

Anja Sommersemester 24


Prof. Dr. Anja P. Jakobi
Room 152
Institute of International Relations
Technical University Braunschweig
Bienroder Weg 97
D-38106 Braunschweig
Office hour: See StudIP

Prof. Dr. Anja P. Jakobi is head of the Institute of International Relations (IIR) at the Department of the Social Sciences. Prior to joining the TU Braunschweig, she was Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London. Before that, she held multiple positions at German universities and research institutions, e.g. University of Bremen, Frankfurt, Bielefeld and also at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.

Her research is focused on the research fields of International Security and International Political Economy, with a specialization on international organizations and global governance.

She and her team at the institute currently analyze global crime governance and the governance of illegal markets, non-traditional security threats as well as international norms and their diffusion.