometrische Analyse für die Optimierung von Leichtbaustrukturen im Flugzeugbau (Dissertation), 2017. NFL.
Sommerwerk, H., Horst, P.,. Numerical Studies on Electro Impulse De-Icing based on Cohesive Crack Growth and Adhesive Debonding, 2017a, in: Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering Rhodes Island, Greece.
Sommerwerk, H., Horst, P.,. Analysis of the mechanical behavior of thin ice layers on structures including radial cracking and de-icing, 2017b. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182, 400–424.
Rudenko, A., Hannig, A., Monner, H.P., Horst, P.,. Extremely Deformable Morphing Leading Edge: Optimization, Design and Structural Testing, 2017. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures.
Rang, J., Heinze, W., Friedman, N.,. Optimisation of a CESTOL configuration under consideration of uncertainties, 2017. SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft 163–175.
Rang, J., Heinze, W.,. An Optimal Configuration of an Aircraft with High Lift Configuration Using Surrogate Models and Optimisation Under Uncertainties, 2017, in: Schumacher, A., Vietor, T., Fiebig, S., Bletzinger, K.-U., Maute, K. (Eds.), Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Springer International Publishing, pp. 375–389.
Radespiel, R., Heinze, W., Bertsch, L.,. High-Lift Research for Future Transport Aircraft, 2017, in: 66. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress. München (Germany).
Nolte, F., Horst, P., Vasista, S., Monner, H.P.,. Large-Displacement Wing Droop Nose Design, 2017. SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft 93–104.
Neuert, N., Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C., Dinkler, D.,. Structural design and aeroelasticity of circulation control wings, 2017. SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft 151–162.
Martin, K., Daub, D., Esser, B., Gülhan, A., Hötte, F., Haupt, M.C., Reese, S.,. Simulationsmethoden und experimentelle Validierung für thermisches Beulen dünnwandiger Strukturen unter aerothermodynamischen Lasten, 2017, in: 66. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, München.
Lender, S.,. Approximation von Festigkeitskriterien für Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde im frühen Flugzeugentwurf (Dissertation), 2017. NFL.
Kauth, F., Narjes, G., Müller, J., Seume, J.R., Vasista, S., Müller, T., François, D.G., El Sayed, Y.M., Semaan, R., Behr, C., Schwerter, M., Leester-Schädel, M., Nolte, F., Giesecke, D., Atalayer, C.,. Progress in Efficient Active High-Lift, 2017, in: 35th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. p. 3559.
Juergens, M., da Silva, M.T. von H.P.F., Heimbs, S., Lang, H., Ladstaetter, E., Hombergsmeier, E.,. Pull-out testing of multiscale structured metallic z-reinforcements for CFRP laminates, 2017. Composite Structures 161, 384–392.
Hötte, F., Günther, O., Lungu, P., Haupt, M.C., Scholz, P., Haidn, O.J.,. Lifetime experiments of rocket combustion chamber structures and cooling channel flow characterization, 2017. SFB TRR 40.
Horst, P., Sommerwerk, K., Keller, D., Diekmann, J.H., Neuert, N., Krukow, I., Rang, J.,. Flight Dynamics Investigation of an Active High-Lift Aircraft, 2017, in: 35th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. Denver CO (USA).
Heimbs, S., Jürgens, M., Breu, C., Ganzenmüller, G., Wolfrum, J.,. Investigation and Improvement of Composite T-Joints with Metallic Arrow-Pin Reinforcement, 2017a, in: Cloud, G.L., Patterson, E., Backman, D. (Eds.), Joining Technologies for Composites and Dissimilar Materials, Volume 10, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 33–40.
Heimbs, S., Jürgens, M., Breu, C., Ganzenmüller, G., Wolfrum, J.,. Investigation and Improvement of Composite T-Joints with Metallic Arrow-Pin Reinforcement, 2017b, in: Cloud, G.L., Patterson, E., Backman, D. (Eds.), Joining Technologies for Composites and Dissimilar Materials, Volume 10, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 33–40.
Heimbs, S., Fischer, U., Theiler, W., Steenbergen, F.,. Numerical Analysis of Bird Strike Resistance of Helicopter Searchlight, 2017c. Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 689–696.
Heimbs, S., Fischer, U., Theiler, W., Steenbergen, F.,. Numerical Analysis of Bird Strike Resistance of Helicopter Searchlight, 2017d. Procedia Structural Integrity 5, 689–696.
Heimbs, S., Bergmann, T.,. 2 Effect of prestress on the impact response of composite laminates, 2017, in: Advanced Composite Materials: Properties and Applications. De Gruyter Open, pp. 66–111.
Hannig, A., Nolte, F., Horst, P.,. Experimental Investigation of Integral Composite T-Joints under Mixed Mode Loading, 2017, in: 21st International Conference on Composite Materials. Xi’an (China).
Franke, F., Burger, U., Heimbs, S., Seidel, C., Brudzinski, P.-V., Huehn, D.,. High Speed Impact Testing of Thermoplastic Composite Plates, 2017. Presented at the American Helicopter Society (AHS) International’s 73rd Annual Forum & Technology, Forth Worth, TX.
Fernández, D., Begemann, B., Middendorf, P., Horst, P.,. Untersuchung des Beul- und Tragverhaltens von Selektiv Genähten, Versteiften FKV-Paneelen unter Mehraxialer Belastung, 2017, in: 66. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, München.
Endres, M., Sommerwerk, H., Mendig, C., Sinapius, M., Horst, P.,. Experimental study of two electro-mechanical de-icing systems applied on a wing section tested in an icing wind tunnel, 2017. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 8, 429–439.
Brand, C., Calomfirescu, M., Meister, H., Rothenhäusler, M., Schlick, M., Heimbs, S., Wagner, T., Christ, U., Krell, T.,. FFS - zur Entwicklung vogelschlaggefährdeter, multibandfähiger Radome für zukünftige UAVs, 2017. Presented at the Deutscher Luft-und Raumfahrtkongress, [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.], München.
Bergmann, T., Heimbs, S.,. Progressive bearing failure of composites for crash energy absorption, 2017, in: Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures. Elsevier, pp. 299–334.
Bautz, B., Heimbs, S., Bergmann, T., Siemetzki, M.,. Tension Crash Absorbers for a Composite Fuselage Application, 2017. Presented at the SAMPE Seattle, Seattle, WA.
Barfusz, O., Hötte, F., Reese, S., Haupt, M.C.,. Numerical modelling of CMC nozzle structures and cooling channel flow simulation, 2017. SFB TRR 40.
Adam, T.J., Horst, P.,. Fatigue damage and fatigue limits of a GFRP angle-ply laminate tested under very high cycle fatigue loading, 2017. International Journal of Fatigue 99, 202–214.
Woidt, M., Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Modelling stiffened lightweight structures with isogeometric analysis via mortar methods, 2016, in: ECCOMAS - VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete Island.
Weiss, T.W.,. Automated Aerodynamic Model Generation in Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2016, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, DLRK2016-0072.
Strobach, C., Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Extension and Application of a Nonlinear Reduced Order Model to Gust Load Prediction in Time Domain, 2016, in: ECCOMAS - VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Crete Island.
Sommerwerk, K., Michels, B., Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Application of efficient surrogate modeling to aeroelastic analyses of an aircraft wing, 2016a. Aerospace Science and Technology 55, 314–323.
Sommerwerk, K., Michels, B., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Investigation of Engine Effects on Structural Sizing and Static Aeroelastic Sensitivities of a Circulation Controlled Wing, 2016b, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig.
Sommerwerk, K., Krukow, I., Haupt, M.C., Dinkler, D.,. Investigation of Aeroelastic Effects of a Circulation Controlled Wing, 2016c. Journal of Aircraft 53, 1746–1756.
Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C.,. Aeroelastische Analysen von Flügeln mit aktiver Zirkulationskontrolle, 2016. HLRN Informationen 19.
Sommerwerk, H., Horst, P., Bansmer, S.,. Studies on Electro Impulse De-Icing of a Leading Edge Structure in an Icing Wind Tunnel, 2016, in: 8th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference. pp. 34–41.
Schuermann, M.,. Supersonic Business Jets in Preliminary Aircraft Design (Dissertation), 2016. TU Braunschweig.
Sandoval Murillo, J.L., Ganzenmüller, G.C., Heimbs, S., May, M.,. DESIGN PARAMETER STUDY OF A CFRP T-JOINT UNDER OVERPRESSURE CONDITIONS DUE TO BALLISTIC IMPACT, 2016. Presented at the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials, Munich, Germany.
Protz, R., Kosmann, N., Fritsch, D., Fey, P., Essig, W., Dietrich, K., Gude, M., Horst, P., Kreutzbruck, M., Schulte, K., Busse, G., Hufenbach, W., Fiedler, B.,. Influence of voids and impact damage on the fatigue behaviour of large scale composites: Einfluss von Poren und Schlagschäden auf das Ermüdungsverhalten von Großstrukturen, 2016. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 47, 1058–1071.
Mendig, C., Endres, M., Sommerwerk, H., Riemenschneider, J., Monner, H.P.,. Eiserkennung durch Körperschallwellen, 2016, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig.
Machunze, W., Gessler, A., Fabel, T., Horst, P., Rädel, M., Wolf, K., Ulbricht, A., Münter, S., Hufenbach, W.,. Active flow control system integration into a CFRP flap, 2016. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 7, 69–81.
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Reduced-order modelling of non-linear, transient aerodynamics of the HIRENASD wing, 2016. The Aeronautical Journal 120, 601–626.
Koch, I., Horst, P., Bude, M.,. Fatigue of composites - The state of the art, 2016, in: Experience ComGongposites, Augsburg, 21-23 September.
Hötte, F., Celano, M.P., Rochlitz, H., Haupt, M.C., Haidn, O.J., Scholz, P.,. Experimental investigations for cooling channel structure lifetime, rocket combustion chamber and cooling channel flow characterization, 2016. SFB TRR 40.
Horst, P., Schmidt, F., Dietrich, K.,. Fatigue of Composites Under Multiaxial Loading: Tubespecimens vs. Panels, 2016, in: 3rd Biennial Workshop “Multiaxial Testing and Simulation”, TU-Hamburg-Harburg.
Horst, P.,. Experiences on Fatigue of Composite Panels, 2016, in: 2nd Int. Symposium on Directions in: Damage and Durability of Composite Materials, Venedig.
Herwig, A., Woidt, M., Horst, P.,. Comparison of one-, two- and three-dimensional models of a metallic insert in a composite, 2016a. The 15th international conference on fracture and damage mechanics (FDM 2016),Alicante, Journal of Key Engineering Materials 713, 175–178.
Herwig, A., Groß, L., Gonzalez, J.S., Denkena, B., Schmidt, C.,. Entwicklung eines mehrlagigen Inserts für dünnwandige Hochleistungs-CFK-Strukturen, 2016b. Lightweight Design 9, 22–27.
Heimbs, S., Fischer, A., Fischer, C., Hähnel, F., Markmiller, J.,. Towards the Accurate Numerical Prediction of Impact Damage and Residual Strength of Helicopter Sandwich Structures, 2016. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Sandwich Structures, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA.
Haupt, M.C., Kowollik, D., Lindhorst, K., Hötte, F.,. Fluid-Structure-Interaction in Rocket Thrust Chambers Simulation and Validation, 2016, in: Defect and Diffusion Forum. Trans Tech Publ, pp. 97–117.
Flüh, J.P.,. Optimierung von Faserverbundpanelstrukturen unter Verwendung eines modifizierten Ameisenkoloniealgorithmus (Dissertation), 2016. TU Braunschweig.
Fassin, M., Hötte, F., Barfusz, O., Reese, S., Haupt, M.C.,. Lifetime influence of thermal barrier coatings and thermal analysis of the fatigue experiment, 2016. SFB TRR 40.
Endres, M., Sommerwerk, H., Mendig, C., Sinapius, M., Horst, P.,. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TWO MECHANICAL DE0ICING SYSTEMS APPLIED ON A WING SECTION TESTED IN AN ICING WIND TUNNEL, 2016, in: 65. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig.
