Shaping and implementing climate adaptation together: Creative project ideas wanted

[Institut für Geoökologie, Abteilung Boku, Abteilung USA, Abteilung Klimatologie]

‘Co-Adapted Braunschweig’ project call by the city and TU Braunschweig

Joint press release of the City of Braunschweig and TU Braunschweig

How can Braunschweig better adapt to the consequences of climate change? Ideas from the people of Braunschweig are now in demand. The city of Braunschweig, together with the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism at the TU Braunschweig, is calling for creative and quickly realisable project ideas. The contributions should have a showcase character and invite imitation. The aim of the ‘Co-Adapted Braunschweig’ call is to better adapt the city to the consequences of climate change through innovative, neighbourly and sustainable projects and to shape a future worth living in. Braunschweig residents have until 12 March 2025 to submit their project ideas to the COABS project, which is jointly supported by the city administration and TU Braunschweig. The projects must be realised in the Braunschweig city area and completed by the end of August 2025.

Under the motto ‘Small spaces - big impact: designing and implementing climate adaptation together! Nature-based - communicative - environmentally friendly - social’, we are looking for ideas that will make Braunschweig more environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

Exemplary projects such as rainwater utilisation and irrigation optimisation in gardens can be combined with climate-adapted cultivation methods. Unsealing, greening and shading of common areas such as backyards, schoolyards or greening buildings as well as the creation of tiny forests and wild corners can also be suitable measures for climate adaptation. However, information campaigns and action days (e.g. on heat protection) or other activities to promote a climate and environmentally friendly city also increase climate resilience in Braunschweig and are an important contribution.

Project funds totalling 6,500 euros are available, with a maximum of 1,000 euros per project being paid out as a recognition bonus.

Residents, associations, initiatives, daycare centres, schools, housing and house communities as well as other non-profit organisations are eligible to participate. Children and young people in particular are invited to submit their projects. The prerequisite is that the project is realised by at least two people in the city area. If the consent of a landowner needs to be obtained, this is the responsibility of those submitting the project application.

The call for projects and application form, including further information, can now be downloaded from the website The project idea must be submitted digitally to klimaanpassung(at), by post or in person by 12 March 2025. The contact person is Lotta Becker (Tel. 0531 470 6338). An independent jury will select the projects at the beginning of April. The criteria are innovation and creativity, effectiveness, exemplary character and imitability, co-creation, feasibility and sustainability. In addition to the financial recognition bonus, the COABS project offers advice and networking opportunities to support the implementation and presentation of the projects on 8 May, 14 June and as part of the COABS project conclusion in late summer.

In the Co-Adapted Braunschweig (COABS) project, the project partners are taking on the challenge of preparing an integrated strategy for adapting to the consequences of climate change for the city of Braunschweig by 2025 together with various interest groups. The project partners are the City of Braunschweig, Department of the Environment, the ISU - Institute for Sustainable Urbanism and the Institute of Geoecology (Climatology & Environmental Meteorology, Landscape Ecology and Soil Sciences working groups) at the TU Braunschweig.