The course, organized and co-taught by Professor Kameswararao Anupindi of IIT Madras, goes deep into the theory of this versatile numerical method while also introducing the students to its numerical implementation and practical applications. Due to its excellent scalability on modern computers, in particular on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), the Lattice Boltzmann method is particularly suitable for large scale transient fluid dynamic simulations.
The Cumulant Lattice Boltzmann method, taught in this course, has been developed at the iRMB as a high-fidelity version of the method that uses asymptotic methods to accelerates its convergence. TU Braunschweig and Martin Geier personally have long standing collaborations with IIT Madras. Martin Geier first taught asymptotic analysis for the Lattice Boltzmann Method in 2012 at IIT Madras. Asymptotic analysis is also a central part of the current lecture series, that goes beyond what is found in textbooks on the method. The course provides undergraduates and graduates with an introduction to a promising research area for their future academic pursuits. The content delivered and material provided during the course will enable Professor Anupindi to develop a semester long course on the Lattice Boltzmann Method at IIT Madras. The interactions will also strengthen the ongoing collaborations between the researchers.