Report an Incident

Report an Incident

Report an Incident?

Use this form to report information security and data protection-relevant events, e.g. loss of devices, compromise of devices and accounts.

In the event of imminent danger, please call us on 0531/391-55630 (not continuously staffed) or contact the GITZ IT Service Desk on 0531/391-55555.

You can of course also use all other existing ways of reporting events:

1. Personal details

2. Description of IT security incident

Please specify in hh:mm format
Please specify in hh:mm format
Completed? *


Where possible, please answer as accurately as possible.


3. Type of IT security incident

4. Items concerned

Please be as precise as possible in your information. For example, if you know the serial number of the device or the version of the software, please include this in your information.

5. Appendix

By sending this form, you consent to the data you have entered being processed only for the purposes stated when collecting this data.

If the information is being collected based on a legal contract or to fulfil TU Braunschweig’s legal tasks and obligations, you may not object.

You also acknowledge TU Braunschweig’s data protection declaration, according to which your data is processed.