Physics-based Modeling


Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Römer
Harikrishnan K. Sreekumar, M.Sc.

Physics-based Modeling and Simulations

In thisresearch area, we develop efficient modeling and simulation frameworks for complex real-world problems. Numerical simulation can yield valuable insights into a product’s early design phase and is nowadays indispensable for high fidelity analysis and optimization as a support – or even replacement – for prototyping. Scientific computing involving the modeling, discretization and efficient solving of the involved multi-physical equations is our field of expertise.

Providing robust solutions to coupled problems with fluid-structure interaction like coupled air- and structure-borne sound domains is a significant problem for the development of novel transport aircraft or automobiles with enhanced acoustic comfort. A range of numerical methods are the core focus of the research at the institute, such as finite element methods, isogeometric analysis, boundary element methods and statistical energy analysis, enabling analysis in both time and frequency domains. We further investigate the use of optimized direct and iterative numerical solvers, domain decomposition strategies and develop new methods for surrogate modeling or model order reduction as well as data-driven simulation. We develop our in-house research codes for solving computationally expensive problems efficiently on high-performance computing clusters and other modern computing platforms and also contribute to open source projects.


Research topics

  • Wave-resolving numerical methods
  • Efficient modeling and solution strategies
  • Parametric surrogate modeling and model order reduction
  • Sustainable development and deployment of in-house research codes