The lecture offered is held by Dr. med. Andreas Höft within the scope of the specialisation Biomedical Engineering in the study model Mess-, Regelungs- und Automatisierungstechnik. ...
For the 3 SWS module Fundamentals of Medicine for Engineers there is a graded certificate according to PO 2013 for 5, according to the old PO for 4 credit points.
The lecture is also interesting for students of other disciplines.
The course is only offered in the summer semester and admission is restricted. The order of registration is decisive for participation.
Access to all documents as well as excursion and exam registration is available via Stud.IP.
Registration will be activated on 11th March to 13th April 2025
The registration phase runs from 11 March to 13 April 2025, after which all registrations are binding.
150 places are available as a pool subject.
There will be no list of late applicants. Places that become free again will be displayed immediately in the Register section of the registration tool and can be reallocated.
In addition, the following persons may be given an additional place (please also register in this case during the registration phase):
Proof in person or by e-mail to Dr.-Ing. Thilo Viereck.
You can obtain results and certificates of achievement in the
Institut für Elektrische Messtechnik und Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
5. Etage, R520
Hans-Sommer-Str. 66
38106 Braunschweig
In principle, no examinations after the winter semester
The lecture is held in the summer semester and ends with a written examination.
In principle, NO examination is offered after the winter semester.
If you are unable to take the written examination after the summer semester due to special circumstances (internship, abroad, holiday semester, illness, parallel examination on the same day, compulsory re-examination, etc.), you must inform us of this in writing as soon as possible. We will then offer you special oral examination dates.