Corona-Virus - Current Information


Information for students of Social Sciences


Please note that the following information supplements the catalogue of measures communicated by the Presidential Board on 16.03.2020 and contains more detailed implementation regulations for your degree programme.

It is possible that the situation will change very quickly. Please inform yourself about current decisions both on this and on the central pages.


+++ Update 18.05.2020 +++

There are a number of instructions to be observed when repeating the exams that have been cancelled by Corona. Please read them thoroughly and remember to read the self-declaration of the lack of suspicion of a Corona virus infection. (You can find a PDF version here)

This article provides guidelines for hygiene measures to be observed when taking part in written examinations during the coronavirus pandemic inside and outside the lecture halls of Technische Universität Braunschweig or the assigned examination locations, respectively. We ask you to observe the following hygiene measures before you arrive at the examination location:

  •  It is recommended to travel to the examination location individually.
  • Every examinee must wear a community mask starting in the designated waiting area until he/she reaches the seat in the examination location. Once at the seat, the community mask can be taken off. The community mask must also be worn when visiting the toilet and after the examination until leaving the examination location.


I. General measures

  • If you show symptoms of Covid-19 disease, you may not enter the university or examination rooms. If you have a chronic illness with analogous symptoms, you must present a medical certificate to participate in the examination. You must notify the examiners of a chronic illness with Covid-19 symptoms at the latest by time where you can no longer de-register.
  • Persons who show pronounced symptoms during the examination without prior notice must immediately put on the community mask and are requested to leave the examination room.
  • You must fill in a declaration of your state of health regarding Covid19, which will be sent to you in advance and must be completed as part of the exam. Without this signed declaration you will not be able to take the exam. You can download it here
  • Waiting areas will be set up in front of all examination rooms. You must keep a minimum distance of 2 m from any other person at all times before and after the exam. For this purpose, markings will be placed where possible.
  • Groups of persons before and after the examination inside or outside the buildings of TU Braunschweig or the other examination locations are not permitted!
  • In the examination rooms there are at least 10 m2 space for each person. A minimum distance of 2 m to any other examinee in all directions is kept.
  • After each exam, the desks are cleaned.
  • At the entrance, hand disinfectants are provided at all centrally managed examination rooms.
  • You will be notified in advance of the examination room and the time of admission to the examination room. Since large cohorts of examinees are distributed over several rooms, the room details within a cohort may differ. Please visit only the specified room. Only there you can take the exam!
  • Please be on time, as the admission procedures are time-consuming! If your being late would disturb the course of the examination, you cannot be admitted to the examination room.
  • You must bring your own community mask (or an alternative, like a scarf/bandana), which must be worn when entering and leaving the lecture hall and whenever the required minimum distance cannot be kept (see above). The community mask can be taken off during the examination.
  • According to the Lower Saxony Regulation for Combating the Corona Pandemic (Niedersächsische Verordnung zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie), the TU Braunschweig must document the surnames, first names and contact details of the examinees with their written consent. A person may only be examined if he or she agrees with that documentation. The respective information will be collected in the health declaration and will be kept for three weeks after completion of the exam and presented to legal authorities on request. The contact data will be securely destroyed three weeks after the exam.
  • The identity check takes place in front of the entrances to the examination rooms (examiner behind splash guard).

II. Measures before/during/after the exam

  • The instructions of the staff must be followed.
  • Existing systems for circulating air will be switched on during the exams.
  • In rooms without air circulation systems, ventilation is carried out every 60 minutes. In the case of examinations lasting 90 minutes, ventilation takes place after 90 minutes. The ventilation time during the exam is added to the exam time (extension of the exam time)

A. Access

  • The rows are systematically filled up from the seats most distant from the entrance. Occupy the next available seat and not just any seat! Crossing paths when taking the seats must be avoided!
  • You must bring your own pens.
  • In addition to your name (legible) and matriculation number, fill in your seat number on the cover sheet and sign the health declaration with your full name.

B. Questions during the exam

  • Ask questions (if you do not understand a problem of the exam) before the start of the exam. When questions are answered during the exam, the rules of hygiene must be observed when interacting with the supervisory staff (both parties have to wear a community mask).

C. Bathroom facilities

  • The community mask must be worn if you need to see a bathroom (toilet). Hand hygiene must be observed.

D. Handing in the examinations and leaving the lecture hall

  • Leaving the lecture hall starts with the row closest to the exit.
  • The exam is handed in according to the announcement of the supervising staff.
  • You must leave the building immediately after leaving the examination room. Group formation is strictly prohibited.


The german version of this announcement as a .pdf


+++ Update 05.05.2020 +++

The tests that were cancelled by Corona will be repeated. The examination period is from 25.05.2020 to 12.06.2020. The exact examination dates can be found on the website of the examination office.

Important are the following points:

Cancelled Exams:

  • All students were forcibly deregistered from the cancelled exams. Students who want to take part in the catch-up exams must register again!
  • For organisational reasons, registration for the exams will only be possible from 06.05.2020. The registration period therefore starts on 06.05.2020 and ends on 12.05.2020.
  • The registration for the exams is done online. Exams that cannot be registered online can be registered and deregistered using a scanned form from the TU-BS e-mail address.
  • We kindly ask you to really only register if you will also take the exam!

Attention: Please be very careful here and check your exam registrations carefully, otherwise you will not be able to take the exam as there will be an admission control.

Cancelled oral exams:

  • The still open registrations for oral examinations will be kept.
  • For the oral examinations, please make an appointment with the institute as soon as possible. The appointment must have taken place by 12.06.2020.
  • If you do not wish to take part in the oral examination, you must cancel your registration for the examination yourself. You can deregister as usual using the form (signed by the student and examiner).

There is a hygiene plan so that the safety distances and hygiene rules are observed before, during and after the tests.


+++ Update 23.04.2020 +++


The Carolo-Wilhelmina Foundation awards one-time scholarships to students of the TU Braunschweig who have got into a temporarily difficult financial situation due to the Corona crisis, which endangers the continuation of their studies.
The deadline is 28.04.2020, for further information please visit the website of the Carolo-Wilhelmina-Foundation.


+++ Update 17.04.2020 +++

Registration of final theses

The registration of final theses can be done regularly again starting from 20.04.2020. When registering, you must confirm that you are aware of the currently limited possibilities (e.g. supply of literature etc.) and that you are able to complete the thesis in a regular manner despite the given circumstances.

Theses already in progress

There is no further blanket extension of the deadlines for submission of final papers. If there are delays in the completion of the thesis due to corona, students can submit a reasoned application (with a statement/confirmation by the first examiner).


+++ Update 09.04.2020 +++

In the first 6 weeks all events will be held digitally or online. Afterwards, the current situation will be reassessed and, if appropriate, switched back to classroom teaching.

The lecture period in the winter semester 2020/2021 will not begin until 01.11.2020.


+++ Update 25.03.2020 +++

Extension of final papers and project work

Deadlines for current Bachelor, Master and project works are currently being extended by 35 days.


+++ Update 20.03.2020 +++

Until 20.04.2020 no new registrations of final theses are possible.