Endres, D.M., Sommerwerk, H., Mendig, C., Sinapius, M., Horst, P.,. Experimental Study of two Mechanical De-Icing Systems applied on a Wing Section Tested in an Icing Wind Tunnel, 2016, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig.
Denkena, B., Horst, P., Schmidt, C., Behr, M., Krieglsteiner, J.,. Estimation of Production Cost in an Early Design Stage of CFRP Lightweight Structures, 2016, in: 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering. Elsevier, pp. 45–50.
Blinstrub, J., Heinze, W., Bertsch, L., Simons, D., Snellen, M.,. System noise assessment of an aircraft with Coanda flaps, 2016, in: READ Conference. Warsaw (Poland).
Adam, T.J., Horst, P.,. Damage initiation, propagation and final failure of GFRP cross- and angle-ply laminates tested in the very high cycle fatigue range, 2016, in: MSE 2016, Darmstadt.
Adam, T.J.,. Ermüdungsverhalten faserverstärkter Kunststoffe im Very High Cycle Fatigue-Bereich (Dissertation), 2016. TU Braunschweig.
Weiss, T.W., Heinze, W.,. Overall Design Assessment of CESTOL Aircraft, 2015, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 193–204.
Schuermann, M., Gaffuri, M., Horst, P.,. Multidisciplinary pre-design of supersonic aircraft, 2015. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 6, 207–216.
Schmitz, A., Horst, P.,. Development and investigation of a hybrid curvature-morphing skin structure, 2015a, in: ICCM20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen.
Schmitz, A., Horst, P.,. Buckling of multiple discrete composite bundles in the elastomeric foundation of a curvature-morphing skin, 2015b. Composite Structures 134, 1014–1023.
Rudenko, A., Monner, H.P., Schmitz, A., Horst, P.,. Design of a Contourvariable Droop Nose, 2015, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 79–108.
Nazzeri, R., Lange, F., Haupt, M.C., Sebastien, C.,. Assessing sensitivities of maneuver load alleviation parameters on buckling reserve factors using surrogate model based extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test, 2015a, in: 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation, Sydney.
Nazzeri, R., Haupt, M., Lange, F., Sebastien, C.,. Selection of Critical Load Cases using an Artificial Neural Network Approach for Reserve Factor Estimation, 2015b, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Rostock.
Moreira, P.M.G., Dr Paulo J. Tavares, D., Horst, P.,. The significance of the interaction of stability and damage propagation in metallic and composite panels, 2015. International Journal of Structural Integrity 6, 737–758.
Möhle, E., Horst, P.,. Simulation and validation of slat de-icing by an electromechanical system, 2015. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 6, 197–206.
May, M., Ganzenmüller, G., Wolfrum, J., Heimbs, S.,. Analysis of composite T-joint designs for enhanced resistance to hydrodynamic ram, 2015. Composite Structures 125, 188–194.
Lindhorst, L.,. Nichtlineare Ersatzmodellierung in transsonischer instationärer Aeroelastik (Dissertation), 2015. TU Braunschweig.
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Aeroelastic Analyses of the High-Reynolds-Number-Aerostructural-Dynamics Configuration Using a Nonlinear Surrogate Model Approach, 2015. AIAA Journal 53, 2784–2796.
Krukow, I., Sommerwerk, K., Dinkler, D., Haupt, M.C.,. Structural Design and Aeroelasticity of Circulation Control Wings, 2015, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 169–180.
Krosche, M., Heinze, W.,. Robustness Analysis of an Aircraft Design for Short Takeoff and Landing, 2015. Journal of Aircraft 52, 1235–1246.
Helm, S., Haupt, M., Stickan, B., Bleeke, H.,. Advancements of CFD-CSM Coupling by Means of Multibody Simulation, 2015, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Rostock.
Heimbs, S., Ritzer, J., Markmiller, J.,. A Numerical Method for Blast Shock Wave Analysis of Missile Launch from Aircraft, 2015a. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2015, 1–8.
Heimbs, S., Machunze, W., Brand, G., Schlipf, B.,. Bird Strike Analysis for Impact-Resistant Design of Aircraft Wing Krueger Flap, 2015b. Presented at the SIMULIA Community Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Deniz, O., Horst, P., Schmidt, C.,. Production-based Multi-criteria Design Optimisation of an Unconventional Composite Fuselage Side Panel by Evolutionary Strategies and a Surrogate Model of Manufacturability Analysis, 2015, in: 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation, Sydney.
Celano, M.P., Rochlitz, H., Hötte, F., Haidn, O.J., Scholz, P., Haupt, M.C.,. Experimental investigation on heat transfer of rocket combustion chambers and cooling channels, 2015. SFB TRR 40.
Bertsch, L., Heinze, W., Lummer, M.,. Towards the System Noise Assessment of SFB 880 Vehicle Concepts, 2015, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 205–215.
Bergmann, T., Heimbs, S., Maier, M.,. Mechanical properties and energy absorption capability of woven fabric composites under ±45° off-axis tension, 2015a. Composite Structures 125, 362–373.
Bergmann, T., Heimbs, S., Maier, M.,. Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung eines Energieabsorbers basierend auf dem progressiven Lochleibungsversagen von Faserkunststoffverbunden, 2015b, in: 7. Workshop Zum Werkstoff- Und Strukturverhalten Bei Crashvorgängen. Presented at the Freiburg, Germany.
Bautz, B., Bergmann, T., Heimbs, S.,. Integration of Tension Crash Absorber in a CFRP-Fuselage of Next Generation, 2015. Presented at the IVW Colloquium 2015, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Adam, T.J., Horst, P.,. Cracking and delamination of cross- and angle ply GFRP bending specimens under very high cycle fatigue loading, 2015, in: ICCM20 - 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen.
Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C.,. Design analysis and sizing of a circulation controlled CFRP wing with Coanda flaps via CFD-CSM coupling, 2014. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 5, No. 1, 95–108.
Schuermann, M., Gaffuri, M., Horst, P.,. Extensions to aircraft pre-design for supersonic aircraft, 2014, in: 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. National Harbor MD (USA).
Schmitz, A., Horst, P.,. Numerical modelling of the change in stiffness properties of cross-ply laminates subjected to large bending curvatures, 2014a. Key Engineering Materials 577–578, 173–176.
Schmitz, A., Horst, P.,. Bending deformation limits of corrugated unidirectionally reinforced composites, 2014b. Composite Structures 107, 103–111.
Schmitz, A., Horst, P.,. A finite element unit-cell method for homogenized mechanical properties of heterogeneous plates, 2014c. Composites Part A 61, 23–32.
Schmitz, A, Horst, P.,. A new curvature morphing skin - manufacturing, experimental and numerical investigations, 2014, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Rossow, C.-C., Wolf, K., Horst, P.,. Handbuch der Luftfahrzeugtechnik, 2014. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG.
Radespiel, R., Heinze, W.,. SFB 880: fundamentals of high lift for future commercial aircraft, 2014. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 5, 239–251.
Pietrek, M., Horst, P., Mund, M., Dilger, K.,. Delamination Behavior of Asymmetric Sandwich Shells under Axial Compressive Loading, 2014, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Müller, L., Heinze, W., Kozulovic, D., Hepperle, M., Radespiel, R.,. Aerodynamic Installation Effects of an Over-the-Wing Propeller on a High-Lift Configuration, 2014. AIAA Journal of Aircraft 51, No. 1, 249-258.
Möhle, E.,. Simulation und experimentelle Untersuchung eines elektromechanischen Enteisungssystems (Dissertation), 2014. TU Braunschweig.
May, M., Heimbs, S., Ganzenmüller, G.,. Fuel Tank Resistance to HRAM: Analysis of Enhanced T-Joint Designs, 2014. Presented at the 9th International Aerospace Supply Fair and Congress, Frankfurt/Main.
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Efficient Surrogate Modelling of Nonlinear Aerodynamics in Aerostructural Coupling Schemes, 2014. AIAA Journal 52, 1952–1966.
Krosche, M., Heinze, W.,. A Robustness Analysis of a Preliminary Design of a CESTOL Aircraft (Informatikbericht No. 2014– 02), 2014. Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen der TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig.
Krieglsteiner, J., Horst, P., Schmidt, C.,. Characterization of fiber-reinforced stiffener proFILEs for aircraft fuselage preliminary structural design, 2014, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Horst, P.,. The significance of the interaction of stability and damage propagation in metallic and composite panels, 2014a, in: 2nd IJSI Conference, Madeira, Plenary Lecture.
Horst, P.,. Multiaxial Fatigue Phenomena and the Objectives of the Working Group BeNa, 2014b, in: Composite Fatigue (CompFat), CCeV, Augsburg.
Heimbs, S., Bergmann, T.,. Bearing Mode Absorber – On the Energy Absorption Capability of Pulling a Bolt through a Composite or Sandwich Plate, 2014a. Procedia Engineering 88, 149–156.
Heimbs, S., Bergmann, T.,. Bearing Mode Absorber - On the Energy Absorption Capability of Pulling a Bolt Through a Composite or Sandwich Plate, 2014b. Presented at the International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, Ischia, Italy.
Heimbs, S., Nogueira, A.C., Hombergsmeier, E., May, M., Wolfrum, J.,. Failure behaviour of composite T-joints with novel metallic arrow-pin reinforcement, 2014a. Composite Structures 110, 16–28.
Heimbs, S., Duwensee, T., Nogueira, A.C., Wolfrum, J.,. Hydrodynamic ram analysis of aircraft fuel tanks with different composite T-joint designs, 2014b. Presented at the SUSI 2014, New Forest, UK, pp. 279–288.
Heimbs, S., Bergmann, T., Schueler, D., Toso-Pentecôte, N.,. High velocity impact on preloaded composite plates, 2014c. Composite Structures 111, 158–168.
Gong, X., Bansmer, S., Strobach, C., Unger, R., Haupt, M.C.,. Deformation measurement of a birdlike airfoil with optical flow and numerical simulation, 2014. AIAA journal 52, 2807–2816.
Flüh, J., Horst, P.,. Applicability of Lattice Reinforced CFRP Panels in Aircraft Fuselage Design, 2014, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Engel, K., Horst, P., Hundt, T., Schmidt, C., Denkena, B.,. Effect of manufacturing process induced fiber waviness on mechanical properties of composite structures by example of a prepreg forming process, 2014, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Denkena, B., Horst, P., Schmidt, C., Behr, M., Krieglsteiner, J.,. Efficient production of CFRP lightweight structures on the basis of manufacturing considerations at an early design stage, 2014, in: New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry. Springer, pp. 131–136.
Deniz, O., P, H., Weber, P., Schmidt, C., Denkena, B.,. Design Optimization of an Unconventional CFRP Aircraft Panel Stiffener Based on Manufacturability Criteria of Integrated Fiber Placement Process Analysis, 2014, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Bierbaum, J.,. Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Rissen und Beulen in schubbelasteten Aluminiumpanels (Dissertation), 2014. TU Braunschweig.
Bertsch, L., Heinze, W., Lummer, M.,. Application of an Aircraft Design-To-Noise Simulation Process, 2014, in: Airplanes), M.D. (Boeing C. (Ed.), Aircraft Design Methods and Tools II, AIAA Aviation 2014, Atlanta, Georiga, USA.
Bergmann, T., Heimbs, S., Tremmel, G., Maier, M.,. Investigation of a Composite Tensile Energy Absorption Element under Static and Dynamic Loading, 2014a. Presented at the 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014, Seville (Spain).
Bergmann, T., Heimbs, S., Bautz, B., Maier, M.,. Development of a Tensile Energy Absorber for Crash Loaded Aircraft Fuselage Structures, 2014b. Presented at the DLR Structures and Design Colloquium 2014: “Soaking up Joules - Shock and Impulse Absorbing Designs and Structures in Aeronautics,” Stuttgart (Deutschland).
Adam, T.J., Horst, P.,. Investigation of the very high cycle fatigue behavior of GFRP cross-ply bending specimens, 2014a, in: ECCM16 - 16TH European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville.
