Until 2025, TU Braunschweig is funding a total of seven interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary junior research groups with a duration of four years within the Excellence Strategy. In a university-wide competitive procedure, draft proposals could be submitted, which were reviewed by members of the president's office, the deans and the spokespersons of the core research areas. The heads and doctoral positions of the selected junior research groups were advertised internationally, reviewed externally and preferably filled with young scientists who already have international study and research experience.
Junior research groups funded by the European Research Council (ERC), the German Research Association (DFG), and the Volkswagen Foundation as well as junior research groups funded within the Clusters of Excellence are also located at TU Braunschweig. Common to all formats is the highly competitive awarding of grants on the basis of external review according to excellence criteria.
In their own newsletter, the junior research groups regularly report on their daily research routine and present themselves and their current projects.