During the training you will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to treat mental disorders in children and adolescents. The aim is to obtain the German Approbation and the associated licence to practise in accordance with the German Psychotherapists Act (Psychotherapeutengesetz).
Thorough training
The further training programme is offered on a three-year full-time basis and is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the German Psychotherapists Act (Psychotherapeutengesetz) and the German Training and Examination Ordinance (Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsverordnung).
Your curriculum will include diagnostics, behavioural therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of mental disorders in children and adolescents.
Your training will comprise at least 1,800 hours of practical work as well as at least 600 hours of theoretical training and at least 120 hours of self-experience. The practical part with at least 600 hours of treatment under supervision (at least 150 hours) takes place at TU Braunschweig’s Training Clinic. You will normally study in courses with twelve participants. In addition, there are 930 hours for individual in-depth study of selected content.
The costs for the degree programme are 364 euros per month (13,104 euros in total). In addition, you will have to pay around 7,000 euros for supervision.
On the other hand, you will have earnings through the remuneration of therapy hours you provide in practical training. As part of the practical training, you can carry out 600 to 750 hours of treatment, which are currently remunerated at 47.00 euros each, corresponding to approx. 28,200 to 35,250 euros in total.