Adam, T.J., Horst, P.,. Experimental investigation of the very high cycle fatigue of GFRP [90/0]s cross-ply specimens subjected to high-frequency four-point bending, 2014b. Composites Science and Technology 101, 62–70.
Weiss, T.W., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Influence of Propeller Aerodynamics on Structural Wing Box Optimization in Integrated Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2013, in: 31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. San Diego (CA).
Weiss, T.W., Heinze, W.,. Multidisciplinary Design of CESTOL Aircraft with Powered Lift System, 2013, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 217–230.
Weiss, T.W.,. Powered High Lift Aerodynamics in Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2013, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress.
Sommerwerk, K., Krukow, I., Haupt, M.C., Dinkler, D.,. Structural Design and Aeroelasticity of Circulation Controlled Wings, 2013a, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 173–190.
Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. FSI of High Performance High-Lift Devices with Circulation Control via Conditioned Coanda-Jets, 2013b, in: Proceedings of V Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering. Ibiza (Spain).
Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Aeroelastic Performance Assessment of a Wing with Coanda Effect Circulation Control via Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2013c, in: 31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference. San Diego (USA).
Schuermann, M., Gaffuri, M., Horst, P.,. Multidisciplinary Pre-design of supersonic aircraft, 2013, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress 2013, Manuskripte. Stuttgart (Germany).
Schmitz, A., Horst, P., Rudenko, A., Monner, H.P.,. Design of a contourvariable droop nose, 2013, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 110–121.
Schmidt, F.,. Defekteinflüsse bei Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden unter multiaxialer Belastung (Dissertation), 2013. TU Braunschweig.
Rieke, J.,. Bewertung von CFK-Strukturen in einem multidisziplinären Entwurfsansatz für Verkehrsflugzeuge (Dissertation), 2013. TU Braunschweig.
Reich, P., Reim, A., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Management and Minimisation of Uncertainties and Errors in Numerical Aerodynamics - Results of the German Collaborative Project MUNA, 2013, in: Eisfeld, R., Barnewitz, H., Fritz, W., Thiele, F. (Eds.), Management and Minimisation of Uncertainties and Errors in Numerical Aerodynamics - Results of the German Collaborative Project, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. pp. 157–180.
Möhle, E., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Coupled Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of the Electro Impulse De-Icing Process, 2013a. J. of Aircraft 50, 96–102.
Möhle, E., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Coupled Magnetic and Structural Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of the Electro Impulse De-Icing, 2013b, in: AIAA Aerospace Design and Structures Event. Boston (USA).
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Nonlinear Reduced Order Modeling for Aeroelastic Simulation with Neural Networks, 2013, in: Kroll, S., Radespiel, van der Burg (Ed.), Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. pp. 131–149.
Krosche, M., Heinze, W.,. An Aircraft Design with Uncertain Parameters: A Robustness Analysis through a Component-Based Software System, 2013, in: Radespiel, R., Semaan, R. (Eds.), SFB 880 - Fundamentals of High-Lift for Future Commercial Aircraft, Forschungsbericht. pp. 191–203.
Kravchenko, S., Kravchenko, O., Wortmann, M., Pietrek, M., Horst, P., Pipes, R.B.,. Composite toughness enhancement with interlaminar reinforcement, 2013. Composites: Part A 54, 98–106.
Kowollik, P., D.S.C. and Horst, Haupt, M.C.,. Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis Applied to Thermal Barrier Coated Cooled Rocket Thrust Chambers with Subsequent Local Investigation of Delamination Phenomena, 2013, in: Progress in Propulsion Physics. EDP Sciences, pp. 617–636.
Kowollik, D., Tini, V., Reese, S., Haupt, M.C.,. 3D fluid-structure interaction analysis of a typical liquid rocket engine based on a novel viscoplastic damage model, 2013a. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 94, 1165–1190.
Kowollik, D., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Cooled Rocket Thrust Chamber Based on Three Coupling Domains, 2013b, in: 5th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, EUCASS 2013. Munich (Germany).
Kowollik, D., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Mesh Deformation with Exact Surface Reconstruction Using a Reduced Radial Basis Function Approach, 2013c, in: Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering V, Coupled Problems 2013. Santa Eulalia,Ibiza (Spain).
Horst, P., Schmidt, F., Schmitz, A., Adam, T.J., Greif, R.,. Composite Fatigue: Effects of Defects, Large Strain and Very High Cycle Fatigue, Keynote Lecture, 2013a, in: International Conf. on Airworthiness & Fatigue - 7th ICSAELS Series Conf. 25-27, Proceedings of International Conference on Airworthiness & Fatigue 7th ICSAELS Series Conference,. Sih, G.C and Hong,Y.S., Beijing (China), pp. 1–8.
Horst, P., Keller, D., Diekmann, J.H., Krukow, I., Sommerwerk, K.,. SFB880: Flight Dynamics, 2013b, in: Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Stuttgart. Stuttgart (Deutschland).
Heimbs, Sebastian, Schmeer, S., Blaurock, J., Steeger, S.,. Static and dynamic failure behaviour of bolted joints in carbon fibre composites, 2013a. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 47, 91–101.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Merzwa, A., Breu, C., Nogueira, A., Hombergsmeier, E., May, M., Wolfrum, J.,. Investigation of Static and Dynamic Failure Behaviour of Composite T-Joints, 2013b. Presented at the ECCOMAS Composites, Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal.
Heimbs, S.,. Foldcore Sandwich Structures and Their Impact Behaviour: An Overview, 2013, in: Abrate, S., Castanié, B., Rajapakse, Y.D.S. (Eds.), Dynamic Failure of Composite and Sandwich Structures, Solid Mechanics and Its Applications. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 491–544.
Heimbs, S., Hoffmann, M., Waimer, M., Schmeer, S., Blaurock, J.,. Dynamic testing and modelling of composite fuselage frames and fasteners for aircraft crash simulations, 2013. International Journal of Crashworthiness 18, 406–422.
Deniz, O., Biel, G., A. and Horst, P. and Ziegmann, Schmidt, C.,. Simulation Based Design Optimization of a CFRP Fuselage Panel According to Draping Process of Carbon Fibre Textiles using Evolutionary Algorithms and Response Surface Methods, 2013, in: SAMPE-Society for the Advanacement of Materials and Process Engineering, Long Beach, CA.
Bierbaum, J., Horst, P.,. Finite Element Crack Propagation Analysis of Shear Loaded Buckling Panels, 2013. Int. J. Structural Integrity 4, 446–456.
Biel, A., Ziegmann, G., Meiners, D., Deniz, O., Horst, P.,. Optimization of the Structure and the Infusion Process of a CFRP Fuselage Stiffener, according to the Fiber Reorientation by the Draping Process, 2013, in: SETEC-SAMPE EUROPE Technical Conference, Wuppertal.
Werner-Spatz, C., Heinze, W., Radespiel, R., Horst, P.,. Multidisciplinary Conceptual Design for Aircraft with Circulation Control High-Lift Systems, 2012. CEAS Aeronautical Journal 3, 145–164.
Unger, R., R. and Haupt, M.C. and Horst, P. and Radespiel,. Fluid-structure analysis of a flexible flapping airfoil at low Reynolds number flow, 2012. J. of Fluids and Structures 28, 72–88.
Sommerwerk, K., Haupt, M.C.,. Structural Sizing of a CFRP Wing with Coanda Flaps via CFD-CSM Coupling, 2012, in: 61. Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress, Berlin, 2012.
Siemetzki, M., Bautz, B., Machunze, W., Heimbs, S.,. Multifunctional Composite Aircraft Floor Structures, 2012. Presented at the JEC Europe 2012 I.C.S. (Innovative Composites Summit), Paris, France.
Schmidt, F., Rheinfurth, R., M. Protz, P, H., G, B., Gude, M., Hufenbach, W.,. Monitoring of multiaxial fatigue damage evolution in impacted composite tubes using non-destructive evaluation, 2012a. Composites Part A 43, 537–546.
Schmidt, F., Rheinfurth, M., P, H., G, B.,. Effects of local fibre waviness on damage mechanisms and fatigue behaviour of biaxially loaded tube specimens, 2012b. Composites Science and Technology 72, 1075–1082.
Schmidt, F., Rheinfurth, M., Horst, P., Busse, G.,. Multiaxial fatigue behaviour of GFRP with evenly distributed or accumulated voids monitored by various NDT methodologies, 2012c. J. of Fatigue 43, 207–216.
Schmidt, F., J, A.T., P, H.,. Fatigue Life Assessment Via Ply-By-Ply Stress Analysis Under Biaxial Loading, 2012d, in: Yao, W. et al. (Ed.), Fatigue Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Polymers: Experiments and Simulations. DEStech Publications, Inc, pp. 1–14.
Schmidt, F., Horst, P.,. Effects of Defects on the Multiaxial Fatigue Behaviour of GFRP, 2012a, in: An Overview, ECCM15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials. Venice (Italy).
Schmidt, F., Horst, P.,. Damage mechanism and fatigue behaviour of uniaxial and sequence laoaded wound tube specimens, 2012b, in: Yao, W. et al. (Ed.), Fatigue Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Polymers: Experiments and Simulations. DEStech Publications, Inc, pp. 223–237.
Rheinfurth, M., Schmidt, F., Protz, R., Busse, G., Gude, M., Hufenbach, W.,. Evaluation of Fatigue Damage in Composites with Various Defects Using Air-coupled Guided Waves, 2012, in: 18th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing. Durban (South Africa).
Möhle, E., Horst, P., Kreling, S., Dilger, K.,. Behaviour of Impacted Asymmetric Sandwich Shells under Axial Compressive Loading, 2012, in: ECCM15 - 15th European Conference on Composite Materials. Venice (Italy).
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Usage of time domain surrogate model approaches for transient, nonlinear aerodynamics within aero-structural coupling schemes, 2012, in: 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. New Orleans.
Kowollik, D., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Accelerating Fluid-Structure Interaction Analyses Applied to Cooled Rocket Thrust Chambers, 2012, in: 3rd Intl. Conference on Space Propulsion. Bordeaux (France).
Heimbs, Sebastian, Van Den Broucke, B., Duplessis Kergomard, Y., Dau, F., Malherbe, B.,. Rubber Impact on 3D Textile Composites, 2012a. Appl Compos Mater 19, 275–295.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Lang, H., Havar, T.,. High velocity impact on composite link of aircraft wing flap mechanism, 2012b. Open Engineering 2.
Heimbs, S., Broucke, B.V.D.,. Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites, 2012, in: Thomas, S., Kuruvilla, J., Malhotra, S.K., Goda, K., Sreekala, M.S. (Eds.), Polymer Composites. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 185–207.
Heimbs, S., Bergmann, T.,. High-Velocity Impact Behaviour of Prestressed Composite Plates under Bird Strike Loading, 2012. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2012, 1–11.
Heimbs, S.,. Energy Absorption in Aircraft Structures, 2012. Presented at the International Workshop on Hydraulic Equipment and Support Systems for Mining, Huludao, China.
Heimbs, S., Lang, H., Havar, T.,. Rim release analysis: impact of aircraft wheel flange fragment on wing flap mechanism, 2012. Presented at the 12th International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact, Kos, Greece, pp. 193–202.
Haupt, M.C., Kowollik, D.S.C., Horst, P., Niesner, R., Esser, B., Gülhan, A.,. Model Configuration for the Validation of Aerothermodynamic Thermal-Mechanical Fluid-Structure-Interactions, 2012, in: Proceedings of the ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA 2012. Nantes (France).
Duplessis Kergomard, Y., Dau, F., Heimbs, S.,. Choc mou basse énergie sur composite interlock 3X : approche expérimentale et numérique, 2012. Matériaux & Techniques 100, 691–701.
Bierbaum, J., Horst, P.,. Finite element crack propagation analysis of shear loaded buckling panels, 2012, in: 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity. Porto (Portugal).
Bansmer, S., Buschmann, N., Radespiel, R., Unger, R., Haupt, M., Horst, P., Heinrich, R.,. Nature Inspired Fluid Mechanics, 2012, in: Tropea, H., C. und Bleckmann (Ed.), Nature Inspired Fluid Mechanics, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. Tropea, C. and Bleckmann, H., pp. 331–354.
