The coronavirus pandemic has made it clear what was already apparent beforehand: we are a long way from gender equality and compatibility in science. Mothers* in particular bear the main burden of additional care work - with direct consequences for their academic careers. The so-called care gap not only affects individual careers, but also equal opportunities in the academic system as a whole. However, it is not only since the pandemic that many academics with children or the desire to have children have been asking themselves the question: Are parenthood and an academic career compatible at all?
Current data will be used to shed light on the (im)compatibility of parenthood and an academic career. Personal experiences of female academics with children illustrate structural hurdles and challenges. Building on this, concrete solutions will be presented that can contribute to a fairer university and academic landscape. Afterwards, there will be room for dialogue and discussion.
Speakers: Dr. Lena Eckert and Dr. Sarah Czerney
Date: 19.03.2025, 10:00 to 11:30 am
Registration deadline: 17.03.2025
The following link will take you to the registration form: Registration - Care-Gap in Science
Online event series of the network of family service offices at universities in Lower Saxony and Bremen
In the winter semester 2024/25, the family service offices of Lower Saxony and Bremen universities will offer an online event series entitled "Pflege im Fokus" (Care in Focus) as part of a cooperation.
Five different online events on changing topics are aimed at employees, lecturers and students at the colleges and universities in Lower Saxony and Bremen. Register if you care for or support relatives or organise care for them, even at a distance, or even if you are simply interested in the topic or expect care responsibilities in the future. Participation is free of charge.
Registration and information at: Care in Focus
Have you already gained experience abroad with a child?
Together with Familie in der Hochschule e.V., we are looking for testimonials about studying abroad with child(ren).
By sharing an anonymized report, you can pass on inspiration, valuable information and useful advice to those students with child(ren) who are interested in studying abroad. And actively help to ensure that this path is considered and implemented!
Please use the experience questionnaire on the website Many, many thanks!
For those who are considering studying abroad, there is also valuable information in German here on planning and organisation.
There is news: The new parent-child room in the old building is open!
In the context of the family-friendly university, the family office of the TU Braunschweig has set up a parent-child room in the old building, which can be used by both staff and students with their children. The room with the number -029 is located on the first floor and can be reached barrier-free via the rear entrance of the old building and the elevator. The key to the room is in a key box next to the entrance door. The code for the box is available upon request at the Family Office (0531 391-4536,
After the water damage in the old parent-child room, we are very happy that the main campus now again offers a space for parents and children to work, play and take a break. We look forward to your requests!
Many parents are unsure how many boundaries they can or must set for their child.
need to set. Tantrums, discussions about media times or arguments between siblings
can be quite nerve-wracking. How can we lovingly and effectively
and effectively provide a framework to offer our children a safe space?
• The art of saying ‘no’
• Dealing with tantrums
• Defusing situations with humour
• Rules for a stress-free everyday life
• Opportunity to discuss individual questions, suggestions and examples
Lecturer: Stefanie Baumann, qualified educationalist and parent counsellor
In cooperation with the staff training programme, the Family Office is offering the training course on Thursday, 30 January 2025 from 10:00 to 11:30. Registration for employees takes place via Stud.IP with user identification and entry of the event number: 4.3.
Students please send an e-mail to:
Registration deadline: Monday, 13 January 2025 at 12:00 noon
Important note: The event has been postponed to 2025 - further information will follow.
A sudden care situation raises many questions. This event will provide you with initial answers and suggestions on how those seeking advice can prepare for a visit to the care support centre:
Speaker: Barbara Schmidtke, Care Support Centre Braunschweig
Employees please register via Stud.IP (, students please send an e-mail to:
Do you want to deal with a fair distribution of care work in your everyday life? In our workshop on Equal Care, we want to look at both structural dimensions and our personal challenges in relation to care. Together we will talk in an appreciative and fair atmosphere about how care work can be distributed fairly and thus counteract gender inequality. Mental load, role models, but also internalised beliefs play a role that should not be underestimated.
When: Tuesday, 19 November 2024 from 10:00 to 12:30
Where: to be announced
Duration: 2 hours workshop and exchange + 30 minutes break
Workshop leader: Luisa Perdomo Lopez & Anne-Christin Eggers
Places are limited. Please register by 13.11.2024 by e-mail at
Need childcare? The very little ones can of course come along and for the older ones you can use our flexible childcare offer:
Our next welcome talk with our President Prof. Angela Ittel will take place on 12 November 2024 in the morning.
All employees and students who had ‘TU-offspring’ last year or were unable to attend the last event are cordially invited to this year's welcome talk.
