Oct. 1985 - April 1992 study of physics at TU Braunschweig, Germany graduating on 15.4.92
July 1992 - Sep. 1996 Ph.D. at the Kamerlingh Onnes Lab., Leiden, Netherlands thesis defense on 17.9.1996 promotor: John Mydosh
Oct. 1996 - April 1998 postdoc at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA in the group Meigan Aronson
May 1998 - April 1999 postdoc at the Max-Planck Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany, in the research group of Christoph Geibel
May 1999 - Sept. 2003 postdoc at the TU BS in AG Litterst
Sept. 2003 - Sept. 2009 Assistant Prof. at the IPKM
since Sept. 2009 apl. Prof.
Research Interest
physics of strongly correlated electron systems, in particular heavy fermions
disordered systems and electronic localization effects
magnetism in semimetals
molecule-based magnetic materials
frustrated quantum magnetism
Experimental Techniques
bulk techniques: resistivity, specific heat, magnetization, susceptibility...
microscopic techniques: neutron and x-ray diffraction