Adam, T.J., Horst, P.,. Very high cycle fatigue of fibre-reinforced composites - an alternative experimental approach, 2012, in: ICCM19 - 19th Int. Conference on Composite Materials, Montreal,. pp. 5012–5021.
Adam, T.J., Horst, P., Lorsch, P., Sinapius, M.,. Experimental Investigation of VHCF of Polymer Composites: Two Alternative Approaches, 2012. Materials Testing 54, 734–741.
Unger, R.,. Application of finite elements for computational aeroelasticity (Dissertation), 2011. TU Braunschweig.
Tavares, S.M.O., Häusler, S.M., Baiz, P.M., de Castro, P.M.S.T., Horst, P., Aliabadi, M.H.,. Crack growth simulation in integrally stiffened structures including residual stress effects from manufacturing. Part II: Modelling and experiments comparison, 2011. SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring 7, 191–209.
Schmidt, F., Rheinfurth, M., Horst, P., Busse, G.,. Effects of discrete fibre waviness on damage mechanisms and fatigue behaviour of biaxially loaded tube specimens, 2011. Deformation and Fracture of Composites 11 & Structural Integrity and Multi-Scale Modelling 5; April 2011, Cambridge, UK.
Rheinfurth, M., F, S., Doering, D., Solodov, I., Busse, G., Horst, P.,. Air-coupled guided waves combined with thermography for monitoring fatigue in biaxially loaded composite tubes, 2011. Composites Science and Technology 71, 600–608.
Reim, A.,. Optimierung von Flugzeugrumpfstrukturen mit unsicheren Parametern (Dissertation), 2011. TU Braunschweig.
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Reduced Order Modelling of Nonlinear, Transient Aerodynamics within an Aeroelastic Coupling-Scheme in the Time Domain, 2011a, in: 15th International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, 26th-30th June 2011, Paris, France.
Lindhorst, K., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Neural Networks as Surrogate Models for Nonlinear, Transient Aerodynamics Within an Aeroelastic Coupling-Scheme in the Time Domain, 2011b, in: IV International Conference on Computational Methods Fro Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, (COUPLED PROBLEMS).
Kreling, S., Möhle, E., Kolesnikov, B., Dilger, K., Horst, P.,. Asymmetrische Sandwichstrukturen für eine Flugzeug-Rumpfschale, 2011. lightweightdesign 25–30.
Kowollik, D.S.C., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Three domain thermal and mechanical fluid-structure interaction analysis applied to cooled rocket thrust chambers, 2011, in: Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Coupled Problems Conference, Kos Island, Greece.
Klinzmann, A.,. Optimierung von nicht konventionellen Strukturen als Flugzeugrumpfversteifung (Dissertation), 2011. TU Braunschweig.
Heimbs, S., Strobl, F., Middendorf, P.,. Integration of a Composite Crash Absorber in Aircraft Fuselage Vertical Struts, 2011. Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems 3.
Heimbs, S., Middendorf, P.,. Design, Analysis and Testing of a Composite Crash Absorber for Aeronautic Applications, 2011. Presented at the Composites 2011, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, Hannover (Germany).
Heimbs, S.,. Computational methods for bird strike simulations: A review, 2011a. Computers & Structures 89, 2093–2112.
Heimbs, S.,. Bird Strike Simulations on Composite Aircraft Structures, 2011b. Presented at the 2011 SIMULIA Customer Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 73–86.
Heimbs, S.,. Bird Strike Analysis in Aircraft Engineering: An Overview, 2011c, in: Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research. Nova Science Publishers, pp. 111–144.
Häusler, S.M., Baiz, P.M., Tavares, S.M.O., Brot, A., Horst, P., Aliabadi, M.H., de Castro, P.M.S.T., Peleg-Wolfin, Y.,. Crack growth simulation in integrally stiffened structures including residual stress effects from manufacturing. Part I: Model overview, 2011. SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring 7, 163–190.
Häusler, S.M.,. Damage tolerance investigation of innovative metallic airframe structures (Dissertation), 2011. TU Braunschweig.
Häusler, K., S.M. and Lindhorst, Horst, P.,. Combination of the material force concept and the extended finite element method for mixed mode crack growth simulations, 2011. Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engg. 85, 1522–1542.
Guimard, J.M., Heimbs, S.,. Towards the Industrial Assessment of Bird Strike Simulations on Composite Laminate Structures, 2011. Presented at the Composites 2011, 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, Hannover (Germany), pp. 627–634.
Duplessis Kergomard, Y., Dau, F., Heimbs, S.,. Low Energy Soft Impact on Interlock 3X Composite: Experimental and Numerical Approach, 2011. Presented at the JNC 17, 17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Poitiers, France.
Bierbaum, J., Horst, P.,. Crack propagation in buckling plates: test results and a simplified numerical approach, 2011. International Journal of Structural Integrity 2, pp.373 382.
Adam, T.J., Lorsch, P., Horst, P., Sinapius, M.,. Challenges for the experimental investigation of VHCF of polymer composites, 2011, in: 5th Int. Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue - VHCF.
Werner-Spatz, C.,. Flugzeuggesamtentwurf mit Zirkulationskontrolle am Hochauftriebssystem (Dissertation), 2010. TU Braunschweig.
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Investigation of the Low-Reynolds Number Flow Around a Flapping Flexible Airfoil, 2010a, in: European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010.
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Application of a discontinuous characteristic based split scheme for fluid-structure interaction, 2010b, in: European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010.
Seeckt, K., Heinze, W., Scholz, P.,. Hydrogen Powered Freighter Aircraft - The Final Results of the Green Freighter Project, 2010, in: ICAS Congress 2010. Nice (France).
Schmidt, F., Horst, P.,. Einfluss von Defekten auf die Ermüdung von Rohrproben bei mehraxialer Belastung, 2010, in: Nationales Symposium SAMPE Deutschland, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 24.-25. Feb. 2010.
Reich, P., Reim, A., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Reliability of Wing Structures Considering Stochastic Parameters in Fluid-Structure-Interaction, 2010, in: DGLR - Deutscher Luft- Und Raumfahrtkongress 2010.
Horst, P.,. Assessment of multiple site damage in riveted aircraft joints, 2010, in: Structural Connections for Lightweight Metallic Structures. Springer, pp. 1–32.
Heimbs, S., Strobl, F., Middendorf, P., Guimard, J.M.,. Composite crash absorber for aircraft fuselage applications, 2010a. Presented at the SUSI 2010, Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 3–14.
Heimbs, S., Cichosz, J., Klaus, M., Kilchert, S., Johnson, A.F.,. Sandwich structures with textile-reinforced composite foldcores under impact loads, 2010b. Composite Structures 92, 1485–1497.
Häusler, S.M., Horst, P.,. Mixed mode crack propagation simulation using material forces and the extended finite element method, 2010, in: Proceedings: 18th European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, 30. August 03 September 2010.
Chudoba, B., Heinze, W.,. Evolution of generic flight vehicle design synthesis, 2010. The Aeronautical Journal 114, 549–567.
Bierbaum, J., Horst, P.,. Crack propagation in aluminium panels due to shear forced buckling, 2010, in: Proceedings: 18th European Conference on Fracture, Dresden, 30. August 03 September 2010.
Bansmer, S., Radespiel, R., Unger, R., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Experimental and Numerical Fluid-Structure Analysis of Rigid and Flexible Flapping Airfoils, 2010. AIAA Journal 48, 1959–1974.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Stiffness degradation under fatigue in multiaxially loaded non-crimped-fabrics, 2010. Journal of Fatigue 32, 108–122.
Werner-Spatz, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Improved representation of high-lift devices for a multidisciplinary conceptual aircraft design process, 2009. Journal of Aircraft 46, 1984–1994.
Reim, A., Horst, P.,. Structural optimization considering stochastic variations of manufacturing alternatives, 2009, in: 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. p. .
Niesner, R.,. Gekoppelte Simulation thermisch-mechanischer Fluid-Struktur-Interaktionen für Hyperschall-Anwendungen (Dissertation), 2009. TU Braunschweig.
Heinze, W., Hansen, L.U., Werner-Spatz, C., Horst, P.,. Gesamtentwurfsuntersuchungen zu BWB-Frachtfluzeugen mit alternativen Treibstoffen, 2009, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung, Aachen.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Strobl, F., Middendorf, P., Gardner, S., Eddington, B., Key, J.,. Crash Simulation of an F1 Racing Car Front Impact Structure, 2009a. Presented at the 7th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Salzburg, Österreich.
Heimbs, S., Pein, M.,. Failure behaviour of honeycomb sandwich corner joints and inserts, 2009. Composite Structures 89, 575–588.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Kilchert, S., Fischer, S., Klaus, M., Baranger, E.,. Sandwich Structures with Folded Core: Mechanical Modeling and Impact Simulations, 2009b. Presented at the SAMPE Europe International Conference, Paris, France, pp. 324–331.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Cichosz, J., Kilchert, S., Klaus, M.,. Sandwich Panels with Cellular Cores Made of Folded Composite Material: Mechanical Behaviour and Impact Performance, 2009c. Presented at the 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh, UK.
Heimbs, S.,. Virtual testing of sandwich core structures using dynamic finite element simulations, 2009a. Computational Materials Science 45, 205–216.
Heimbs, S.,. FE-Simulation zur Bestimmung der mechanischen Eigenschaften: Sandwich-Wabenkerne, 2009b. Lightweight Des 2, 52–57.
Heimbs, S.,. Eigenschaftsbestimmung zellulärer Wabenkernstrukturen anhand virtueller Tests, 2009c. CADFEM Infoplaner 1, 50–52.
Heimbs, S., Heller, S., Middendorf, P., Hähnel, F., Weiße, J.,. Low velocity impact on CFRP plates with compressive preload: Test and modelling, 2009. International Journal of Impact Engineering 36, 1182–1193.
Häusler, S.M., Reim, A.D., Horst, P.,. Evolutionary Optimisation of Integrally Stiffened Aircraft Structures With Respect to Fatigue Crack Growth and Structural Weight, 2009, in: 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO).
Hansen, L.U.,. Optimierung von Strukturbauweisen im Gesamtentwurf von Blended Wing Body Flugzeugen (Dissertation), 2009. TU Braunschweig.
Fischer, S., Heimbs, S., Kilchert, S., Klaus, M., Cluzel, C.,. Sandwich Structures with Folded Core: Manufacturing and Mechanical Behavior, 2009. Presented at the SAMPE Europe International Conference, Paris, France, pp. 256–263.
Dittrich, D., Brenner, B., Kirchhoff, G., Reim, A., Horst, P., Sähn, M., Hackius, J.,. Advanced structure concepts for closed metallic stringer geometries regarding lower and upper fuselage structures, 2009, in: EUCOMAS 2009, 2nd European Conference on Materials and Structures in Aerospace.
Brüggemann, C.,. Massnahmen zur Verstärkung von SchwellproFILEn in modularen Karosseriestrukturen (Dissertation), 2009. TU Braunschweig.
Adden, S.,. Schädigungsverhalten von glasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen aus Multiaxialgelegen unter biaxialer Ermüdungsbelastung (Dissertation), 2009. TU Braunschweig.
Werner-Westphal, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Structural Sizing for an Unconventional, Environment-Friendly Aircraft Configuration within Integrated Conceptual Design, 2008a. Aerospace Science and Technology 12, 184–194.
Werner-Westphal, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Multidisciplinary Integrated Preliminary Design Applied to Unconventional Aircraft Configurations, 2008b. Journal of Aircraft 45, 581–590.
Werner-Westphal, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Improved Representation of High Lift Devices for a Multidisciplinary Preliminary Aircraft Design Process, 2008c, in: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. Victoria,BC (Canada).
Unger, Ralf, Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Coupling techniques for computational non-linear transient aeroelasticity, 2008, in: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. SAGE Publications, pp. 435–447.
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P., Windte, J.,. Structural Design and Aeroelastic Analysis of an Oscillating Airfoil for Flapping Wing Propulsion, 2008a, in: Proceedings of the 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, Nevada.
