Controls of Primary Production on Southern Ocean Mercury Cycling
CONFOR - Ecohydrological connectivity between trees and the capillary zone - a key driver for drought resilience of European forests? (2022-2025) | Isodrones
Evaluating elemental mercury outgassing from soil-groundwater systems using passive air samplers: method development and implementation (EMOSGROW)
BfG - FuE Projekt-Suche - Fraktionierung, Speziierung, Umwandlungsprozesse und Mobilität von Quecksilber in Sedimenten und Schwebstoffen deutscher Fließgewässer
FoResLab | Zentrum Klimaforschung Niedersachsen
Assessing Hg Accumulation in Leaves and Fluxes between Vegetation and Top-Soil in Tropical Dry and Moist Broadleaf Forests: Investigating the Role of Vegetation and Seasonality in the Tropical Forest Mercury Cycle
Hydraulic redistribution (HR) at the field scale: New approaches to measure and assess the implications of HR for forest ecosystem resilience
H4Res - Hydraulic Redistribution and forest resilience (2024-2027) | Isodrones
Understanding the effect of belowground hydrological processes and inter-individual interactions on tree water stress using coupled ecohydrological–plant hydraulic modelling