Past Trainings

Overview of past training sessions

To date, we have conducted and systematically researched a total of 13 training courses for Master's students as part of the fourC Junior Research Group. In a first wave, we conducted five training sessions in May 2022. After intensive revision, three training sessions were held a year later in June 2023 and four from November 2023 to January 2024. The last training course for Master's students to date took place in April 2024.


May 2022: First run of fourC training a complete success

Junior Research Group fourC Training Mai 2022

Exciting discussions and insightful exercises around one's own science communication - on five training days between May 21 and 29, 2022, our fourC training took place for the first time at TU Braunschweig's North Campus.

The participating master students of natural and technical sciences faced the task of communicating as effectively and appropriately as possible about their own research work in various situations. Using a model of communication competence, they gradually developed their own short pitches on their individual research topics. These had to be formulated as entertainingly, comprehensibly and credibly as possible - especially for people who have no background in the respective specialist discipline. The competence to be able to render complex content in a technically correct manner in the most comprehensible way possible can bring great advantages not only at universities, but also in other career paths in business or politics.

Video feedback, as one of the methods used, showed that all participants mastered this tricky task very well. The participants and we as the project team were correspondingly satisfied at the end of the training. For us, the first implementation of our training was a success that whetted our appetite for more. Using the data collected, we will now review the effectiveness of the training and develop it further. As soon as a new implementation is imminent, we will let you know in good time through our channels. Many thanks to everyone who was involved in this first run!