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Coupling Techniques for Computational Non-Linear Transient Aeroelasticity, 2008b. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 222, 435–447.
Seeckt, K., Heinze, W., Scholz, P.,. The Green Freighter project–Objectives and first results, 2008, in: ICAS Congress 2008, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
Schmidt, F., Adden, S., Möhle, E., Horst, P.,. Description and modelling of the multi-axial stiffness degradation in fatigue loaded NCFs under sequence loading, 2008, in: 13th European Conference on Composite Materials (13th ECCM), Stockholm.
Schmidt, F.,. Charakterisierung der Effekte von Low-Cost Nanoverstärkungen auf das Ermüdungsverhalten von Nanocomposites, 2008, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2008 in Darmstadt. Darmstadt (Germany).
Rieke, J., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Benchmarking of CFRP Structures in the Preliminary Overall Design of Civil Transport Aircraft, 2008, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2008 in Darmstadt. Darmstadt (Germany).
Reim, A., Horst, P., Hackius, J., Frank, Ch.,. Stability Estimation for Stiffened Structures Considering Laser Beam Welded Stringers, 2008. VDI-Berichte 2028, 399–402.
Middendorf, P., Heimbs, S., Kilchert, S., Johnson, A.F.,. Numerical Analysis of Aircraft Sandwich Structures with Composite Folded Core in Compression, 2008. Presented at the EuroPAM 2008 User Conference and Exhibition, Prague, Czech Republic.
Klinzmann, A., Horst, P.,. Buckling Analysis of Triangularly Stiffened Cylindrical Panels and Their Application to Aircraft Structures, 2008, in: Proceedings of the 49th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. Schaumburg IL (USA).
Heimbs, Sebastian, Middendorf, P., Hampf, C., Hähnel, F., Wolf, K.,. Aircraft Sandwich Structures with Folded Core under Impact Load, 2008a. Presented at the 8th International Conference on Sandwich Structures, Porto, Portugal, pp. 369–380.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Heller, S., Middendorf, P., Schweizerhof, K.,. Simulation of low velocity impact on composite plates with compressive preload, 2008b. Presented at the Proc. 7. LS-DYNA Anwenderforum, Bamberg, Germany.
Heimbs, S.,. Virtual Testing of Sandwich Core Structures with LS-DYNA, 2008a. Presented at the ANSYS Conference & 26th CADFEM Users’ Meeting, Darmstadt, Deutschland.
Heimbs, S.,. Sandwichstrukturen mit Wabenkern: Experimentelle und numerische Analyse des Schädigungsverhaltens unter statischer und kurzzeitdynamischer Belastung, 2008b. Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.
Heimbs, S., Vogt, D., Hartnack, R., Schlattmann, J., Maier, M.,. Numerical simulation of aircraft interior components under crash loads, 2008. International Journal of Crashworthiness 13, 511–521.
Häusler, S.M., Horst, P.,. Fast Analytical Algorithm for Fatigue Crack Life Estimations of Integrally Stiffened Metallic Panels, 2008. Key Engineering Materials 385–387, 529–532.
Hansen, L.U., Horst, P.,. Multilevel optimization in aircraft structural design evaluation, 2008. Computers & Structures 86, 104–118.
Hansen, L.U., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Blended Wing Body Structures in Multidisciplinary Pre-Design, 2008a. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 36, 93–106.
Hansen, L.U., Häusler, S.M., Horst, P.,. Evolutionary Multicriteria Design Optimization of Integrally Stiffened Aircraft Structures, 2008b. Journal of Aircraft 45, 1881–1889.
Drechsler, K., Middendorf, P., Broucke, B., Heimbs, S.,. Advanced Composite Materials - Technologies, Performance and Modelling, 2008, in: Course on Emerging Techniques for Damage Prediction and Failure Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures. Cepadues Editions, Toulouse, pp. 147–197.
Werner-Westphal, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Multidisciplinary Integrated Preliminary Design Applied to Future Green Aircraft Configurations, 2007, in: Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno (Nevada).
Unger, R., Kleinert, J., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P., Windte, J., Bansmer, S., Kähler, C.J., Radespiel, R.,. Design and Analysis of an Aeroelastic Validation Experiment for Moving Flexible Airfoils, 2007a, in: Proceedings of the First CEAS, 10-13 September. Berlin (Germany).
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Application of Lagrange Multipliers for Coupled Problems in Fluid Structure Interactions, 2007b, in: Computers & Structures. pp. 796–809.
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Comparison of Iterative Solution Procedures for Fluid and Structural Interaction Problems Using Two- and Three-Field Approaches, 2007c, in: Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering II - Coupled Problems.
Pein, M., Krause, D., Heimbs, S., Middendorf, P.,. Innovative energy-absorbing concept for aircraft cabin interior, 2007a. Presented at the International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 375–384.
Pein, M., Krause, D., Heimbs, S., Middendorf, P.,. Hybrid Composite Materials for a Highly Integrated Energy-Absorbing Concept for Aircraft Cabin Interior, 2007b. Presented at the The Fifth Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, USA.
Middendorf, P., Heimbs, S.,. Crashsimulation von Composite-Strukturen, 2007a. Automotive Materials 4, 37–39.
Middendorf, P., Heimbs, S.,. Crash Simulation of Composite Structures, 2007b. Composite Materials 2, 18–22.
Merzbacher, M., Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Efficient Computation of Energy Release Rates for Delaminated Beam Structures, 2007. Aerospace Science and Technology 11, 527–534.
Kébreau, S.,. Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Novel Non-Rectangular Stiffening Concepts in Comparison to Conventionally Rectangular Stiffened Fuselage Structures, 2007, in: Proceedings of the First CEAS, 10-13 September. Berlin (Germany).
Horst, P.,. Pattern analysis of the Severity of Multiple Crack Arrays, 2007. Key Engineering Materials 348–349, 193–196.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Schmeer, S., Middendorf, P., Maier, M.,. Strain rate effects in phenolic composites and phenolic-impregnated honeycomb structures, 2007a. Composites Science and Technology 67, 2827–2837.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Middendorf, P., Kilchert, S., Johnson, A., Maier, M.,. Numerical simulation of advanced folded core materials for structural sandwich applications, 2007b. Presented at the 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, Berlin, Germany, pp. 2889–2896.
Heimbs, Sebastian, Mehrens, T., Middendorf, P., Maier, M., Schumacher, A.,. Numerical Determination of the Nonlinear Effective Mechanical Properties of Folded Core Structures for Aircraft Sandwich Panels, 2007c. Presented at the 6th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Heimbs, S., Middendorf, P., Kilchert, S., Johnson, A.F., Maier, M.,. Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Composite Folded Sandwich Core Structures Under Compression, 2007. Appl Compos Mater 14, 363–377.
Häusler, S.M., Reim, A.D., Horst, P.,. Fatigue Crack Growth - A Challenge for New Integrally Stiffened Aircraft Structures, 2007, in: 24th ICAF Symposium. Naples (Italy).
Haupt, M.C., Niesner, R., Unger, R., Horst, P.,. Nonlinear Aerothermoelastic Behaviour of Thin-Walled Structures in Hypersonic Fluid Flow, 2007, in: Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering II - Coupled Problems.
Hansen, L.U., Horst, P.,. Structural Concept Optimization in Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2007, in: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-7). Seoul (Korea).
Hansen, L.U., Häusler, S., Horst, P.,. Potential Benefits of Integrally Stiffened Aircraft Structures, 2007, in: Proceedings of the First CEAS, 10-13 September. Berlin (Germany).
Brüggemann, C., Horst, P., Eilert, U.,. Verstärkung geschlossener ProFILE zur Verbesserung der Crasheigenschaften von Karosseriestrukturen, 2007a, in: 6. LS-DYNA Anwenderforum, Frankenthal, 11.-12. Oktober.
Brüggemann, C., Eilert, U., Stieg, J.,. Ein Ansatz zur Modularisierung von Karosseriestrukturen, 2007b, in: Konferenz Faszination Karosserie, 3. Braunschweiger Symposium.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Fatigue in Composites - Mechanisms and Modelling Approaches, 2007, in: 24th ICAF Symposium. Naples (Italy).
Werner-Westphal, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Structural Sizing for an Unconventional, Environment-Friendly Aircraft Configuration within Integrated Preliminary Design, 2006, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2006 in Braunschweig. Bonn.
Unger, R., Haupt, M.C., Horst, P.,. Application of Lagrange Multipliers for Computational Aeroelasticity, 2006, in: Mota Soares, C.A. et al. (Ed.), III European Conference on Computational Mechanics-Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering. Lisboa (Portugal).
Rieke, J., Heinze, W., Horst, P., Schwochow, J.,. Evaluation of Flutter Analysis in the Context of New Concepts of Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2006, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2006 in Braunschweig. Bonn.
Niesner, R., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Transient Analysis Methods for Hypersonic Applications with Thermo-Mechanical Fluid-Structure Interaction, 2006a, in: Mota Soares, C.A. et al. (Ed.), III European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering. Lisboa (Portugal).
Niesner, R., Dannemann, F., Haupt, M., Horst, P., Schreiber, A.,. An MpCCI-based Software Integration Environment for Hypersonic Fluid-Structure Problems, 2006b, in: 7th MpCCI User Forum. Sankt Augustin (Germany).
Morthorst, M., Horst, P.,. Crushing of Conical Composites Shells: A Numerical Analysis of the Governing Factors, 2006. Aerospace Science and Technology 10.
Morthorst, M.,. Modellierung des Crashverhaltens konischer Faserverbundstrukturen (Dissertation), 2006. TU Braunschweig.
Kiehne, A., Horst, P.,. Buckling Analysis of Non-Rectangular Stiffened Shell Structures, 2006, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2006 in Braunschweig.
Horst, P.,. Widespread Fatigue Damage ; An Issue for Aging and New Aircraft, 2006a, in: Keynote Lecture: 5th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics to Be Held in Harbin, China,in: Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 324-325. pp. 1–8.
Horst, P.,. Innovative Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Methods for the Application of New Structural Concepts, 2006b, in: DaToN, Fifth Community Aeronautical Days 2006. Vienna.
Horst, P.,. Importance Sampling for Multiple Site Damage Monte Carlo Simulations, 2006c, in: Mesomechanics 2006. Porto.
Horst, P.,. Feature Detection as a Means for Importance Sampling for Multiple Site Damage Monte Carlo Simulations, 2006d, in: 9th Joint FAA/DoD/NASA Aging Aircraft Conference. Atlanta GA (USA).
Heitmann, M., Horst, P.,. A New Analysis Model for the Effective Stiffness of Stiffened Metallic Panels under Combined Compression and Shear Stress, 2006. Journal Aerospace Science and Technology, 10 (4).
Heimbs, S., Middendorf, P., Maier, M.,. Sandwichstrukturen in der Flugzeugkabine: Materialmodellierung und dynamische Simulation, 2006a. Presented at the IVW-Kolloquium 2006, Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. 45–56.
Heimbs, S., Middendorf, P., Maier, M.,. Honeycomb Sandwich Material Modeling for Dynamic Simulations of Aircraft Interior Components, 2006b. Presented at the 9th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Dearborn, MI, USA.
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Unger, R., Horst, P.,. Computational Aero-Structural Coupling for Hypersonic Applications, 2006, in: 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference. San Francisco CA (USA).
Hansen, L.U., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Representation of Structural Solutions in Blended Wing Body Preliminary Design, 2006, in: Proceedings of the 25th ICAS-Congress in Hamburg.
Eilert, U., Brüggemann, C., Stieg, J.,. Ergebnisbericht des Gemeinschaftsforschungsprojekts FASZINATION KAROSSERIEBAU, 2006, in: Fascination Automobile-Modularization. Bad Nauheim.
Brüggemann, C., Eilert, U., Kleinpeter, B., Horst, P., Rösler, J., Dilger, K.,. Modularisierung von Karosseriestrukturen, 2006. ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift 10/06, Vieweg.
