The department has offered a mentoring programme for several years now, which is in great demand and has become a compulsory part of the study programmes. The mentoring programme is intended for students in all the department's programmes, but it is especially suitable for freshers in their first weeks at university. At the start of lectures, you will be invited to an initial mentoring meeting for your degree programme by e-mail.
A professor from the department offers you support during your time at university, especially in your first, maybe difficult, months here. They will be willing to listen to your problems and questions and will be your contact persons in terms of non-teaching activities. Contacting your mentor will help in particular to solve questions about your study programme quickly. This mentor at university can be compared to a counsellor at school.
You will be part of a mentoring group. You and the other members will meet your mentor several times during the semester, but you can also make individual appointments.
Usually, the groups and their mentors do not only meet in the first semester, but also afterwards. Every semester, there will be new mentoring groups for the freshers, so the professors in general support several groups at the same time. This has the advantage that there will also be students from higher years in the group you can ask and exchange experience with – in a relaxed atmosphere and on a confidential basis.
You will even get a certificate for taking part in at least one mentoring meeting in the first and fourth semester. Whether compulsory or not, the mentoring programme has become a great tradition.
We – the dean, dean of students, management, coordination office, teaching staff and other employees at the department – are looking forward to welcoming you at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Physics / TU Braunschweig and wish you fun and success!