Garden ecosystem - how people and nature benefit

[Institut für Geoökologie, Abteilung Geochem, Abteilung USA]

Researchers from the TU Braunschweig in new WissenHoch2 documentary on 3sat.

Gardens are an important part of our cities. A new documentary by Anja Kollruß in the WissenHoch2 series looks at a variety of positive aspects of gardens - from their role for recreation and meeting people, as a habitat for animals and plants, to water balance. Anne-Kathrin Schneider, Matthias Beyer, Namid Krüger and Michael Strohbach from the Institute of Geoecology are part of the programme, as well as the student and community garden "Urbane BOTNIK" on the TU campus.

First broadcast on Thursday, 13.10.22 20:15 - 21:00 hrs.

Already in the media library: (German only)