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Study & internship abroad: Apply for a scholarship!

Experience report from Chile

In 2022, Hannah Louisa Boog and Simon Beike have been awarded the DAAD-scholarships for Chile. In the TU Braunschweig Magazine you can get an insight into their stay at the Universidad de La Frontera.

Erasmus+ remaining places for the academic year 2024/25

As part of the Erasmus+ program student teachers can apply for an Erasmus+ place in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

You can currently apply for remaining places for the academic year 2024/25.

Apply now at the International House. By clicking on this box, you wil be forwarded to further information, also about the application proce.

Check out further options for your stay abroad in the TU Braunschweig database Partner Universities and Exchange Places.

Accreditation of study achievements

In order to receive credit for your studies and your internship, you must clarify all administrative matters in advance. Talk to your host university and host school about the credit requirements you must fulfil there, and have your plans signed by your host university and host school, as well as by the respective responsible persons at TU Braunschweig. Concrete agreements and written confirmations should be in your own interest. Under "Support" you will find all important information and further links at a glance.


DAAD Lehramt.International