Investigations of power components often requires voltages well above 100 kV. For these voltages, elenia has the high-voltage hall.
In general, there are three types of voltage that are particularly important in power engineering: AC voltage, DC voltage and surge voltage. Each of these can be tested at elenia. Voltages of up to several hundred kilovolts can be generated for the tests, which can be measured using measuring systems, some of which are decoupled via optical fibers. Various single-phase transformers, the Marx lightning impulse voltage generator, and a Greinach cascade are available to generate the high voltage, allowing high-voltage insulators, switches and other insulation systems to be tested for electrical strength under various conditions. One of these conditions can be temperature, and an LN2 cryostat is available for testing at cryogenic temperatures. In the temperature range between room temperature and 150°C, breakdown and PD tests can also be performed in a parallel test facility. Other test parameters can be provided on request.