Adden, S., Merzbacher, M., Horst, P.,. Material Forces as a Simple Criterion for the Description of Crack-Turning Problems, 2006. Journal Aerospace Science and Technology 6.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Damage propagation in non-crimp fabrics under bi-axial static and fatigue loading, 2006a. Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 66 626–633.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Charakterisierung der Ermüdung von Glasfaser-Multiaxialgelegen, 2006b, in: SAMPE. Braunschweig.
Winkler, S., Hansen, L.U., Horst, P., al, et,. AUTOMAV - überwachung mit autonomen Mikroflugzeugen im Deutschen Luftfahrtforschungsprogramm 2003-2007, überblick und aktuelle Ergebnisse, 2005, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2005 in Friedrichshafen. Bonn.
Niesner, R., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Thermo-mechanical fluid-structure-interaction for hypersonic applications, 2005, in: Compilation of Abstracts for the Third MIT Conf. on Comp. Fluid and Solid Mechanics.
Merzbacher, M., Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Efficient Computation of Energie Release Rates for Delaminated Beam Structures, 2005, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2005 in Friedrichshafen. Bonn.
Kroker, J., Brüggemann, C., Eilert, U., Koschorrek, R.,. Zukünftige Ansätze für modulare Karosseriestrukturen, 2005, in: Faszination Karosserie, 2. Braunschweiger Symposium an Der IHK Braunschweig.
Horst, P.,. Wavelet Feature Detection for the assessment of MSD Patterns, 2005a, in: ICCES 2005, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering And Sciences. Chennai (India).
Horst, P.,. Strukturmechanische Design-Treiber für versteifte Leichtbaustrukturen, 2005b, in: Vortrag: Neue Fertigungstechnologien in Der Luft- Und Raumfahrt, Universität Hannover, Inst. F. Fertigungstechnik Und Werkzeugmaschinen. Hannover.
Horst, P.,. Feature Detection for the Assessment of Critical Multiple Site Damage Patterns, 2005c. Materials for Safety and Health , Mesoscopic and Multiscale Consideration in Modern Science and Engineering.
Horst, P.,. Criteria for the Assessment of Multiple Site Damage in Aging Aircraft, 2005d. Structural Integrity & Durability, Vol. 1.
Herrmann, U., von Geyr, H., Werner-Westphal, C.,. Mixed Fidelity Multi Discipline Optimization of a Supersonic Transport Aircraft, 2005, in: Proceedings of 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno NV (USA).
Heitmann, M.,. Untersuchung des Nachbeulverhaltens rechteckig versteifter metallischer Strukturen unter kombinierter Druck- und Schubbeanspruchung (Dissertation), 2005. TU Braunschweig.
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Unger, R., Horst, P.,. Coupling Techniques for Thermal and Mechanical Fluid-Structure-Interaction in Aeronautics, 2005a. GAMM2005, PAMM, Wiley-InterScience, Vol. 5 (1).
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Horst, P.,. Coupling Techniques for Aero-Thermo-Elasticity, 2005b, in: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Coupled Problems 2005. Santorin.
Adden, S., Merzbacher, M., Horst, P.,. Materielle Kräfte als einfaches Kriterium zur Beschreibung von Rissdrehungsproblemen, 2005, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2005 in Friedrichshafen. Bonn.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Material Forces as a Novel Criterion for Crack-Turning in Stiffened Structures, 2005a, in: ***publish (Ed.), Int. Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, ICAF 2005. Hamburg.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Characterization of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Plastics/Non-Crimp-Fabrics by Using a Mesomechanic Point of View, 2005b, in: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mesomechanics. Montreal (Canada).
Werner-Westphal, C., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Consideration of Aircraft Noise Propagation in Multidisciplinary Integrated Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2004, in: Aeroacoustics of New Aircraft & Engine Configurations Workshop. Budapest.
Weerts, U.,. Bruchmechanische Charakterisierung von Klebungen (PhD Thesis), 2004. TU Braunschweig.
Reimer, A., Horst, P.,. Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Static Behaviour of 3D-Reinforced Composites, 2004, in: International Conference on Multiscaling in Applied Science and Emerging Technologies, Fundamentales and Applications, 6th Mesomechanics. University of Patras (Greece).
Niesner, R., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Numerical and Software Concepts for the Thermal-Mechanical Coupling of Structural and Fluid-Dynamics Codes, 2004a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Niesner, R., Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Konzepte für die thermisch-mechanische Kopplung von Struktur- und Strömungs-Codes aus numerischer und software-technischer Sicht, 2004b, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Morthorst, M., Horst, P.,. Failure Model for Composite Materials under Quasi-Static Crushing Conditions, 2004a. Journal of Strain Analysis Vol. 39 No. 5.
Morthorst, M., Horst, P.,. Crashverhalten konischer Faserverbundstrukturen – Eine numerische Analyse verschiedener Einflussfaktoren, 2004b, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Morthorst, M., Horst, P.,. Crash of Conical Composites Shells - A Numerical Analysis of Governing Factors, 2004c, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Morthorst, M., Horst, P.,. Crash Analysis of Glass and Carbon Reinforced Epoxy Composite Cones, 2004d, in: Icrash. San Francisco.
Heitmann, M., Horst, P.,. Ein neues Modell zur Berechnung der Steifigkeit von metallischen Panels unter Schub-Druckbelastung, 2004a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Heitmann, M., Horst, P.,. A new Analysis Model for the Effective Stiffness of Stiffened Metallic Panels under Combined Compression and Shear Stress, 2004b, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Heinze, W.,. Multidisziplinärer Flugzeugentwurf - Ansatz und zukünftige Forschungsaufgaben, 2004, in: Vortrag: VDI-/IMKO Lecture Series “Aktuelle Und Zukünftige Fahrzeug- Und Motorenkonzepte.”
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Horst, P.,. Nutzung von Open Source Software für die Thermal-Analyse von Raumfahrzeugen, 2004a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Horst, P.,. Flexible Software Environment for the Coupled Aerothermodynamic-Thermal-Mechanical Analysis of Structures, 2004b, in: Proceedings of 5th European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles.
Hansen, L.U., Horst, P.,. Strukturkonzepte in konventioneller und zweischaliger Bauweise für flache nichtzylindrische Rumpfkonfigurationen, 2004, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2004. Dresden.
Adden, S., Horst, P.,. Mesomechanical Effects in Multi-Axial Reinforced Plastics under BI-Axial Fatigue Loading, 2004, in: International Conference on Multiscaling in Applied Science and Emerging Technologies, Fundamentales and Applications, 6th Mesomechanics. University of Patras (Greece).
Weerts, U., Horst, P.,. Betriebsfestigkeit von geklebten Strukturen, 2003. Simulation Nr.1 1, 46–49.
Schreiber, A., Kersken, H.-P., Wolf, K., Post, P., Niesner, R., Haupt, M.,. Tools and Techniques for Multidisciplinary Coupled Simulations, 2003, in: WUA-CFD. Nürnberg.
Österheld, C.,. Physikalisch begründete Analyseverfahren im integrierten multidisziplinären Flugzeugvorentwurf (Dissertation), 2003. TU Braunschweig.
Litzenberger, K.,. Eine anwendungsorientierte Methode zur Berechnung interlaminaren Delaminationswachstums in Faserverbundwerkstoffen (Dissertation), 2003. TU Braunschweig.
Koeppen, C., Carl, U.B.,. Kopplungen und Sensitivitäten des Einflusses von Systemen auf den Flugzeugentwurf, 2003, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2003 in München.
Kersken, H.-P., Schreiber, A., Niesner, R.,. TENT - An Integration Platform For Multidisciplinary Simulation, 2003, in: MpCCI User Forum 2003. Sankt Augustin (Germany).
Horst, P., Haupt, M.,. The Use of Integrated Software Tools for Damage Tolerance Justification, 2003, in: International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering Sciences, ICCES 03. Corfu (Greece).
Horst, P., Fabel, T.,. Crack Growth in Integrally Stiffened Structures, 2003, in: Vortrag: Fatigue.
Horst, P.,. Bauweisen in Fahrzeugbau und Luftfahrt - Gemeinsame Tendenzen?, 2003a, in: Konferenz Faszination Karosserie, 1. Braunschweiger Symposium.
Horst, P.,. Aging Aircraft, 2003b, in: International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering Sciences, ICCES 03. Corfu (Greece).
Hepperle, M., Heinze, W.,. Global Range Transport Aircraft, 2003, in: RTO Symposium on “Novel Vehicle Concepts and Emeging Technologies”, NATO Research and Technology Organization. Brüssel.
Heitmann, M., Horst, P., Fitzsimmons, D.,. Effective Stiffness of Postbuckled Stiffened Metallic Panels Under Combined Compression and Shear Stress, 2003. Journal of Strain Analysis Vol. 38 No. 6.
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Horst, P., Hannemann, V., Mack, A., Brandl, A.,. Numerical and Software Concepts for the Coupling of Structural Thermal-Mechanical an Fluid-Dynamic Codes, 2003, in: Proceedings of 5th International Congress on Thermal Stresses and Related Topics. Blackburg.
Drews, J.,. Untersuchungen zur Interaktion von Struktur und Fluid bei Hochauftriebskonfigurationen (Dissertation), 2003. TU Braunschweig.
Trappe, V., Harbich, K.-W., Kossira, H.,. Charakterisierung der intralaminaren Werkstoffermüdung von CFK, 2002, in: MP Materialprüfung, Jahrgang 44. Carl Hanser Verlag, München.
Trappe, V.,. Beschreibung des intralaminaren Ermüdungsverhaltens von CFK mit Hilfe innerer Zustandvariablen (Dissertation), 2002. TU Braunschweig.
Niesner, R., Haupt, M.,. Using Python in Aerospace Design, 2002, in: EuroPython Conference.
Litzenberger, K., Horst, P.,. Numerical Analysis of Delamination Growth in Composite-Structures under Single Step Fatigue Loading, 2002, in: Fatigue. Stockholm.
Horst, P.,. Relibility in the Case of Widespread Fatigue Damage, 2002a, in: Vortrag: GRACM 2003, 4th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics. University of Patras (Greece).
Horst, P.,. On the Backextrapolation of Initial Flaws, 2002b, in: Fatigue. Stockholm.
Horst, P.,. Multiple Site Damage in Integrally Stiffened Structures, 2002c, in: Vortrag: 6th Joint FAA/DoD/NASA Aging Aircraft Conference.
Hepperle, M., Heinze, W.,. Future global range transport aircraft, 2002, in: RTO Symposium on" Novel Vehicle Concepts and Emerging Technologies. pp. 7–10.
Haupt, M., Niesner, R., Horst, P.,. Effiziente Techniken zur Kopplung von Analyse-Programmen zur Simulation thermischer und mechanischer Strömungs-Struktur-Interaktion, 2002a. VDI-Bericht 1682 423–442.
Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. With Public Domain Software to Integrated Design and Analysis Tools, 2002, in: ICAS. Toronto (Canada).
Haupt, M., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Elements of Numerical Tool Coupling for the Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interactions, 2002b, in: Proceedings of Workshop: ComputionalIntegrated Design and Analysis for Space Vehicles, ESA-ESTEC. Noordwijk.
Drews, J., Horst, P.,. Aeroelastische Untersuchungen an Hochauftriebskonfigurationen im Nidergeschwindigkeitsbereich, 2002, in: Workshop Des Graduiertenkollegs “Meerestechnische Konstruktionen”(TU HH) Und “Wechselwirkung von Struktur Und Fluid”(TU BS). Hamburg.
Österheld, C.M., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Preliminary Design of a Blended Wing Body Configuration using the Design Tool PrADO, 2001, in: Proceedings Der CEAS Conference on Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design and Optimisation. Köln.
Novelli, P., Duveau, P., Eggers, T., Haupt, M.,. Etude Preliminaire d’un vehicle experimental pour la demonstration en vol du bilan propulsif du statomixte, 2001, in: Procs. of Colloque Commun Aerodynamique - Propulsion, 37. Colloque d’Aerodynamique Appliquee, Aerodynamique et Propulsion Des Vehicles a Grande Vitesse. Arcachon.
