Investigation of the impact of communication failure on the TSO-DSO interface in electric power systems
Development and investigation of fallback strategies in the event of an ICT malfunction in the distribution grid
Provision of ancillary services from the low-voltage grid
Analysis of wide area network technologies used in the distribution grid regarding their IT security, coverage and application potential
Rebak, E., Winter, B., Engel, B.: Grid-friendly fallback strategy for prosumer households in case of widespread communication failures,
NEIS 2021, NEIS 2021 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Hamburg, VDE, 13.-14. September 2021, S. 217-223. ISBN 978-3-8007-5651-3
Rauscher, F., Rebak, E., Engel, B.: Impact of inverters with virtual synchronous machine control in low voltage grids,
Solar Integration Workshop, Stockholm, 15.-16. Oktober 2018