Image: Chlorophyll and Heme, the Pigments of Life
Porphyrinoid metal complexes are prominent representatives of prosthetic groups in metalloenzymes. They are found ubiquitously in all kingdoms of life and perform various central tasks in the biological energy balance. We produce artificial analogues of these biomolecules and investigate their electronic structures, chemistry and biochemistry in order to open up new fields of application.
The fascinating chemistry of boron is the central focus of our research. We are interested in novel bonding situations (e. g. multiple bonds) or reactivities of this inspiring chemical element. The compounds achieved are subject to a broad range of applications including substrate activation, boron-containing ligands for metal complexes and photo responsive compounds.
How to activate small molecules such as P4, CO2, H2, N2 or CH4? – To achieve this goal, we prepare d- and f-block metal complexes, probe their reactivity and employ physical and spectroscopic methods to unravel the underlying structure-reactivity relationship. The information gained is employed to develop catalytically active compounds based on environmentally benign and sustainable metals.
Bild: Blick in die Probenkammer des Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektrometers (XPS), das zum Beispiel in Charakterisierung von Polymerfilmen für die Biomedizintechnik genutzt wird.
In vielen Anwendungen von optischen Elementen bis hin zu biomedizinischen Anwendungen können ultradünne Polymerbeschichtungen die Eigenschaften eines Materials ganz wesentlich bestimmen. Wir synthetisieren Polymere und charakterisieren die Beschichtungen, um z.B. die Biokompatibilität eines Implantatmaterials entscheidend zu verbessern.
Image: From a single particle (TEM image) to in-situ- & operando characterization and testing of technical electrodes in a hardware cell (test sample, image).
How to generate valuable products made from carbon dioxide (CO2)? What are the technical requirements of electrode materials for applications like fuel cells and electrolysis? What is the cause of the electrode aging processes on different length and time scales? - The Technical Electrocatalysis Group deals with these research topics to secure the energy storage and energy conversion in the near future. Our research activities build a bridge from the atomic level to technical application.
Image: Counter current chromatographic techniques (spCCC and HSCCC), natural extracts
We deal with numerous topics in the field of food/natural product analysis. This includes wine, fruit juice and aroma research, whereby preparative separation techniques (e.g. Countercurrent Chromatography) are used to isolate bioactive ingredients. Other topics include authentication of food and the use of side streams from the food industry for extraction of valuable materials.
Image: Microscopic and macroscopic aqueous systems
Our investigation of gas-phase molecules, aerosol particles and droplets is motivated by manifold reasons as: a better basic understanding of matter between molecule and bulk; their prominent role in the physics and chemistry of the atmospheres of the Earth, other planets, satellites and in space; their impact on weather and climate; the prospects of molecular aerosols and nanoparticles in health care, pharmacy and technical applications.
Image: The optical parametric amplifier (OPA) enables tuning of the wavelength of an ultrafast laser system.
Our research is focused on natural and artificial light harvesting as well as flourescence microscopy and neurobiology. We explore ultrafast photosynthetic light-harvesting processes and use that knowledge for artificial light-harvesting in high efficiency photovoltaics. In addition, we explore neurobiological signal transmission and memory using single molecule detection, fluorescence microscopy and polarization.
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Technische Universität Braunschweig
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0