Performing Arts (two-subject Bachelor’s degree)

Studierende vor einem Bücherregal in der Bibliothek

Key data

Degree two-subject Bachelor’s degree
Standard duration of study 6 semesters
Language of instruction German
Start of programme winter semester
Admission restricted admission (entrance examination)

You can study Performing Arts as a major or minor within the scope of the two-subject Bachelor’s degree programme.

If you choose the right combination of subjects, you will be qualified for the consecutive Master’s programme Teacher Training Course: Gymnasien.

What is special about TU Braunschweig?

Performing Arts is a degree programme that is unique in Germany, carried out in cooperation between Braunschweig University of Art (HBK), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Leibniz University Hannover, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media and the University of Hildesheim.

Information on the study programme

Admission requirements and application

In order to be admitted, you must pass an entrance examination [in German only] at Braunschweig University of Art (HBK). Applications [in German only] for the degree programme Performing Arts are also submitted via the HBK.


Academic Advice Service of TU Braunschweig