MA: Development of a GIS-based methodology for estimating reactive power potentials and losses in PV systems (2024)
MA: Development of a methodology for precise forecasting of electrical power and losses in wind turbines using PandaPower (2024)
SA: Development of a methodological approach for estimating the topology and cable routing in wind farms (2024)
MA: Development of a GIS-based methodology for estimating reactive power potentials and losses in PV systems (2024)
MA: Development of a techno-economic methodology for estimating active power losses in wind and PV parks when providing reactive power (2022)
BA: Methodical development and analysis of future grid scenarios for a model of a real high-voltage grid (2021)
SA: Development and implementation of a methodology for the automated analysis of quasi-dynamic simulations of real distribution grids (2020)
BA: Investigation of the efficiency of area-wide reactive power provision by renewable energy systems in the lower grid levels (2020)
MA: Development of a method for optimizing reactive power flows in the distribution and transmission grid (2019)
SA: Investigation of the potential and possibilities for integrating industrial reactive power compensation systems into the reactive power management of grid operators (2019)
MA: Development and investigation of operating strategies for STATCOM systems at the AC grid connection of offshore wind farms (2019)
MA: Investigation of the potential and limits of integrating renewable energy systems into the reactive power management of distribution and transmission grids (2019)
MA: Development and implementation of a voltage maintenance strategy with reactive power management in distribution systems (2018)
MA: Economic evaluation of different competing technologies for reactive power management in distribution and transmission networks (2018)
BA: Investigation of the technical effects of active reactive power management in the context of the 2017 grid development plan (2018)
MA: Voltage Stability Improvement by Reactive Power Management with Variable Renewable Energy Power Plants (2019)
MA: Untersuchung der technischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Spitzenkappung, Gleichzeitigskeitsfaktoren und der witterungsabhängigen Strombelastbarkeit von HS-Freileitungen (2018)
BA: Investigation of the technical and economic aspects of active reactive power management at system and parking level (2018)
SA: Creation of a concept for the CO2 assessment of a renewable energy generation portfolio (2015)
MA: Analyse der rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Ausgangssituation für die Nutzung des aktiven Blindleistungsmanagements aus Sicht der Anlagen- und Netzbetreiber (2017)
Grab, R., Köppe, H., Schuster, M.: PV-Wind-Symbiose - Ausnutzung der sich ergänzenden Eigenschaften von PV- und Wind-Kraftwerken hinsichtlich Spannungsqualität und der Bereitstellung von Wirk- und Blindleistung: Schlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben, Fraunhofer ISE , Jg.(2019). DOI: 10.2314/KXP:1693034069