With an autumnal atmosphere, warm drinks and snacks, we would like to talk to you about your experiences as a parent(s) at the TU. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the other guests and explore the parent-child room.
Please register your participation with the number of people by 01.11.2024 at:
We look forward to getting to know you or seeing you again!
Dear parents and children,
We cordially invite you to our next parent-child meeting!
Together we want to celebrate the colourful season and implement craft ideas suitable for small children. We will use various materials to create autumnal decorations.
Snacks and drinks will be provided. Good humour and enthusiasm for handicrafts are very welcome!
When: Thursday, 24.10.2024 from 15:00 to approx. 17:00
Where: Inner courtyard of the old building (in case of rain we will move the meeting to the parent-child room in the old building)
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your team from the family office
The transition to university can be an exciting but also challenging time - especially for parents. In this interactive workshop, which has been specially designed for students with children, we want to make it easier for you to start your studies with care responsibilities and help you find a balance between studying and family life.
Whether you are newly enrolled or already have some experience - this workshop offers space for questions, ideas and mutual support.
When: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 from 10:00 to 12:30
Where: Parent-child room in the old building
Duration: 2 hours workshop and exchange + 30 minutes break
What can you expect?
Workshop leader: Luisa Perdomo Lopez
Places are limited. Please register by 18.10.2024 by e-mail at
Need childcare? The very little ones can of course come along and for the older ones you can use our flexible childcare offer:
We look forward to an inspiring exchange and to finding solutions together!
World Children's Day on 20 September is an important occasion to draw attention to the rights and well-being of children worldwide.
Numerous activities are organised on this day to raise awareness of children's rights and draw attention to the challenges faced by many children, including poverty, violence and lack of access to education. Organisations such as UNICEF use World Children's Day for campaigns and fundraising activities to support specific projects to improve the living conditions of children. You can find more information here.
The motto of World Children's Day is determined every year by the German Children's Fund together with UNICEF Germany. In 2024 it is ‘With children's rights into the future’. This year, World Children's Day is something very special, as it is celebrating its 70th anniversary.
The day is an opportunity to start a dialogue about children's rights - for a future in which every child has the chance to develop their full potential.
We're back again!
Join us for a new series of parent-child meetings at our summer special with free face painting, games and bubbles for all guests young and old.
When: 15.08.24
Time: 15:00-18:00
Where: Inner courtyard of the old building
We look forward to seeing you. :)
All working parents juggle the double burden of family and work. There's an urgent appointment at the office, but your daughter refuses to put her shoes on in the morning. Between household chores, meetings, raising children and parents' evenings, you rush from one thing to the next and often feel guilty in the process.
This event will give you practical strategies to make your everyday life less stressful and to create more time for positive family moments. There will also be space for individual questions and examples.
Lecturer: Stefanie Baumann, qualified educationalist and parent counsellor
In cooperation with the Personnel Training Department, the Family Office is offering further training on the topic of stress reduction in everyday family and work life on Thursday, 15 August 2024 from 10:00 to 11:30. Registration for employees is via Stud.IP with user ID and entry of the event number: 4.3.
If students are interested, please contact the Family Office by e-mail .
Registration deadline: Monday, 15 July 2024 at 12:00 noon
During the first three weeks of the summer holidays, Studierendenwerk OstNiedersachsen and TU Braunschweig offer holiday childcare for school children between the ages of 6 and 12. The offer is aimed exclusively at children of employees and students of TU Braunschweig and Studierendenwerk OstNiedersachsen.
The childcare weeks take place from 24.06. to 12.07.2024
Childcare hours: Mon-Fri from 7:30 - 16:00
Cost per child and week: €70
Up to 15 children between the ages of 6 and 12 are looked after by three carers per week. Registration is possible for 2 weeks of childcare (possibly for all three weeks depending on availability). Childcare can be offered with a minimum occupancy of five children.
Premises & programme:
The childcare rooms are located in the seminar room in the "Zwerge" daycare centre, Fallersleber-Tor-Wall 10, 38100 Braunschweig.
The programme is adapted to the age structure of the respective group. Planned activities include exploring local playgrounds, a visit to the zoo, mini golf, other excursions, a fancy dress party and much more.
Drinks and lunch are provided by the Studierendenwerk. Please bring breakfast from home.