Litzenberger, K., Horst, P., Weerts, U.,. Delaminationsfortschritt unter statischer und schwingender Beanspruchung, 2001, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2001 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Kossira, H., Arnst, G.,. Plasticity of Metals, Chapter 15: Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour of Shear-Loaded Aluminium Panels, 2001.
Horst, P.,. The influence of Different Assumptions on Statistical Distributions on Possible Scatter Factors in the Case of Widespread Fatigue Damage, 2001a, in: Fifth Joint NASA/DoD/FAA Aging Aircraft Conference. Orlando FL (USA).
Horst, P.,. Cracks Emanating from a Hole - Solutions and Peculiarities, 2001b, in: Technology Seminar EADS. Hamburg.
Heitmann, M., Horst, P., Haupt, M., Fitzsimmons, D.,. Numerische Simulation von Teilschalenversuchen an versteiften metallischen Strukturen unter kombinierter Druck- und Schubbeanspruchung, 2001, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2001 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Heinze, W., Österheld, C.M., Horst, P.,. Multidisziplinäres Flugzeugentwurfsverfahren PrADO - Programmentwurf und Anwendung im Rahmen von Flugzeug-Konzeptstudien, 2001, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2001 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Haupt, M., Horst, P.,. Coupling of fluid and structure analysis codes for air- and spacecraft applications, 2001, in: First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics.
Haupt, M., Heinze, W., Horst, P.,. Mit Public Domain Software zum Integrierten Entwurfs- und Analysewerkzeug, 2001, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2001 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Eggers, T., Novelli, P., Haupt, M.,. Design Studies of the JAPHAR Experimental Vehicle for Dual Mode Ramjet Demonstration, 2001, in: 10th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference,. Kyoto (Japan).
Drews, J.-E., Horst, P.,. Fluid-structure Interaction of high lift devices at low Mach numbers, 2001, in: MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. Elsevier Science.
Brendes, G.,. Ein Beitrag zur überprüfung der Flattersicherheit von Segelflugzeugen durch instrumentierte Flugschwingversuche (Dissertation), 2001. TU Braunschweig.
Weerts, U., Kossira, H.,. Mixed Mode Fracture Characterization of Adhesive Joints, 2000, in: Proceedings of ICAS 2000 Conference. Harrogate (GB).
Trappe, V., Kossira, H.,. A new Mechanical test Method for Nondestruktive Evaluation of the Damage State of Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) during Fatigue Testing, 2000, in: Seventh Annual International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/7). Denver (USA).
Strohmeyer, D., Seubert, R., Heinze, W., Österheld, C., Fornasier, L.,. Three surface aircraft-A concept for future transport aircraft, 2000, in: 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. p. 566.
Roth, K.,. Konstruieren mit Konstruktionskatalogen, 3rd ed, 2000. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Österheld, C.M., Heinze, W., Horst, E.I.P.,. Influence of Aeroelastic Effects on Preliminary Aircraft Design, 2000, in: Proceedings of ICAS Congress 2000. Harrogate (UK).
Horst, P., Heinze, W.,. Structural Integrity Degradation of Ageing Aircraft, 2000, in: China-European International Symposium on Aeronautical Materials and Structures. Beijing (China).
Horst, P.,. Risk Assessment of the Residual Strength Behavior of Aged Fuselage Structures, 2000a, in: Aging Aircraft. St. Louis MO (USA).
Horst, P.,. Deterioration of the Integrity of Aircraft Structures by Aging, 2000b, in: China-European International Symposium on Aeronautical Materials and Structures. Beijing (China).
Drews, J., Horst, P.,. Fluid-Struktur-Kopplung bei Hochauftriebskonfigurationen, 2000, in: Kolloquium Des Graduiertenkollegs. Braunschweig.
Strohmeyer, D., Seubert, R., Heinze, W., Österheld, C., Fornasier, L.,. Evaluation of Future Aerodynamic Technologies for High Capacity Aircraft, 1999, in: 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno (Ne), 11.-14.01.1999.
Horst, P., Trey, H.,. Structural Maintenance of Ageing Aircraft, 1999, in: The European Project:SMAAC, Air & Space Europe.
Horst, P.,. On the Assessment of the Criticality of Crak Scenarios with Respect to Widespread Fatigue Damage, 1999a, in: Second Joint NASA/FAA/DoD Conference on Ageing Aircraft. Williamsburg VA (USA).
Horst, P.,. Lessons Learned from Recent European Research Projects on Ageing Aircraft, 1999b, in: Proceedings of CEAS Forum Life Extension - Aerospace Technology Opportunities. Churchill College,Cambridge (UK).
Horst, P.,. A Method for the Assessment of Ageing Properties of Structural Lightweight Components, 1999c, in: European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing. Nordwijk (Holland).
Heinze, W., Österheld, C.M., Kossira, H., Horst, P.,. Einflüsse aeroelastischer Problemstellungen auf den Vorentwurf von Verkehrsflugzeugen, 1999, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1999 in Berlin. Bonn.
Haupt, M., Poppe, U., Kossira, H., Horst, P.,. Eine Methode zur Kopplung von Fluid-Struktur-Analyseprogrammen zur Analyse von aerodynamisch belasteten Flugzeugstrukturen, 1999a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2006 in Berlin. Bonn.
Haupt, M., Kossira, H.,. Analysis of Structures in Hypersonic Fluid Flow Including the Fluid-Structures-Interaction, 1999, in: Kaldeich-Schürmann, B. (Ed.), Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, ESA Special Publication. pp. 697–703.
Haupt, M., Eggers, Th., Horst, P.,. Thermisch-mechanisch gekoppelte Analyse von Raumtransportern, 1999b, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 2006 in Berlin.
Strohmeyer, D., Seubert, R.,. Improvement of a Preliminary Design and Optimization Program for the Evaluation of Future Aircraft Projects, 1998, in: 7th Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, St. Louis.
Strohmeyer, D., Eggers, T., Haupt, M.,. Waverider Aerodynamics and Preliminary Design for Two-Stage-to-Orbit Missions, Part 1, 1998. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets; Vol. 35, Number 4, Pages 450-458.
Poppe, U., Haupt, M., Horst, P., Kossira, H.,. Kopplung von Fluid-Struktur-Analyseprogrammen zur Untersuchung des aeroelsatischen Verhaltens von Flügeln, 1998, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1998 in Göttingen. Bonn.
Heinze, W., Österheld, C.M., Kossira, H., Horst, P.,. Berücksichtigung aeroelastischer Fragestellungen beim Flugzeugvorentwurf, 1998, in: Vortrag Anlässlich Der Aeroelastik-Tagung Der DGLR in Göttingen, 29./30. Juni.
Heinze, W., Bardenhagen, A.,. Waverider Aerodynamics and Preliminary Design for Two-Stage-to-Orbit Missions, Part 2, 1998. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 35, Number 4, 459–466.
Trappe, V., Kossira, H.,. Über die Größe des Randeinflusses auf ermittelte Werkstoffkennwerte aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen, 1997a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1997 in München. Bonn.
Trappe, V., Kossira, H.,. Hysteresemessungen an Faserverbundwerkstoffen, 1997b, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1997 in München. Bonn.
Horst, P.,. Structural Maintenance of Ageing Aircraft, 1997, in: Conference on Induatrial Technologies. Toulouse (France).
Horst, P. et al.,. Numerical Round Robin tests on the Assessment os MSD, 1997, in: ICAF-97-Fatigue in New and Ageing Aircraft.
Haupt, M.,. Ein Beitrag zur thermischen und mechanischen Analyse von heißen Flugzeugstrukturen (Dissertation), 1997. TU Braunschweig.
Bardenhagen, A., Kossira, H., Heinze, W.,. Verfahren zur Abschätzung der Strukturmasse im interdisziplinären Entwurf von Hyperschallflugzeugen, 1997, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1997 in München. Bonn.
Bardenhagen, A.,. Massenabschätzung und Gesamtauslegung der Unterstufe von Hyperschall-Raumtransportsystemen (Dissertation), 1997. TU Braunschweig.
Strohmeyer, D., Eggers, T., Heinze, W., Bardenhagen, A., Strohmeyer, D., Eggers, T., Heinze, W., Bardenhagen, A.,. Planform effects on the aerodynamics of waveriders for TSTO missions, 1996, in: Space Plane and Hypersonic Systems and Technology Conference. p. 4544.
Kossira, H.,. Grundlagen des Leichtbaus, Einführung in die Theorie dünnwandiger stabförmiger Tragwerke, 1996. Springer Verlag (Berlin).
Horts, P.,. Buckling Behaviour of Large GLARE Fuselage Shells under Compression and Shear Loading, 1996, in: 20th Congress of ICAS. Sorrento (Italy).
Haupt, M., Kossira, H.,. Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction - A Numerical Concept and an Application to Structures in Hypersonic Fluid Flow, 1996, in: Euromech-Kolloquium. Göttingen.
Bardenhagen, A., Kossira, H., Heinze, W.,. Weight Estimation of Hypersonic Waveriders within the Integrated Design Program PrADO-Hy, 1996, in: Paper of AIAA 7th International Aerospace Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference. Norfolk (USA).
Arnst, G., Kossira, H.,. Experimental und Numerical Analysis of the Inelastic Postbuckling Behaviour of Shear Loaded Aluminium Panels, 1996, in: Vortrag: Abschlusskolloquium Des DFG-Sonderforschungsberischs SFB 319. Braunschweig.
Radespiel, R., Eggers, T., Strohmeyer, D., Körner, H., Heinze, W., Bardenhagen, A., Kossira, H., Hummel, D.,. Entwurf von Wellenreitern für Hyperschallflugzeuge, 1995. Zeitschrift DLR-Nachrichten 80.
Kickert, R.,. Rißfortschrittsanalyse an Klebungen komplexer Teilstrukturen aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen (Dissertation), 1995. TU Braunschweig.
Heinze, W.,. Flugverkehr der Zukunft - überschallflugzeuge weisen neue Wege, 1995, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1995 in Bonn. Bonn.
Haupt, M., Kossira, H., Radespiel, R.,. Analyse von aerothermodynamisch belasteten Flügelvorderkanten mit einer Methode der Fluid-Struktur-Kopplung, 1995, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1995 in Bonn. Bonn.
Glatzel, G.,. Über das Dämpfungs- und Ermündungsverhalten einiger Faserverbundwerkstoffe (Dissertation), 1995. TU Braunschweig.
Pleitner, J., Kossira, H.,. Thermomechanische Berechnungsmodelle für faserverstärkte hochtemperaturbelastete Werkstoffe, 1994, in: DFG-Schwerpunktsprogramm"Höchsttemeraturbeständige Leichtbauwerkstoffe, Insbesondere Keramische Verbundwerkstoffe".
Neumann, D.,. Über den Einfluß von Fahrwerk und Bodenunebenheiten auf die Beanspruchung von Segelflugpiloten (Dissertation), 1994. TU Braunschweig.
Lubis, A.,. Zur Optimierung des multidisziplinären Entwurfs von Verkehrsflugzeugen in der parallelen Rechnerumgebung (Dissertation), 1994. TU Braunschweig.
Kracht, M., Kossira, H.,. Kurzdarstellung einiger Ergebnisse der numerischen Untersuchung des Verformungsverhaltens des HORNET-Rumpfvorderteils und Empfehlung für die Konstruktion eines ersten Crash-Testrumpfes auf Basis des HORNET-Rumpfes, 1994, in: Forschungsprojekt “Numerische Untersuchungen an Konstruktiven Maßnahmen Der Passiven Insassensicherheit in Segelflugzeugen”, TüV Rheinland, IFL. Braunschweig.
Kickert, R., Kossira, H.,. Rißfortschrittsanalyse von Klebungen komplexer Teilstrukturen aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen, 1994, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1994 in Erlangen. Bonn.
Heinze, W.,. Ein Beitrag zur quantitativen Analyse der technischen und wirtschaftlichen Auslegungsgrenzen verschiedener Flugzeugkonzepte für den Transport großer Nutzlasten (Dissertation), 1994. TU Braunschweig.
Bardenhagen, A., Kossira, H., Heinze, W.,. Interdisciplinary Design of modern Hypersonic Waveriders using the Integrated Program PrADO-Hy, 1994, in: Proceedings of the 19th ICAS-Congress. Anaheim (USA).
