On Friday, 13 December 2024, Stephan Weber was a guest at the Humboldt University of Berlin to participate as an external reviewer in the doctoral…
In its second project report the Co-Adapted Braunschweig (COABS) project proposes measures for Braunschweig's climate change adaptation strategy. The…
As part of the podcast series ‘Clever nachgefragt!’, Stephan Weber recently spoke to primary school pupils from Rüningen Primary School in…
From August 1 to October 31 of this year, Jesús Abril-Gago (University of Granada, Spain) was a scientific guest in our working group. Together with…
The French-German team met at the Meteo France campus in Toulouse for the 2 day mid-term meeting of the GREENVELOPES project. Preliminary results from…
As part of our GREENVELOPES project, we had Aurélien Mirebeau from Météo France as a guest in our group over the past 14 days. Aurélien and Niklas…