Lena Herbst, M.A.

Lena Herbst, M.A.

Lena Sommersemester 24


Lena Herbst, M.A.
Room 159
Institute of International Relations
Technical University Braunschweig
Bienroder Weg 97
D-38106 Braunschweig
Office hour: See StudIP
(Wednesdays 1.30-2.30 pm)

Lena Herbst has been a research fellow and PhD student at the Institute of International Relations since October 2021. Her research interests include security studies, peace and conflict studies, development cooperation as well as international organizations. She supported the Institute as a student research assistant during her bachelor's studies in Integrated Social Sciences. For her master’s degree, she studied International Relations at the FU Berlin, HU Berlin, and the University of Potsdam. She finished her studies with a master’s thesis on UN peacekeeping operations and the implementation of the UN “Women, Peace, and Security” agenda in Africa.

Currently, Lena Herbst is working on her PhD project on the role of non-state actors in UN cybersecurity governance. The PhD project aims to explore and explain under what conditions transnational actors can attend, participate in, and influence various UN cybersecurity negotiations.  As part of her PhD project, she conducted research in The Hague, Vienna, and Geneva.