Pleitner, J., Kossira, H.,. Micromechanical Analysis of Continuous Fibre-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites at elevated Temperatures, 1993, in: International Conference of High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, ECCM-6. Bordeaux (Frankreich).
Lubis, A., Kossira, H.,. Parallel Computing and its Application to the Aircraft Design and Optimization Process, 1993, in: Procceedings of SITRA Congress. Bandung (Indonesia).
Kossira, H., Humpert, K., Kickert, R.,. Fibre Reinforced Metal Laminates and CFRP Fuselage Concepts, 1993a. Vortrag: Brite Euram Project 2040.
Kossira, H., Haupt, M., Rönsch, W.,. Anpassung von iterativen Gleichungslösern an Netzadaptionsverfahren im Bereich der Finite-Elemente-Methoden, 1993b. EASI-Kooperation.
Kossira, H., Bardenhagen, A., Heinze, W.,. Investigations on the Potential of Hypersonic Waveriders with the Integrated Aircraft Design Program PrADO-Hy, 1993c, in: AIAA/DGLR 5th International Aerospace Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Paper AIAA-93-5098, München.
Heinze, W., Kossira, H., Bardenhagen, A.,. Integriertes Programmsystem für den Konzeptentwurf wiederverwendbarer Raumtransporter, 1993a. Z.Flugwiss.u.Weltraumforschung (ZFW).
Heinze, W., Bardenhagen, A., Kossira, H.,. Ein Beitrag zum Gesamtentwurf von Hyperschallfluggeräten auf Basis neuer Wellenreiter-Konfigurationen, 1993b, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1993 in Göttingen. Bonn.
Haupt, M., Kossira, H., Rönsch, W.,. Parallel Solver for Adaptive Finite-Element-Methods: Concept and Experience, 1993, in: Proceedings of Advances in Parallel Computing. Grenoble.
Haupt, M., Kossira, H.,. Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of Thin Composite Shells: Numerics and Phenomenas, 1993, in: Symposium on Instability in Solid and Structures, 1st AMD-ASME-ASCE Meeting. Charlottesville (USA).
Hachenberg, D., Kossira, H.,. Stringer Peeling Effects at Stiffened Composite Panels in the Postbuckling Range, 1993. Journal of Aircraft, Vol.30, No.5, S.769ff.
Glatzel, G., Kossira, H.,. On the Nonlinear Mechanical Behaviour of some Fibre Composites under Fatigue Loading, 1993, in: Proceedings of ICCM-9, Int. Conf. on Composite Materials. Madrid.
Brendes, G.,. Entwicklung einer Anlage zur Durchführung von Flugschwingversuchen an Segelflugzeugen, 1993, in: Symposium Für Segelflugzeugentwicklungen. Braunschweig.
Wolf, K.., Kossira, H.,. An efficient Test Method for the Experimental Investigation of the Postbuckling Behaviour of curved Composite Shear Panels, 1992, in: ECCM-CTS, European Conf. on Composites Testing and Standardisation. Amsterdam.
Lubis, A., Sundoro, I.,. Family Aircraft Design Concept for Regional Jets, 1992, in: 4th Symposium of Indonesian Aerospace Student Association in Europe (IASE-4). London.
Lubis, A., Kossira, H., Heinze, W.,. PrADO-Pa: Ein parallelisiertes Programmsystem für den Entwurf von Verkehrsflugzeugen, 1992, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1992 in Bremen. Bonn.
Kossira, H., Bardenhagen, A., Heinze, W.,. An Integrated Computer-Program-System for the Preliminary Design of Advanced Hypersonic Aircraft (PrADO-Hy), 1992. Orbital Transport - Technical, Meterological and Chemical Aspects.
Heinze, W., Kossira, H., Bardenhagen, A.,. Grundlegende Untersuchungen zum Entwurf zweistufiger Raumtransportsysteme mit Hilfe des Entwurfsprogramms PrADO-Hy, 1992, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1992 in Bremen. Bonn.
Haupt, M., Kossira, H., Kracht, M., Pleitner, J.,. A very efficient Tool for the Structural Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles under High Temperature Aspects, 1992, in: Proceedings of 18th ICAS-Congress. Peking (China).
Haupt, M., Kossira, H.,. Integrated Thermal and Mechanical Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles by Using Adaptive Finite Element Methods, 1992. Orbital Transport - Technical, Meterological and Chemical Aspects.
Hachenberg, D.,. Untersuchungen zum Nachbeulverhalten stringerverstärkter schubbeanspruchter Platten aus kohlenstoffverstärktem Kunststoff (Dissertation), 1992. TU Braunschweig.
Kossira, H., Heinze, W., Bardenhagen, A.,. An Integrated System for the Preliminary Design of Advanced Hypersonic Aircraft (PrADO), 1991a, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Aerospace Symposium in Braunschweig.
Kossira, H., Haupt, M.,. Buckling of Laminated Plates and Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loads., 1991, in: Proceedings of ECCS, Int. Coll. Buckling of Shellstructures on Land, in the Sea and in the Air. Lyon.
Kossira, H., Glatzel, G., Reinke, W.,. Auslegung und Analyse von Bauteilen aus FVW am Beispiel des Biegeträgers, 1991b, in: VDI Werkstofftag. München.
Horst, P., Kossira, H., Arnst, G.,. On the Performance of Different Elasto-Plastic Material Models Applied to Cyclic Shear-Buckling, 1991, in: Proceedings of ECCS, Int. Coll. Buckling of Shellstructures on Land, in the Sea and in the Air. Lyon, p. 409.
Glatzel, G.,. übertragbarkeit von Werkstoffkennwerten auf Bauteileigenschaften, 1991. VDI-Bericht 852.
Kossira, H., Horst, P.,. Cyclic Shear Loading of Aluminium Panels with Regard to Buckling and Plasticity, 1990. Thin-Walled Structures 11, Page 65-84, Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd. England.
Kossira, H., Heinze, W.,. Untersuchung über die Auslegungsgrenzen zukünftiger Transportflugzeuge, 1990, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1990 in Friedrichshafen. Bonn.
Horst, P., Kossira, H.,. Cyclic Shear Buckling of Thin-Walled Aluminium Panels, 1990, in: Proceedings of 17th ICAS-Congress in Stockholm.
Horst, P.,. Zum Beulverhalten dünner bis in den plastischen Bereich zyklisch durch Schub belasteter Aluminiumplatten (Dissertation), 1990. TU Braunschweig.
Heinze, W.,. Flugkonzepte für große Lasten, 1990. Konstruktion und Elektronik Nr. 19,20.
Haupt, M., Kossira, H.,. Thermisches Beulen von Platten und Zylinderschalen aus faserverstärkten Werkstoffen, 1990, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1990 in Friedrichshafen. Bonn.
Hachenberg, D., Kossira, H.,. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Stringer Peeling Effects at Stiffened Shearloaded Composite Panels in the Postbuckling Range, 1990, in: Proceedings of 17th ICAS-Congress in Stockholm.
Wolf, K.,. Untersuchungen zum Beul- und Nachbeulverhalten schubbeanspruchter Teilschalen aus kohlenstoffaserverstärktem Kunststoff (Dissertation), 1989a. TU Braunschweig.
Wolf, K.,. FiPPS - ein Programm-Paket zur numerischen Analyse des linearen und nichtlinearen Tragverhaltens von Leichtbaustrukturen, 1989b, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungbericht. Braunschweig.
Wetjen, P.,. über die Diffusion von Wasser in kaltaushärtenden glasfaserverstärkten Epoxidharzen (Dissertation), 1989. TU Braunschweig, Düsseldorf.
Reinke, W., Kossira, H.,. Extrapolation von in Markov-übergangsmatrizen gespeicherten Beanspruchungszeitfunktionen, 1989, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1989 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Reinke, W.,. Extrapolation von in Markov-übergangsmatrizen gespeicherten Beanspruchungszeitfunktionen, 1989a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1989 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Reinke, W.,. Belastungskollektive für Segel- und Motorflugzeuge KoSMOS, 1989b, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungbericht. Braunschweig.
Neumann, D.,. Untersuchungen an Segelflugzeugfahrwerken, 1989, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungbericht. Braunschweig.
Kossira, H., Reinke, W.,. KoSMOS - Ein Lastkollektiv für Leichtflugzeuge, 1989, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1989 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Kossira, H.,. KoSMOS - ein Lastkollektiv für Leichtflugzeuge, 1989a, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1989 in Hamburg. Bonn.
Kossira, H.,. 50 Jahre IFL - Rückblick und Ausblick, 1989b, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungbericht. Braunschweig.
Horst, P., Kossira, H.,. Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Thinwalled Aluminiumpanels under Cyclic Shearload, 1989. ESA-Special report.
Horst, P.,. Plastisches Beulen dünner Aluminiumplatten, 1989, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungsbericht, ISBN-3-9802073-0-7. Braunschweig.
Heinze, W.,. Neue Flugkonzepte für den Transport großer Nutzlasten, 1989, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungbericht. Braunschweig.
Hachenberg, D.,. Untersuchungen zum Stringerablösungsverhalten versteifter, schubbeanspruchter CFK-Platten im Nachbeulbereich, 1989, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungbericht. Braunschweig.
Glatzel, G.,. Nachweisversuche an Faserverbundbauteilen von Kleinflugzeugen, 1989, in: 50 Jahre IFL - ZLR-Forschungsbericht. Braunschweig.
Wolf, K., Kossira, H.,. The Buckling and Postbuckling Behaviour of Curved CFRP Laminated Shear panels, 1988, in: ICAS-Bericht Nr. 5.6.3.
Wetjen, P., Kossira, H.,. Wasserdiffusion in kaltaushärtenden faserverstärkten Epoxidharzen, 1988, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1988 in München. Bonn.
Reinke, W.,. Ein Beitrag zur Extrapolation von Wechselbelastungen aus zweiparametrigen Zählverfahren (Dissertation), 1988. TU Braunschweig.
Horst, P., Kossira, H.,. Zum Beulverhalten dünner Aluminiumplatten bei wechselnder Schubbelastung, 1988, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1988 in München. Bonn.
Haupt, M.,. Entwicklung eines Schalenelements zur Berechnung von Mehrschicht-Verbundstrukturen bei großen Verformungen, 1988, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1988 in München. Bonn.
Wolf, K., Kossira, H.,. Untersuchungen zum Nachbeulverhalten von schubbeanspruchten CFK-Teilschalen, 1987, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1987. Bonn.
Pohl, H.-W.,. Ein Beitrag zur quantitativen Analyse des Einflusses von Auslegungsparametern auf den optimalen Entwurf von Verkehrsflugzeugen (Dissertation), 1987. TU Braunschweig.
Kossira, H., Wetjen, P.,. Untersuchungen zur Diffusion von Wasser in kaltaushärtenden Epoxidharzen, 1986, in: Schriftenreihe Statusbericht 4. BMFT-Statusseminar.
Kossira, H., Pohl, H.-W.,. Der Einfluß von Teuerungsraten und Kraftstoffpreisen auf den optimierten Flugzeugentwurf, 1986, in: Jahrbuch Der DGLR-Jahrestagung 1986 in München. Bonn.
Kossira, H., Reinke, W.,. Die Ermittlung von Lastkollektiven für die Bemessung von Segelflugzeugen, 1983. Aero Revue.
Kossira, H., Pohl, H.-W.,. Die Erzeugung von zufallsartigen Lastfolgen aus Meßwerten, die in Markov-übergangsmatrizen gespeichert sind, 1983. Materialprüfung 6/83.
Tunker, H.,. Über das Tragverhalten schubbeanspruchter quadratischer Platten aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen bei großen Deformationen (Dissertation), 1982. TU Braunschweig.
Kossira, H.,. Determination of Load Spectra and their Application for Keeping the Operational Life Proof of Sporting Airplanes, 1982, in: ICAS Proccedings. Seattle (USA).
Kossira, H.,. Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau - Aufgaben in Vergangenheit und Zukunft, 1981. Mitteilungen der TU Braunschweig.