Registration & contact:
Registration is possible from Monday, 05.02.2024, 9:00 am, please send an e-mail to Jan Schwarz:
Registration deadline is Friday, 31.05.2024, later registrations are only possible after consultation with Jan Schwarz
Please state when registering: desired holiday week(s), name and date of birth of the child, telephone number
Healthcare proxies and living wills are not issues that only affect older people. Anyone can suddenly and unexpectedly find themselves in a situation where they can no longer make decisions or act on their own, whether due to illness, coma, dementia or an accident.
You will learn what you need to know about health care proxies and living wills and which steps you should consider and implement as quickly as possible.
Lecturer: Barbara Schmidtke, Braunschweig Care Support Centre
In cooperation with the Personnel Training Department, the Family Office is offering further training on the topic of precautionary options on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 . Registration for employees takes place via Stud.IP with user identification and entry of the event number: 4.4.
If students are interested, please contact the Family Office via e-mail.
Registration deadline: Thursday, 23 May 2024 at 12:00 noon
Even in our decade, women do more care work every day than men, as the Federal Statistical Office's time utilisation survey shows. Women who have children work around 40 hours a week unpaid, in addition to their job. Society's and their own expectations of mothers and the role of motherhood are high and unattainable for many. What are the consequences of this and how can we deal with it? Against this background, we want to look at old and new beliefs together and discuss them with the help of quotes from current literature, TV series and other media: What helps and what can be removed?
As part of Health Week 2024, we are offering an online lecture on 4 June 2024 from 09:30 to 10:30 under the motto "Motherhood, mental load and mindset - "There's more than on type of good mother".
In preparation for the lecture, take a look at the images of mothers in your favourite series and bring a quote with you. You can find more information about the full programme and the application form here. We look forward to seeing you there!
As part of this year's Diversity Days, we are organizing a picture book cinema with the author Karin Beese together with the university library.
She will be reading from her diversity children's book series "Nelly und die Berlinchen" for children aged 2-8.
The "Berlinchen" - these are the friends Nelly, Amina and Hannah. Together they experience the greatest adventures. The picture book series shows the everyday life of pre-school children and depicts various dimensions of diversity in a way that is sensitive to discrimination.
All books in the children's book series are published by HaWandel Verlag. The book "Nelly und die Berlinchen - Rettung auf dem Spielplatz" was awarded the "Respekt-Gewinnt-Preis" by the Berliner Ratschlag für Demokratie in 2016.
The Diversity Days 2024 will take place from 28.05. to 04.06.2024 and are part of the Focus Year Racism-Critical University. Further information on the diverse program can be found here.
We are looking forward to two great lectures!
Time: The readings will take place from 15:00-16:00 and 16:30-17:30.
Location: University Library ground floor, barrier-free, Universitätsplatz 1
(c) HaWandel Publishing House / Mathilde Rousseau
On behalf of the President, Professor Dr. Angela Ittel, we cordially invite all parents who have had "TU offspring" in the last year or who were unable to attend the last appointment to a welcome talk. Of course, your children are also invited if they have time :-).
In a pre-Christmas atmosphere with a hot drink and biscuits, we would like to talk to you about your experiences as a (part of) a parent at the TU and give you the opportunity to talk to the other guests and explore the room.
When: 15.12.2023, 10-11 a.m., followed by an open exchange until 12 noon
Where: Parent-child room in the old building (room 029)
Please register (with the number of people) in the family office
until 1.12.2023: familienbuero(at)
Do you also want to ring in the autumn with a little craft activity?
On Tuesday, 10/17/2023, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. you have the opportunity
to participate with your children in our small autumn craft activity in the parent-child room (Altgebäude, room 029).
We have prepared beautiful ideas that can be implemented in a toddler-friendly way
and the materials for this are also already available. So just come by and get started :-).
We look forward to seeing you!
How do we talk to children about war and flight?
The images of the war in Ukraine are currently everywhere, and children are asking questions, wanting to know more and trying to understand what is happening. But how do we talk to younger children about the war without overwhelming them? The Association of Binational Families and Partnerships has put together a selection of 12 international picture books that can help children and adults.
Download the book list as a PDF file (unfortunately only available in German).
Since 01.02.2022, Matrix has gone live as the new TU Messenger and will replace the previously used Rocket.Chat in the future. Rocket.Chat will be switched off at the end of the summer semester 2022.
We invite all interested TU members with family responsibilities to our "Family Office" room, where we can share news and information and exchange ideas:
The new mailing list for student parents at the TU Braunschweig is here. In these times exchange and contact is more important than ever. After you have registered with a TU mail address, you can write your own contributions to the list and read the mails of other students with child(ren) and reply to them. This way, uncomplicated exchange is possible. Subscribe now!